Zerg Evolution Journey

Chapter 201 Fudge's Whispers!

Chapter 201 Fudge's Whispers!
"Young man! Do you desire power?"

The silent whisper came into Bagu's ears, no, it was in his heart, as if it was a voice emerging from the depths of his heart.

Bagu, who was talking with Carlo, was stunned for a moment, ignoring Carlo's questioning, and shouted: "Who is it? Who is talking?"

There was a puzzled expression on Carlo's face. In her eyes, Bagu's sudden movement was a bit abnormal. Here, only she and Bagu were talking, and the others remained silent. Who was he asking?she?Obviously not, but no one else is talking here?
"Bagu, what's the matter with you?" Puzzled, Carlo asked.

Bagu wanted to tell Carlo what he heard, but at this moment, the voice from the bottom of his heart interrupted him.

"You, do you want to defeat Roshan?"

Bagu didn't know the origin of that voice, but the words he said were very tempting to him.

There are no demons in this era. Bagu naturally doesn't think about it when talking about the contract. He can only feel that an opportunity to help the tribe and get rid of the threat of the cold winter is in front of him.

"I think! Who are you?"

Bagu asked, and Carlo and his people next to him became even more strange, and looked around, but they couldn't hear the sound, they could only hear Bagu yelling. For a while, everyone thought that it was because of the recent The excessive pressure caused Bagu's thinking to be unclear.

And Xiao Hei on the other side was asked who are you by Bagu at this time, yes, who is he?Of course he can't answer the answer with facts, he needs an identity, an identity that can help him accomplish his goal.

After a moment of silence, Xiao Hei still didn't answer the question of his identity, because he needed to make some preparations and maintain a sense of mystery. If he made up his identity now, the other party might not believe it.

"Want to know who I am? Look to the east, have you seen that mountain?" Xiao Hei asked back.

According to his words, Bagu looked towards the east. This is their hunting ground. Of course, the surrounding environment is very familiar. There is indeed a huge mountain in the east, which has an altitude of several thousand meters, but in the eyes of future people, it is thousands of meters above sea level. To them, the altitude of [-] meters is nothing more than a mountain of several hundred meters.

The mountain is not high for them, and it is not difficult to climb it, but they have never climbed it. The reason is very simple and unnecessary. There are no creatures worth hunting on the mountain. Compared with the flat land, it can be said that it is very Barren, nothing is worth their risk to climb.

Looking at the huge mountain, Ba Gu said, "I see, where are you?"

"If you want to defeat Roshan, come and meet me in the cave on the top of the mountain on the night of the full moon!" Xiao Hei replied, the voice he conveyed to Bagu was extremely majestic, and he gave Bagu a kind, The master of that voice, the feeling of aloofness.

Afterwards, Bagu asked tentatively again, but the voice that rose from his heart never responded again. He didn't know if he had hallucinations, but that voice was too real. It is not the sense of reality that hallucinations can create.

Bagu was silent for a moment, but he was awakened by Carlo and the others not long after he was silent. They felt that there was something wrong with Bagu's spirit and persuaded him to go back and rest.

But Bagu refused. He looked at the moon in the sky. Although there was no astronomy in this era, at least they could predict whether the moon was round or short.

"Three days?" Bagu murmured to himself.

He chose to believe that voice, although that voice was very strange, but that kind of high-ranking feeling gave Bagu an illusion that the other party was very powerful?No, his feeling is not biased, Xiao Hei is indeed very powerful.

Bagu refused to return to the tribe. At the same time, he agreed to Carlo's previous proposal that he would no longer trouble Roshan, but chose to hunt other creatures to maintain the consumption of the tribe.

But this is only temporary. In Bagu's heart, there is a sense of anticipation that is almost unbearable. He hopes that the night of the full moon will come soon, and he wants to see the existence whispering in his heart. Can he really gain the power to defeat Roshan as he said?
Bagu, Carlo and the people who hunted with them continued the night hunting. At this time, Xiao Hei, he did not continue to follow those human ancestors, but thought of the building he was referring to when he fooled Bagu. Alpine gone.

Xiao Hei's power is not limited by traveling through time and space. He hides in the sub-dimension and runs quickly, and soon reaches the top of the mountain. Here is a white scene, it is very cold here, and everywhere is covered with perennial thorns. The snow, under the moonlight, reflected the dazzling silver light.

Well, it’s beautiful here, Xiao Hei doesn’t hate this kind of scenery, on the contrary, he likes it very much, it gives him a sense of loneliness that is beyond the reach of heights, of course, this is a literary term, in other words , It's the feeling of being forced to advance. Just standing here, the whole person has a feeling of being forced.

Of course, Xiao Hei didn't come here to experience the heights. He has a real business, which is how to carry out his deception to the end.

His purpose is to disguise himself as a god. If this is in the future, it is of course impossible. Others are not stupid. Who is a god and who is a mortal and still can't understand?
But it was different in this Yuanzu era. Humans, no, among all intelligent races, there is no theoretical knowledge about the difference between mortals and gods. To put it bluntly, in the eyes of these people, the so-called gods refer to It is those very, very powerful existences. Sometimes, some creatures are not gods, but because of their pure strength, they are recognized as gods by other races and enshrined. In this era, such things are not uncommon. .

The reason why human beings have not believed in other gods after the fall of their creator is not because of the word piety, but simply because they are not one or two points stronger than other subspecies, even if they are far away from them A long time has passed since the heyday of the human race, and they have degenerated a lot, but even so, there may still be some returning humans in the group, and this state is called awakening by them.

Once human beings awaken, they will become just like their ancestors. That kind of powerful power is stronger than some creatures regarded as gods by other people. However, everything has advantages and disadvantages. After returning to the ancestors, human beings will become It must be the same as their selection group, abnormally short-lived, and may die within a few years.

It is precisely because of the existence of atavistic human beings that it is difficult for natural beliefs to spread among human groups, so that they are still in a state of no belief. In this situation, until the natural gods completely set the rules of the world, And after officially disseminating their beliefs, at that time, as the magic was transmitted from the hands of the demons to all races, during the journey of exploring magic, humans, sub-races, and aliens really understood what is originally in their eyes. A very mysterious and elusive god.

So, what Xiao Hei has to do now is to fool those big idiots into believing that he is a god. This may be difficult, but it may also be easy. Without a detailed understanding of the original human beings, he cannot draw a conclusion.

It's useless to think too much, in order to achieve the first step of deception, he needs something that can make him look so high above the sky, for example, a temple that can't be built by manpower!

(End of this chapter)

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