Zerg Evolution Journey

Chapter 174 You're welcome!Come on!

Chapter 174 You're welcome!Come on!

Thinking aggregate, it has no form, it is an independent spiritual body formed by the aggregation of swarm thinking, but at the same time, it also belongs to each worm.

Xiao Hei's spirit is also involved in it, as the identity of the leader.

Although there is no entity, the huge mental fluctuations can make all existences perceive that there is something invisible and non-existent, but at the same time it seems to exist.

The birds in the air, the beasts walking on the ground, all the "lower" creatures that approached the swarm, couldn't bear the mental pressure spreading from the sky to the surroundings, and passed out.

The descendants of the silver dragon are very strong, but this is also a relative term. They cannot see the thinking aggregate, and when the mental pressure suddenly emitted by the insect swarm hit their hearts hard, it also made them show a look of fear.

"What is that? God?" The shocking pressure forced them to think about something.

They can only feel that kind of spiritual strength from the so-called gods.

Of course, that's not the case. Some gods' spirits may be very frantic, but that's only a very small number, and most of them are very peaceful, especially the natural gods.

As for the thinking aggregation of the swarm, the mental fluctuations emitted by the swarm are said to be frenzied, but that kind of mental wavelength is very stable, but if it is said to be gentle, that kind of spirit is emitting anger, as if to tear them all apart. Generally broken.

"no, do not want!"

It was her spirit voice again, she might have guessed what Xiao Hei was going to do.

She was very lucky that Xiao Hei came here with a powerful army, but it was not because Xiao Hei came here, but because he became stronger and had a huge power left.

But her will remains unchanged, the swarms are very strong, she can see it, but she knows that even if the swarms in front of her eyes seem to block the sky, they still cannot be compared with Fallen Moon, not only in her In the heart, in the hearts of all the descendants of the silver dragon, a thought has long been deeply ingrained.

Only the flame of the silver dragon can disperse the evil in the world and save them. Charity does not want to die, nor does she want to die, but she is willing to make sacrifices, for the sake of the people, but not just for the people...

A spiritual sound touched the normal operation of the ceremony again. She suffered an impact, and Xiao Hei, who was on the nest of the fortress, felt it very clearly. It had never been so clear before.

Now he is no longer just himself, his spirit has been sublimated, although it is only temporary, but he still does not feel as powerful as he is now.

This is not just talking. Although the bugs in the swarm are still at the stage of physical strength, he himself has long since given up his own physical evolution alone. He has stepped into the spiritual level, which allows him to Reaching a power system that is difficult for mortal creatures to reach.

The thinking aggregation of millions of bugs, what kind of powerful spiritual power is this?Now he can do things that he didn't dare to think about before, which also makes him "see" more deeply when peeping at things.

He saw the silver dragon, but it was no longer the huge skeleton on the ground, but a white phantom. He was crazily absorbing the spirit from the devotees. gradually become real.

Similarly, he was looking at him, and he was also looking at him...

Yinlong's spirit is not yet stable. Rather than saying that he possesses self-awareness, it is better to say that he is now a puppet, a puppet controlled by the subconscious mind before the main consciousness has recovered.

He doesn't know how powerful the thinking aggregate is, and he doesn't know what this thing can do. He only knows that a piece of cake suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, but the cake is a bit big. He wants to eat it, but he may not be able to eat it It's over!
He opened his mouth wide, and the spirit of the thinking aggregate turned into ripples and flew towards him. Xiao Hei didn't stop him. He deliberately relaxed the spirit of the entire aggregate, so that "self" had no ability to resist.

Yinlong's spirit has never tasted this kind of taste, and his beating spirit wavelength is telling Xiao Hei, this is not enough!He swallowed more greedily, but even so, greedy, he still did not give up the spirit of sucking other people.

And at this moment, the originally relaxed thinking body suddenly moved!As if turning into a giant, the huge palm strangled the silver dragon's throat.

Yinlong was struggling, but the thinking aggregate didn't let him go. Xiao Hei had weird emotions, perhaps mixed with a lot of anger, and his consciousness said to Yinlong: "You're welcome! Come on!"

Afterwards, the spirit flocked to Yinlong, and this was not so gentle, he was plugging, and it was not an ordinary plug, it was a plug that hit the critical point again and again!
The soul, thinking, and spirit don't feel pain, but that doesn't mean they can't feel pain.

The power pouring into Yinlong's spirit tore apart his condensed spirit again and again, cracks and leaks appeared in his spirit, and the swallowed spirit rushed out of his cracked spiritual body.

But these leaked spiritual powers were not wasted, they were taken away by the thinking aggregate, and then forcibly stuffed into the silver dragon's mouth again.

The silver dragon without main consciousness can't think, he doesn't know how to deal with the situation in front of him, he subconsciously wants to resist, but the spirit that strangles him is too strong, that's not what a single creature can contend with, he used to be a god, yes , but it is only a demigod, a demigod with a material body, not even the main god of elements...

Coupled with the wear and tear of the past, his spirit is no longer as strong as it used to be, and he was very weak before. If not, how could he rely on the spirit of others to be resurrected?
Painful, mad, chaotic, and oppressive, the silver dragon can no longer unconsciously link the spirits of other people.

At this moment, all the devotees who were connected with him were liberated, as if they were cut off in an instant, they did not suffer any harm, but suddenly felt that their souls were constantly being devoured, the spirit and The ritual effect of the mind is interrupted, and even though the ritual seems to be working, it is.

The victims were stunned, and so was Charlotte. She didn't know what happened, but felt that the only remaining sense of existence that she could sense had disappeared.

Not only him, everyone present is like this. Although they are descendants of the silver dragon, they are mortal creatures after all. What the silver dragon leaves behind is not pure soul, it is just a remnant trace, what he leaves behind is the spirit , It is consciousness, which is a higher level, beyond the level defined by the soul. The soul is just the carrier of consciousness, just like the body is the container of the soul.

In the eyes of all the people and beasts, all they saw was the ritual in motion, the swarm of insects in the sky, and nothing changed in the surroundings, nor did they take any actions.

But everything has changed, but they can't see it.

"What the hell is going on here? What did you do?"

The soul was liberated, and the thinking was not restrained. Italin stopped the ceremony. She knew that it would be useless to continue to operate. She started to inquire, and she was familiar with the sky, but she was unfamiliar, but she still wanted to see His.

Yinlong's spirit has been completely decadent, and he has no sense of resistance. Hearing her spiritual voice, the thinking aggregate let go of Yinlong.

Xiao Hei didn't know if he should be happy now. He knew that Charity might be angry with him. Even though he didn't know much about this ceremony, he could feel that Charity did it voluntarily.

Xiao Hei didn't understand the ceremony, and likewise, Charity didn't know Xiao Hei either, maybe he did, but that was only at the beginning, they only met once after that, they may be the closest but also the strangest people.


What does Xiao Hei want to explain? Although he doesn't understand the ritual, he knows that all of this is due to the Fallen Moon. He wants to tell Charlotte what he has and what he may change. He is no longer what she used to be. Little bug, she doesn't need to sacrifice herself, he can, he can solve it.

However, at this juncture, Yinlong, who was originally weak and had no sense of resistance, suddenly moved!He opened his mouth wide, and jumped at the person he subconsciously believed that as long as he could get rid of it, he could cause severe mental trauma to the threat... person!

(End of this chapter)

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