Zerg Evolution Journey

Chapter 183 The Phantom of the Past

Chapter 183 The Phantom of the Past

Revisiting the old place, things are different, this is not wrong. At this time, Xiao Hei and Xia Litier are no longer what they used to be. Gained the stability that only time can bring.

"Do you remember this place? We used to play and play here. I also dug a hole here and caught a tortoise." Looking at the nearby land, Xiao Hei couldn't help feeling endless emotions and memories. read.

Isn't it Charitear?In Xiao Hei's consciousness, she felt the emotional fluctuations coming from her consciousness.

"We played together, hunted together, and slept together. Our life was peaceful and peaceful. Looking back now, it was the happiest time in my life."

Charlie Till also responded with emotion, but she only spoke half of what she said. No matter how much they missed their past life, it has passed. Childhood is beautiful, but they have grown up, and the world they have to face , It is no longer as simple as it was in the eyes when I was young.

Looking around, this place is not big, but that is now, in the eyes of Xiao Hei, this place is very vast, not only a place to play, but also a place to hunt.

There are shadows left by them in the past everywhere here. Nostalgia is a very interesting emotion. It can make the most hard-hearted people feel an indescribable warmth from the bottom of their hearts. He is no exception, let alone him. Not a heart of stone.

At this time, Xiao Hei seemed to see countless phantoms, which were their young bodies, chasing, playing, fighting, sharing, and cuddling together looking at the night sky.

Shaking his head slightly, the phantom of the past disappeared. He missed the past and wanted to return to the peaceful time, but he knew that he couldn't.

The buried hole loosened under his consciousness, and the scale that was sleeping in it floated out.

Time seems to have stopped on it, it is still so beautiful, crystal clear, and under the sunlight, it exudes a gentle brilliance like white jade.

Xiao Hei devoured it, this scale containing the essence of Shalitear, and through the psychic signal, he transmitted the information he obtained to the insect swarm far away.

A unique egg was conceived by the nest of the fortress. It did not hatch quickly. This white jade-like egg mutated very slowly, very slowly.

Up to now, this is the most serious time Xiao Hei has done. He is more serious about integrating the gene sequence than when he mutated his current body.

But it didn't take too much time. In less than an hour, the basic work was completed, and all that was left was to wait for the eggs hatching and the swarm of insects gestating Shalitier's body to arrive.

Walking in the forest, Xiaohei and Xia Litier recalled the past, the peaceful and warm atmosphere, as if they had returned to the past, they recalled the past one by one, feeling the warmth brought by the memories.

They, no, he "carried" her through the forest, in this limited leisure time, in this forest full of memories, watching the phantoms of the past appearing, listening to the laughter left behind through the ages, feeling that has long been forgotten. Time is erased, but still pay attention to the beauty in my heart.

At sunset, he sat by the lake, looking at the stars in the sky with her, looking at the reflection in the lake, feeling the breeze on his face, and listening to the night language and singing.

However, like many things, the good times are always short-lived. When the oriental fish was revealed, Xiao Hei received a bad news, which sounded a bit unscrupulous, from Italin.

"Well, I seem to have to wait a while before I can find you!"

Apart from the news, Xiao Hei was puzzled and asked, but made him frown.

"The Zulong Empire fought against the Mingyue Empire unannounced, leading an army of millions. They have already broken through the Cracking Mountain Fort, Black Flame Peak, and Linshui City. Most of the Mingyue Empire's troops have already withdrawn. I think you don't want to see it. The Mingyue Empire will be destroyed, so I intercepted it without authorization..."

Italin's words stopped here, she didn't finish her words, and Xiao Hei didn't spend a day or two with her, so he naturally sensed it and started to ask.

"and then?"

Xiao Hei had received a special psychic signal, and the image of Italin sticking out her tongue appeared in her mind. If Xiao Hei used the words of her previous life, she was acting maliciously.

"Oh, for the first contact, they were defeated and lost a little bit of troops."

Hearing this, Xiao Hei couldn't help showing a surprised expression. He knew the ability of Etrein, and now she has a swarm of millions of insects, which can interfere with human magic equipment, and the extremely targeted thunder Needle bees are also in the swarm, and there are not a few of them. First contact, lost?This seems a bit unbelievable.

"How much?" Xiao Hei frowned and asked about the loss.

"It's not much, it's only half!" Italin said in a cute and inappropriate way.

"Puff~~~~What, what?" When the signal came, Xiao Hei's eyes widened, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out, half ah?A total of more than 50 bugs were all wiped out at the first contact?

I don't know if it's because of excitement or something else. At this time, Xiao Hei's head is dizzy. He really can't think of human beings. From the present point of view, the threat of the Zulong Empire to the insect swarm is no longer as great as it used to be. , how could it be possible to lose half of the insect swarm in one encounter.

Xiao Hei was very angry, very angry, but he didn't turn his anger on Italin, just like his trust in Iterin's ability. During her time as the commander of the swarm, it can be said that the swarm was invincible and invincible. Ke, as long as you watch all the battles, Etrein can predict the many possibilities that will arise in the future, and she has not made any mistakes.

If even she suffered a big loss when confronting the enemy, wouldn't she be completely wiped out?He is not wise enough to blame a capable commander. If he wants to blame it, blame the enemy's commander for being stronger.

"What do you mean?" It was concise, clear, and without too much nonsense. Even though Etrein was defeated, he still valued her ability very much.

But this time, the signal from Italin became very serious, and Xiao Hei's mind almost reproduced her once calm face: "I know who the enemy is this time, I Know him, he knows me, but I won't lose."

"Do you know him? Who is he? It's hard for me to think of anyone who is stronger than you in terms of military leadership." Xiao Hei asked.

In the signal from Italin, there was a sigh first, and then he replied: "The undefeated God of War of the Zulong Empire, the love of my life, he has long been killed in battle, Pelux Brogros."

(End of this chapter)

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