Zerg Evolution Journey

Chapter 195 An Arranged Unaware Person

Chapter 195 An Arranged Unaware Person

The middle-aged man died, and the fragments of Haliram's fangs flew to Hatherine's side again. She handed the dagger to Xiao Hei (Italian) again and said, "Be careful, if it is lost , then we'll get out of here."

After the words fell, Hatherine flew back to the floating disc, ignoring Xiao Hei and the others.

Hatherine's words were a little unclear, but this was no longer what Xiao Hei cared about. Instead, he was a little interested in the uncle who was killed.

"I didn't expect your Legendary Mage Council to be thieves!" Xiao Hei's tone was a bit frivolous, and he was asking Mu La next to him.

Mulla smiled slightly and said, "Thief? No, that's just a scornful name. In essence, space-time thieves are not thieves. They are just a group of mortals who are more envious, poor people!"

"What do you mean by that?" Xiao Hei was puzzled.

Mula casually brought a book from the bookshelf, knowing everything, and started talking to Xiao Hei: "Those are guys who can travel through different time and space at will, but this is not their original intention, but they are forced to be helpless. , They were deprived of most of their lives by the ancient gods or the subordinate gods of the ancient gods, and the meaning of their existence is just to please a pair of twins!"

Time and space thieves, this is very interesting, they are not thieves in the true sense, but a group of people chosen by God, and the same is true for time and space hunters.

The way of thinking of gods and mortals is very different, but some of them are the same in the differences. Some gods have no emotions, and some have emotions, but this refers to the primordial gods, while the outer gods are different. They have almost all of them. mood.

The so-called primordial gods are gods born with the world as the foundation, while the outer gods were born without the world as the foundation. They may have been born when the universe was formed (created), and the Creator The gods who created the world for humans, and the ancient gods who transcended all definitions of existence, are all included in the outer gods.

The world is created, and the emotions in this world come from the creators, humans, and subspecies. They are the most complex emotions among all creatures, and they are also the existence closest to the outer gods.

Mortals will feel bored when they have nothing to do, especially the Outer Gods. They almost have nothing to demand, and the reason why they create things, um...in fact, there is no grand reason, just because of boredom.

This is very similar to human beings. When a person has no demanding things, he will always make some messy things to pass the time, but what about being a god who has no life limit?Of course they would.

The time-space thief and the time-space hunter were born in this very boring atmosphere, and the god who built this system has a lot of background.

The ancient gods have their own representations, Kasim, Eternity, Love, Taznom, Corruption, Distortion, Ram, Wrath, Infinity, Kamacum, Magic, Energy, Rules, Haliram, Chaos, Honkai, Sinnacem, Past, Future, Present, Ashram, Mercy, Grace, Hanna Rom, Sacredness, Justice, Commandments and so on and so forth.

Among the ancient gods, there is such a special pair, they are a pair of twins, Enlosham, the No.14 ancient god, representing miracles, curiosity, and games.

No.15 ancient god, Yanaam, represents reward, punishment, absolute.

Of course, the things represented by the ancient gods were not determined by themselves, but some existences who had contacted them made their representatives.

Enlosham and Yanaam are very special existences even among the ancient gods that mortals think are extremely weird. Ancient gods generally do not contact with mortals, let alone intervene in mortal affairs, but they are different, Not only do they like to intervene in mortal affairs, but they also have regular and direct contact. Moreover, they are not images of spiritual bodies in the material world.

Indeed, their bodies are indeed in the spiritual universe, but they will often replace their own images in various material universes.

But unlike their elder brothers, Enlosham and Yanaam have no direct influence on the material universe. Therefore, they often become mortals and integrate into mortal society... It may be a good thing to do things, It may also be a bad thing. It's all about what they want to do. For them, this is just a boring game.

Time-space hunters and time-space thieves were born in their hands, and they are also for the game. They specify the rules, choose people they think can join them, and they issue tasks in some form to let the selected mortals fight or make troubles. And myself, as a spectator, is like a popcorn customer in a movie theater.

Winners, they give rewards, and losers, they give punishments.

Obviously, this pair of twins who like to make troubles released some characters who are in troubled waters. Of course, this is not necessarily their real deities, but it may also be a task issued by the gods of the ancient gods who want to please their subordinates. , they participated in it and acted as a sieve to remove some unsightly things, leaving interesting real world facts to contribute to their masters.

After Mulla finished speaking, she closed the book and handed it back.

But what Mulla said made Xiao Hei stunned, muttering in his heart, why does this sound so much like the so-called system?
Seeing Xiao Hei dazed, Mu La giggled and said, "You may be among them!"

"Huh? No, no, I don't have that kind of thing on me." When Mulla compared himself to a space-time thief, Xiao Hei immediately denied it.

But Mulla shook her head and said, "I'm not talking about space-time thieves, but you. Your soul doesn't belong to this world."

Xiao Hei didn't know how the other party knew, but he didn't deny it, and it wasn't necessary.

"The subordinate gods of the twin ancient gods all have the same personality as them. They like to meddle in the affairs of mortals, or turn into mortals. You must know that there are only two kinds of worlds with life, one is unowned, and the other is mortal. The seed has an owner.

"In a world without gods, those strange powers do not exist. All creatures are just the most basic mortal things. In a world without gods, there is no soul. You, it is impossible to come here.

"Secondly, although in the world with gods, all things have souls, but they belong to gods, or they are the circulatory system built by gods. Without the influence of gods, souls cannot leave the world, and possess gods. The world itself will resist foreign souls. If you want to leave a certain world, there are only three possibilities. First, your soul does not belong to God, that is, you are still alive and have a container. Second, you are exiled by God , and thirdly, you were tampered with by the outer gods, and your soul was conceived in a world without gods and soul circulation system, and then you left the world you were supposed to be in under the fiddle of the gods."

"You can think about it, before you came to this world, have you ever met someone special! Maybe they are the incarnations of Outer Gods, and these Outer Gods usually choose which career is unsatisfactory, unpopular, and dead No one cares about someone who will start, and once you are selected by them, you will be monitored by them for the rest of your life without knowing it. Your past life is a publication for them to pass the time, oh! On the one hand, we mortals are all under the watchful eyes of the gods, for example, we mages will always be watched by Kamakum!"

Mulla said it lightly, but if it is as she said, how can people not care about it?At the same time, because of her words, a memory flooded into Xiao Hei's mind.

Many of his memories have been blurred, but he remembers this incident very clearly, especially one person in this incident.

That was when he was on his way home from get off work, he was very tired and wanted to go home quickly to rest, but just as he passed the corner of the street, he bumped into a little girl who seemed to be only fourteen or fifteen years old, she was wearing a black Long skirt, wearing a black parasol on a rainless night, with a rose engraved on it, a very strange rose, it is not a plant, but a rose made of octopus tentacles...

The girl was not angry, because it was Xiao Hei who hit him and fell backwards.

Xiao Hei was very surprised at the time, where did a little girl get such strength?

The girl smiled at him and held out her hand.

Xiao Hei smiled apologetically, took the little hand, and apologized to her after getting up from the ground.

The girl, on the other hand, smiled playfully, looked at the coffee shop not far away and said, "Can you buy me a drink? Little brother!"

"Huh? Little brother?" Xiao Hei had a weird face, wondering if the little girl had a dark belly.

But because of his identity as a "violent person", Xiao Hei still didn't pull down his face to talk about her, he just smiled awkwardly, and then, in order to express his apology, he invited this guest.

Xiao Hei ordered coffee, juice and some desserts, but before the food was served, he was attracted by the LCD TV in the coffee shop, no, to be precise, it was the advertisement on it.

With just one glance, Xiao Hei took out his mobile phone and muttered: "The expansion pack is on sale! It must be reserved."

"What? Do you like that game very much?" At this moment, the girl spoke, with a hint of interest in her eyes.

Xiao Hei didn't look at the girl's expression, and replied when he entered his account number into the phone: "Of course, although this game is only played by 180 people, it is my favorite game, and the protagonist in this expansion pack , is also my favorite character!"

When the words fell, Xiao Hei had already completed the reservation, and at the same time, all the things he ordered came up.

The girl smiled and didn't say much. After dessert, the girl wiped her lips and looked at him.

"Thank you for your sacrifice, I wish your dreams come true!" After finishing speaking, the girl got up and left the coffee shop.

At that time, Xiao Hei didn't care about it at all, just treat this girl as a little junior high school student, after all, her age seemed to be at that time.

But thinking about it now, he has a feeling of being arranged, is it his illusion?Xiao Hei would rather this be an illusion...

 Oops!It's Calvin's rush!What should I do?ヾ(;;Д;;)……………Hmmm(_`), forget it, let’s go! (ㄏ ̄▽ ̄)ㄏㄟ( ̄▽ ̄ㄟ)
(End of this chapter)

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