Chapter 108 He has the final say
The one standing here today is Zhu Wen. If the president is here, she dares to say that!

But even if he is just a special assistant, he can't let people bully the future wife of the president like this!

Zhu Wen stabbed Zhuang Mingfan and said, "Since you must go to court, then you should do your best."

Zhuang Mingfan looked at Zhu Wen: "Are you sure? It's not good for a young girl to stay inside for the rest of her life."

Zhu Wen glanced at him: "Who are you distressed, who are you distressed, are you looking for!"

Zhuang Mingfan held his breath and turned around, hum, what the hell, dare to yell at me, just wait!By the way, Ms. Jiang, I will light three sticks of incense for you first, and wish you a good journey!
Jiang Feng comforted Jiang Yingying: "Don't worry, I'll call your second uncle."

"Then hurry up, and, those two policemen also bullied me just now, let my second uncle deal with them too!"

The two policemen stood there without saying a word, but their eyes always felt like they were looking at a fool.

Soon Jiang Feng called Wang Fangjie's husband: "Second brother-in-law!"

"Are you still at the police station?" A slightly anxious voice rang out first.

Jiang Feng felt that the call seemed to be from his second brother-in-law. No matter what he heard, the second brother-in-law was more anxious than himself: "Yes, Yingying and I are still at the police station. That's how it is. The woman on the other side is so disgusting. It broke Yingying's face, and..."

"Let me ask you first, is the woman who hit Yingying surnamed Qin?"


"Is it the Miss Qin who was rumored with Lu Shao!"

Now, Jiang Feng didn't know, so he had to ask Jiang Yingying, "Yingying, is this Miss Qin the one who has been rumored to be having an affair with Young Master Lu?"

"Yes!" Jiang Yingying returned.

"Yes, second brother-in-law."

"You, you, you have caused me a lot of trouble! If you offend Young Master Lu, none of us can escape, let's die together!"

Jiang Feng suddenly stopped talking, and the content on the phone made him open his mouth in surprise: "What, what? Who are you talking about, Young Master Lu, which Young Master Lu? It's not the second brother-in-law. How did you say that? Second brother-in-law, second brother-in-law Brother-in-law?!" The phone hung up.

Jiang Feng was holding the mobile phone, and the sharp voice was still in his ears. He grabbed Yingying and asked anxiously, "Is Miss Qin related to someone named Lu?"

"Yes, I have!"

Jiang Feng hurriedly asked: "Then, what is the name of that Lu?"

"Lu Qiran!" Jiang Yingying spat out these three words reluctantly.

Jiang Feng was immediately dumbfounded: "Wow, which Lu Qiran?"

"There are still a few people named Lu Qiran in this world!" Jiang Yingying simply opened Weibo and asked Jiang Feng to read it for herself: "Look!"

A huge photo filled the entire screen, and Jiang Feng was familiar with the people in the picture.

The man is Lu Qiran who always appears on the news, and the woman is standing in front of them now.

Jiang Feng thought of the first two days when Yingying was crying at home and complaining that Young Master Lu was seduced by a bitch surnamed Qin. He only glanced at Yingying's phone and didn't pay much attention to it. What do you think, that's the way it is. Coincidentally, Yingying offended a woman who could not be offended!

Why is it Young Master Lu, the one who is least likely to have an intersection with the Jiang family!
"Dad, don't you have a loveless expression on your face, she, Qin Yuluo, is nothing more than Lu Qiran's mistress, what are you afraid of!"

"What do you know, you child!" If it wasn't for Wang Fang's husband, their Jiang family was in Jiangcheng, and they were ordinary people, let alone Lu Qiran's mistress, even if it was Lu Qiran's dog, they would have How far to hide and how far to go!
After all, Jiang Feng is someone who has been there, and he knows that the best situation is to be private. These people's backgrounds are too scary, and they must not be offended: "Yingying, look at this, it's not a big deal, how about we just keep it private?"

"Dad!" Jiang Yingying looked at her father in disbelief: "Aren't you the one who dotes on me the most? She beat me like this, and you let me be private!"

Jiang Feng comforted Jiang Yingying earnestly, and whispered to her: "I offended Young Master Lu, and our family will not have a good life. You are wronged. Dad will buy you your favorite poplar lipstick later, okay?"

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't convince Jiang Yingying, who was dazzled by anger, she only wanted Qin Yuluo to pay the price, so she was not willing to let it go!

"What's she capable of? She's just a broken shoe. She cheated in marriage and even hooked up with my male god, Young Master Lu. She's such a good bitch, and Young Master Lu is just playing with her. She really treats herself as a something!"

Zhu Wen's face turned cold, he is usually gentle and refined, but in fact he is the same person as Lu Qiran, paranoid and wild, once angry, he is like a hunting beast: "Miss Jiang, do you know what it means to bring disaster out of your mouth! "

"Who are you to talk to me like that!"

Han Yun, who had been holding Jiang Yingying all the time, shook her head towards Jiang Yingying, turned her head and whispered behind Jiang Yingying's ear in a hidden corner, and said, "It seems that this man cares about Dr. Qin very much, and he seems to be very difficult to mess with, Yingying, don't... ..."

Before Han Yun finished speaking, Jiang Yingying pushed Han Yun away and raised her voice deliberately: "You care about Qin Yuluo so much, do you have an affair with her? You slut, it's not normal to have a few concubines! You two are like dogs, you two gangsters!"

As soon as Han Yun stood firm, she rushed in front of Jiang Yingying, trying to stop Jiang Yingying's mouth, but it was too late, so Han Yun could only shake her head annoyed.

Zhuang Mingfan raised his eyebrows subtly. No one else saw it just now, but he saw what this lady said to Miss Jiang.

What did he say that made Miss Jiang so angry? Zhuang Mingfan found it interesting, so he set his sights on Han Yun.


Zhu Wen talked to Qin Yuluo for a long time, but Jiang Yingying didn't hear a word?Everyone in the room recognized Zhu Wen's identity, but she still thought Zhu Wen was Qin Yuluo's concubine?

Jiang Yingying was so angry that she lost her mind. Regardless of Jiang Feng's dissuasion, she cursed angrily: "It's not that Young Master Lu is not here, or he should let him see with his own eyes how many lovers this bitch Qin Yuluo has found!"

Qin Yuluo raised his hand and slapped him a few times: "I told you before, I'll still hit you if you talk too lowly! Jiang Yingying, you don't have a memory at all, do you? It's up to me who I'm with, and it's also up to me if I can climb up to Lu Qiran." I'm capable, you can climb it if you have the ability! But if you are swearing at a bitch and a bitch, I will send you to see the King of Hades even if you risk your life and go to jail!"

Jiang Yingying covered her face and shouted, "You, you, if Young Master Lu knew you were so vicious, he would definitely throw you like trash. Qin Yuluo, don't be complacent. I'll wait to see the day you die!"

"When she dies, I have the final say!" A domineering voice came from the door.

Everyone in the room looked towards the door. The man was standing against the light. He was wearing an ascetic black suit, his thin red lips were raised, and his eyes were cold and bloodthirsty, like the ruler on the throne of hell.

(End of this chapter)

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