Zerg Evolution Journey

Chapter 34 Queen of the Yellowstone Rift Valley

Chapter 34 Queen of the Yellowstone Rift Valley
"Can't fight back? He doesn't have magic power on him, it should just be stronger." Xiao Hei, who ran away together, asked in his heart.

But at this moment, Tsubaki, who hadn't spoken since coming here, knocked on Xiao Hei's head and said, "It's useless, those are Danuya, the servants of the ancient gods, they are immune to magic, and their physical strength has reached With the level of steel, you can only use non-magical means to cause damage to them, such as air bombs, but the girl named Charlene, her strength is too low, and she can't reach the level of crushing metal at all."

At the same time, Biona also replied to him with similar words: "No, Danuya is immune to magic, and her physical strength is too high. With our strength, we can't do damage at all."

Chun and Biyona's words are undoubtedly telling Xiao Hei that this monster is very terrifying.

Although the laboratory is very large, several people are in a hurry, and it didn't take long for the hanging corpse room when they came to be close in front of them.

However, when several people rushed into the hanging corpse room and were about to pass through the portal, they saw Danuya who was supposed to be behind them, but appeared beside the portal, crushing the scroll into pieces with one hand.

"How come?" Xiao Hei said to himself in a daze.

Perhaps seeing what was going on in Xiao Hei's mind, Tsubaki smiled indifferently and said, "Danoya can tear apart space, not to mention legends, cross-border is fine!"

"My Cao, what kind of perverted thing is this?" Chun's words almost made Xiao Hei vomit blood on the spot.

However, Tsubaki would still say something nice, she reminded Xiao Hei as if talking to herself: "Oh, these things have no brains, if it is not immune to magic, a mental tear can make these things go to see their masters. "

Mental attack!

Xiao Hei was like waking up from a dream, and when other people showed despairing expressions on their faces, he shouted in his heart: "Charlene..."

"No way!" Xiao Hei's Missing just raised his head, and Charlene next to her hugged her breasts, interrupting her with a blushing face.

The previous fit was a bit embarrassing. Xiao Hei is a bug right now, but his soul is still a person. When he completely fits a girl and feels the soft touch, the male instinct goes ahead of his reason With that one step, the fitting part of a certain place unconsciously squirmed a few times, and these feelings were clearly passed into someone's heart.

But now, when you are still entangled in such things, your life is almost gone, who cares about this?Xiao Hei doesn't care!
But others didn't want it, and Xiao Hei didn't dare to force it, so he opened his mouth wide and put Chun in his mouth.

"Ah!" Chun screamed, "What are you going to do? You still want to eat me at this hour?"

eat?how is this possible?He had only one purpose, a very thin tentacle shot out from his mouth, and directly pierced into Tsubaki's small spine.

"Let me use it!"

"What? Can I borrow it? Let me out now..." Chun began to toss in Xiao Hei's mouth, but after only a moment, she stopped moving.

And Xiao Hei murmured in his heart: "I'm sorry!"

For a moment, Xiao Hei felt his spiritual power suddenly surge, and it rolled in his mind like a tsunami. He originally thought that as an envoy of God, Chun's mental power could not be low, but he didn't expect that, Chun's mental power is so terrifying, how much power is hidden in her little head?
But now is not the time to care about these things. Xiao Hei's spirit has always been connected with the Seven Sisters, but he has an independent connection with Chun. took a step.

For a moment, everyone's head was full of pain, and then they felt, their own head?Spirit?Or thinking or something was copied and left the body, and at the same time these thinking abilities were gathered together, and a familiar independent thinking body that resembled their own but was not theirs appeared.

And at the moment when the thinking aggregate was condensed, Xiao Hei launched that frightening move, and a worm roared: "Thinking storm!"

Chaotic and orderly, full of aggressive mental power attacked Danuya's consciousness. At this moment, the cannon fodder of this extremely powerful high-level life form screamed and hugged its head, kneeling on the ground in pain, and the coward who begged for life Same.

The cold light flickered, the monomolecular-level sharp claws sliced ​​through Danuya's chest, and the venomous back thorns sprayed out one after another, piercing through the exposed heart.

The mighty, invincible, cannon fodder who despises the mortal beings, just like that, his six eyes turned white, his arms drooped, and he fell silently to the ground.

The link was disconnected, and the thinking aggregate also disappeared. Xiao Hei shook his drowsy head and spat out the wet toon.

At this time, the Seven Sisters were already stunned in place. Before they even understood what was going on, Danuya fell down, and this powerful creature was just knocked down by Xiao Hei's claws.

Biona rubbed her eyes, looked at the scene in disbelief, didn't care about the sudden relaxation in her head, looked at Xiao Hei and stammered slightly: "Little, Xiao Hei, this, this is what happened?"

The thinking aggregate is under the control of Xiao Hei, and the link does not mean that the memory will be shared. To be precise, it just borrowed the brain, and they can't even feel the existence of the ninth person.

"It's nothing. Although this monster is powerful, its intelligence level is very low and its mental power is low. I interfered with it with mental intrusion."

A few people are still in a daze, but the facts are already in front of them, so what's the point of asking more?
After a short period of calm, Harleen tugged at the corner of Biyona's clothes and asked, "Sister, the portal has been destroyed, how should we get out of here?"

Harlein's reminder also brought everyone back to their senses. That's right, how should they get out of here? If this place is really in hell or other independent closed space, they might stay here forever.

"Let's look around and see if there are other portals." Biona didn't know what to do, so she could only use the most stupid method.

The laboratory is very large and the passages are complicated. The place where they are located is just a small area. Several people discuss it, and search in groups of two, so that they can take care of each other and set a time and place. After round.

The main training room, inside a staircase leading to the ground.

"Well, I didn't do it on purpose just now, look, I'm just a bug, so don't worry about it!" Xiao Hei and Charlene were divided into a group, and because of something before, the atmosphere between the two was very tense subtle.

"Shut up, you pervert!" Charlene cursed at Xiao Hei, her expression was quite different from usual, she was not as calm and strong as usual, on the contrary, she looked unnatural and a little angry, but Something other than anger... well, like... shame!

This made Xiao Hei think of the three words "contrasting and cute", but it shouldn't be, he is just a bug, and the other party is a "human", how could he feel shy about a bug?

Charlene didn't want to talk to Xiao Hei, so she quickened her pace.

Half a quarter of an hour later, one person and one worm walked out of the stairs. When an iron door was opened by Charlene, what caught their eyes was a world made of flesh and blood.

The stench was so unpleasant that it made people dizzy. If it wasn't for the enclosed space, it would have been covered with maggots already.

And in this piece of flesh and blood is a huge insect locked in a cage, which looks very similar to a cockroach, but the difference is that it has some white fluff on its body, and the overall exterior is not Chitinous carapace of insects, but flesh like animals.

In the huge cage, there is not only this huge beast, but also a large number of eggs, which are also very large, with a diameter of one meter, and there are strange life beings bred in them. The shadows could see that these creatures did not look like those born by that magical beast at all, at least, before they broke out of the eggs.

The arrival of one person and one worm caught the attention of the monster. It turned around and looked straight at Xiao Hei with its two eyes.

Almost at the same time, a gentle voice appeared in Xiao Hei's heart: "I feel the familiar mental fluctuations, are you my child?"

"Huh?" Xiao Hei was taken aback by the words that didn't come, but then he realized that the monster in front of him could also use soul links, and the fluctuations in its spirit also felt familiar to Xiao Hei.

"It's him, the bug with the big head!"

After a brief analysis, Xiao Hei identified this kind of fluctuation, which was almost [-]% similar to the mental fluctuation emitted by the big-headed bug.

"Are you the queen of the Yellowstone Rift?" The familiar wave gave Xiao Hei another message, and he might have found his purpose here.

The Queen of the Yellowstone Rift Valley is a fission variant of the mutant, a unique existence. She is the root of all the monsters in the Yellowstone Rift Valley. She can mate with any species, and not alone, she can mate with several or even dozens of species at the same time. mating.

While mating, the Queen of the Yellowstone Rift also absorbs and stores the genetic sequences of males, and by mixing genetic sequences, she can give birth to new hybrid species.

However, this is inoperable. With her inoperable integrated gene sequence, all she can do is a hodgepodge. Whether she can give birth to a powerful offspring depends entirely on luck.

"That's right, child, I am the queen of the tribes in the Yellowstone Rift Valley. I have been restrained by humans for more than ten years. Are you here to save me?" A very loving voice.

The queen's spiritual voice reminded Xiao Hei of his mother who had passed away long ago, and her voice was also so loving and gentle.

Xiao Hei shook his head to get rid of the thoughts in his heart. The queen in front of him had nothing to do with him, it was just the spiritual sound of her spiritual frequency transformation that reminded Xiao Hei of his mother.

Hei took a deep breath, calmed down his emotions, and said calmly: "Queen, I am not your child, and I have nothing to do with you, but I am indeed here to save you! I will bring You leave here and return to the Yellowstone Rift, but at the same time I also hope that you will not launch attacks on human towns, this matter has nothing to do with those humans."

(End of this chapter)

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