Chapter 118 Confession
"I will settle this account with your Jiang family, and let your father wash his neck and wait!" After saying that, Lu Qiran picked up Qin Yuluo, and surrounded by a group of bodyguards, he turned and left.

Jiang Mengzhe lay on the ground, watching the tall figure disappear through the limited gap, he grabbed the fragments on the ground in hatred, regardless of the blood dripping from the cut hands, let out the roar of a beast before death, Qin Yuluo, Lu Qiran, I will not let you go!
After getting in the car, Zhu Wen couldn't bear to see Qin Yuluo's miserable state. She leaned against Lu Qiran's arms, and after venting, she seemed to be drained of all her emotions, numb like a marionette.

"President, where are you going?"

"Go to Luyuan." Lu Qiran squeezed Qin Yuluo's coat tightly while hugging her even tighter, he found her shaking.

"Yes." Lu Yuan is Lu Qiran's private domain. On the top of the Blue Mountain in Jiangcheng, it is a vast and luxuriant garden. It is also Lu Qiran's home where outsiders are never allowed to set foot.

Taking Miss Qin to Lu Yuan already showed Miss Qin's position in Young Master Lu's heart.

"I want to go home." In the carriage, her mosquito-like voice was still heard clearly in the ears of the two of them.

"I want to go home..." Now, there is no place to accommodate all her injuries.

Lu Qiran pressed against her forehead, coaxing softly: "Be good, be obedient."

"I want to go home." No matter what Lu Qiran said, Qin Yuluo repeated one sentence over and over again, she wanted to go home, to the home she had walked for 25 years...

Lu Qiran could only make Zhu Wen turn around and send Qin Yu back to the Waterside Garden.

When she got downstairs, Qin Yuluo got out of the car in a daze, and Lu Qiran followed behind her. When she opened the door of the building, Qin Yuluo stopped and said without looking back: "Go back. Don't follow me .”

Lu Qiran stood where he was, watching that door separated him from Qin Yuluo.

As soon as Qin Yuluo stepped into the elevator, tears burst into tears. She bit her fist, and her sobs gradually turned into hoarse roars: "Ah——! Ah!!!"

It's been 25 years, why can't she let her live!What do you want her to do, what do you want her to do!
She has already let go, gave up, and doesn't force it!

She is just nostalgic for warmth, has she made any unforgivable mistakes!
She rushed into the house and found a blanket to wrap herself tightly. She took out all the cigarettes in the house and smoked one after another.

Downstairs, Lu Qiran's slender figure was leaning against the car, looking up at the direction of Qin Yu's home, where the scarlet light never stopped...

"President," Zhu Wen walked in, "Miss Qin's status..."

Lu Qiran understood better than anyone else, he waved his hand and took out his phone.

Sun Yufei is at work, and was following a news recently. This is his first major case after being promoted to deputy editor-in-chief. Whether he can stabilize his position depends on whether this case can be handled.

The phone rang at this moment.

Sun Yufei didn't want to answer at first, but the phone rang again and again, as if there was something urgent, Sun Yufei answered the phone impatiently: "Who is it!"

"Sun Yufei."

"Who is it?" The deep and hoarse voice hit Sun Yufei's heart with a bang. Sun Yufei glanced at the phone number to confirm that she did not recognize her, but the voice was really nice. After a good impression, Sun Yufei softened her voice: "Who are you?"

"Lu Qiran."

"Damn it!" Just three words made Sun Yufei break her skills, her voice raised unconsciously: "President Lu Lu Lu Lu! What are you doing, call me?!"

"Something happened to Qin Yuluo."

Sun Yufei got excited and overturned the stool. Everyone in the room looked at her, but she only listened to the phone: "What's going on!"

"She's at home now, go and have a look." Lu Qiran didn't say why, which made Sun Yufei even more uneasy.

She didn't care about continuing the meeting, so she left the room and ran away.

"Hey, deputy editor-in-chief, it's time for a meeting!"

"Let's drive!" After a word, Sun Yufei's figure had disappeared.

Sun Yufei stopped a car, and 10 minutes later, she arrived downstairs at Qin Yuluo's house.

At a glance, she saw Lu Qiran leaning against the silver car, with cigarette butts on the soles of his feet.

Sun Yufei ran over quickly, caught Lu Qiran and asked, "What's going on!"

Lu Qiran didn't even give her a look.

Sun Yufei was so angry that she almost stepped on him. In the end, she just gave him a glare and rushed into the building.

Fortunately, Xiao Yu gave her a spare key, otherwise she wouldn't be able to get in.

As soon as she opened the door of Qin Yuluo's house, a puff of smoke gushed out. Sun Yufei coughed twice before seeing Qin Yuluo who was huddled in a corner, smoking a cigarette with red eyes.

When had Sun Yufei seen Qin Yuluo like this before, she ran over in fright, seeing Sun Yufei even more collapsed than seeing it from a distance.

Qin Yuluo was wearing a suit jacket, and the clothes on his body were hanging one by one, and there were bruises on the exposed skin. It looked like...

Holding her breath, Sun Yufei stretched out her hand a few times to touch Qin Yuluo, but finally retracted it. She was afraid of breaking Qin Yuluo: "Little Feather, what's wrong with you."

Qin Yuluo's sluggish eyes moved, staring at Sun Yufei for a long time, the corners of her lips curled up with difficulty, and her voice was soft as if it would break in a second: "Yufei, I'm so tired. "

Sun Yufei's face turned cold, and her voice was full of fear: "Little Feather, don't scare me. If you have anything to say, don't hold back."

Qin Yuluo smiled, his voice broke into a choked sob: "Yufei, I want to drink."

Sun Yufei wanted to tell her to buy it, but she really didn't dare to leave Qin Yuluo alone. After thinking for a while, she secretly sent a message to Lu Qiran.

"I sent someone to bring the wine, and I'll be there soon, don't hold back, tell me what's wrong with you, okay..." Sun Yufei wanted to get close to Qin Yuluo, but felt that it was only an arm's length away No distance can be crossed.

Qin Yu looked blankly out of the floor-to-ceiling windows: "It's getting dark..."

In the setting sun, the tired bird returns to its nest, the old woman and the old man return home hand in hand, she is alone, trapped in the darkness in her heart, unable to find a way out.

Not long after the door was knocked, Sun Yufei opened the door and saw Zhu Wen standing at the door with two big bags.

Zhu Wen nodded to Sun Yufei and handed the things to Sun Yufei. Taking this opportunity, he glanced into the room and saw Qin Yuluo sitting beside the bed in despair, feeling remorseful and hating the Jiang family and Jiang Mengzhe .

After delivering the things, Zhu Wen returned to the car, looked at Lu Qiran in the back seat who closed his eyes and said, "Miss Qin's condition is very unstable."

Lu Qiran opened his eyes, and said a word after a while: "Let Wu Yan come back."

"Yes, then, the Jiang family."

Qin Yuluo looked embarrassed, his numb face kept shaking in front of Lu Qiran's eyes, the pain spreading from the apex of his heart made Lu Qiran realize that some things had quietly changed.

(End of this chapter)

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