Chapter 139 New Life
"In this hospital, I can still say a few words, and with your resume, it is not difficult to find a job in this hospital," Wan Moyi said in a slow tone with a bit of humor: "You little baby Duckweed, don't wander around, although the teacher's house is not rich, not as big as the big house you lived in before, and the delicacies you eat, but it can still make up a room for you and give you a place to live."

Qin Yuluo was out of breath from crying, she shook her head and choked up and said, "Don't want a big house, don't want delicacies from mountains and seas, teacher!" She cried and threw herself into Wan Moyi's arms, wandering for 25 years, she thought there was no People understand her loneliness and helplessness.

But the teacher understands that the teacher is still willing to give her a home. In desperation, he reached out to take her out of hell: "Teacher, I will be filial to you and my teacher in the future, and I will!"

Wan Moyi patted her on the shoulder: "Good boy, don't cry, take care of your body first, you said you are young, if your body is ruined, what should you do?"

Later, Qin Yuluo stayed in the hospital for another three days, and Wan Moyi brought his wife Wang Sitong to see Qin Yuluo.

After learning that Qin Yuluo would live in Binzhou and live in their house, Wang Sitong was very happy and almost took care of Qin Yuluo as his daughter.

Qin Yuluo experienced for the first time what it was like to be loved by her mother. After she was discharged from the hospital, she also changed her mind towards Wan Moyi and Wang Sitong, recognizing them as adoptive father and adoptive mother, and henceforth referred to them as parents.

The old couple were so happy to have such a big daughter. After Qin Yuluo applied for a job in the hospital, he found a job as an intern in the psychiatry department of Ren'ai Hospital.

Everything has to start over.

Walking out of the gate of the hospital, snowflakes fell from the sky.

Binzhou is to the north, and everyone has already put on cotton clothes due to the weather at the end of October.

This was the first snow this winter. She didn't die, but she was reborn in the cold. Qin Yuluo reached out to catch a piece of falling snowflakes. The snowflakes melted into water in the palm of her hand, reflecting her thin and somewhat out-of-shape cheeks.

Lu Qiran, are you okay...

Lu Qiran, who was far away in Jiangzhou, stood on the top floor of LK, looking at the dense water droplets on the window, Qin Yuluo, where are you...

Time seems to have finally found a way to pass, simple, clear and fulfilling.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Yu has been staying in Binzhou for a month, her work is on the right track, and her relationship with her colleagues is much more harmonious. Her adoptive father and adoptive mother dote on her very much, and they will buy her delicious food and clothes. Do what all parents do to their children.

At noon that day, in the restaurant of the hospital, Wang Sitong appeared here impassively, carrying a heart food box in his hand.

Qin Yuluo and Wan Moyi sat at the dining table, watching Wang Sitong put plates of warm dishes on the table, she wanted to help, but Wang Sitong hid him: "You child, sit down obediently and wait for the meal !"

Wan Moyi asked Qin Yuluo to sit down: "Your mother likes to do this, so you can let her do it."

Wang Sitong was wearing a blue down jacket, and her hair was tied behind her head with a wooden hairpin. She looked like a Jiangnan beauty who walked out of an ancient scroll. She was also a gentle and graceful woman. When she smiled, there were wrinkles left by the years at the corners of her eyes. It made her look a bit more vicissitudes and style: "Today I made braised pork, leek eggs, eggplant box, and sizzling beef, plus a shredded potato soup!"

Wan Moyi looked at Wang Sitong sadly: "Sitong, you are a typical example of having a daughter and forgetting your husband. This is all Yuluo's favorite food."

Wang Sitong smiled: "You don't like what my daughter likes to eat?"

"Love to eat, love to eat!" Wan Moyi picked up a piece of braised pork and put it in his mouth: "Well, it still tastes the same."

This kind of scene appeared almost every day, and the colleagues in the hospital were no strangers to it, but Qin Yuluo still couldn't take his eyes off it. The ordinary family she had longed for all her life was just like this.

The mother is kind and the son is filial, and the father adds humor and laughter from time to time, simple and plain meals, warm lights, and invisible love.

"Eat and eat." Wang Sitong kept picking up vegetables for Qin Yu: "Eat more, you see that you have lost weight, and you don't like soup, or mother will cook some soup later, and I will give you a good supplement."

Qin Yuluo was holding his rice bowl, smiling so hard that he couldn't see his eyes: "As long as it's made by mom, I'll eat anything."

"Really!" Wang Sitong loved Qin Yuluo more and more: "Sure enough, my daughter is caring."

The harmonious atmosphere was broken by the sudden intrusion of the nurse: "Quick, the neurology department has sent an emergency, everyone should go back to the department!"

Upon hearing this, Qin Yuluo put down the bowl and chopsticks to say hello, and hurried back to the psychiatric department.

When I returned to the psychiatric department, the corridor was blocked. The chief physician was communicating with a man who seemed very anxious.

"He has no mental problems, nor does he have obvious symptoms of mania and autism. We can't blindly treat such a patient."

"Oh my God!" Lei Sen pinched the orchid flower sissy and pointed: "The patient is obviously mentally abnormal. He hasn't spoken for several days. He's depressed. You actually said he's fine!"

The chief physician shook his head helplessly: "Depression is not a real mental illness. Although depression belongs to the category of mental illness, but..."

The chief physician explained a few sentences before deciding to give up. Mental illnesses are complex and unimaginably complicated. No matter how much you tell him without training, they don’t understand: “If you insist, observe for a while first. , Mental treatment does not cure headaches and brain fever by taking some medicine and injections. We need to know the symptoms and triggers of the patient's onset. Only when we determine that the patient has some kind of mental problem can we issue a treatment plan. "

Lei Sen stood mournfully at the door, looking at Fu Shiwen who was sitting motionless on the bed in the room: "Dear Wen, you must not be sick!"

Back in the consultation room, the chief physician told everyone to pay attention to Fu Shiwen's situation in Ward No. [-] during this period, and to record any obvious symptoms in time.

Today, it was Qin Yuluo's turn to be on duty. At night, during her rounds, she found Fu Shiwen sitting upright by the bed, smoking.

Qin Yuluo frowned and walked over, snatching the cigarette butt from Fu Shiwen's mouth: "Smoking is not allowed in the ward."

Fu Shiwen slowly raised his head, under his disheveled hair, there was a pair of eyes as deep as the sea, he still didn't speak, just stared at Qin Yuluo without moving.

Just when Qin Yuluo was about to leave, a thick and slow voice like a cello resounded in the room: "I found you."

Qin Yu paused, and looked back at Fu Shiwen who was still sitting by the window: "Finally he spoke." It was easier for the hospital to make a diagnosis when he spoke.

Qin Yuluo walked up to Fu Shiwen again: "There is an answer sheet that needs you to do it."

"I'm not mentally ill." Fu Shiwen twitched the corners of his mouth. The combination of ordinary facial features on this unobtrusive outline gave him a decadent aesthetic feeling: "That boy Lei Sen always likes to exaggerate the facts."

Qin Yuluo tilted his head, noncommittal: "This is a hospital, whether you are sick or not can only be confirmed through a diagnosis."

"There's something I can't figure out."

Qin Yuluo frowned: "If it's in the category of diseases, I think I can answer you."

"No." Fu Shiwen's eyes suddenly fixed on Qin Yuluo: "There is a sentence that I didn't want to understand."

(End of this chapter)

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