She was targeted by the paranoid Young Master Lu

Chapter 162 It's Not Your Turn

Chapter 162 It's Not Your Turn
The three of them stared at Lu Qiran on the bed.

Zhu Wen: Brother Lu, you didn't react at all to what we said before, why are you so excited when you mention Miss Qin.

Wu Yan: I just took the bullet for you, so don't get excited!
Xiao Wu: Look, look, I already know that Brother Lu will never forget Qin Yuluo!

"Really, it's more real than real gold!" Of course Xiao Wu wanted to say that!

"Then what happened to Fu Shiwen?"

Zhu Wen pretended not to hear Lu Qiran's words, and opened a gap in the curtains to let cold air float in, diluting the pungent smell of vinegar that filled the room.

"What about Fu Shiwen? People have already said today that Qin Yuluo is not that kind of relationship with men and women." This is about the matter of Qin Yuluo and Fu Shiwen having sex: "I think there must be a misunderstanding, Qin Yuluo If you were really so open, it would not be your turn at that time..."

Meeting Lu Qiran's cold gaze, Xiao Wu hurriedly changed his words: "If it's not your turn, whose turn is it! Haha, haha..."

Xiao Wu laughed awkwardly in the room.

"Let's all go out." Lu Qiran didn't express his opinion anymore, and let them leave.

After leaving the bedroom, Xiao Wu asked Zhu Wen and Wu Yan puzzledly: "Brother Lu, what does this mean?"

Zhu Wen glanced at Xiao Wu: "Does it have anything to do with you?"

"Don't mind your own business. Brother Lu asked you to watch people this time. You almost lost sight of Ms. Qin. Brother Lu will settle accounts with you later. You should take care of your own life."

"Hey!" Looking at the two bad friends who went away, Xiao Wu jumped angrily: "You two single dogs, you are just jealous of me!"

The two single dogs looked at each other, and then...

"Damn it, you don't slap people in the face!"


The noise covered the sound of the lighter, and Lu Qiran leaned on the bed, letting the smoke rise. In fact, he knew that there could be no relationship between Qin Yuluo and Fu Shiwen, but he was just jealous.

Madly jealous.

During Qin Yuluo's disappearance for the past few months, another man has been with her all the time. That man has taken her role, cared about her, pursued her, treated her well, and even took her to the music festival!
All of these should be done by myself, and all the first times of that little psychopath should be my own!

However, he was missing such a big piece that he could never get it back.

After seeing Qin Yuluo actually still with him...

Although nothing happened, Lu Qiran still couldn't control himself. If it wasn't for Qin Yuluo's relationship, Fu Shiwen would have been pushed into the incinerator by now!
Lu Qiran rubbed his anxious brows. He moved the LK headquarters to Binzhou for Qin Yuluo. This time, he absolutely couldn't let Qin Yuluo have another chance to escape from his palm!

Fu Shiwen didn't know when he fell asleep, and when he woke up, Qin Yuluo had already left.

She didn't leave a word, Fu Shiwen fell on the empty big bed, what happened last night, because he made Lu Qiran misunderstand, Qin Yuluo, he should hate him.

Qin Yuluo was listlessly sitting in the office. At noon, Sun Yufei came to the hospital to stop her.

At that time, Wan Moyi and Wang Sitong were sitting in the cafeteria, ready to eat.

Wan Moyi and Wang Sitong smiled ambiguously when they saw Qin Yuluo's dark eyes.

Wang Sitong kept filling soup for Qin Yuluo: "Come on, I made chicken soup, drink more."

Qin Yuluo: "..." Did they misunderstand something?

Qin Yuluo doesn't like you to drink soup, but Wang Sitong likes to cook soup. Qin Yuluo has never rejected Wang Sitong's soup. Even if she is forced, she will let herself drink all of it, but smelling the strong smell of chicken soup under her nose, she really likes it. I can't even force myself to do it.

What to do, say not to drink?Or just say that nothing happened to her last night?
"Qin Yuluo!" Sun Yufei walked in suddenly.

Qin Yuluo was finally rescued, she hurriedly stood up and said to Wang Sitong and Wan Moyi: "My friend is here, I'll go first, parents, you two eat, don't wait for me!"

"Hey!" Wang Sitong was still holding the soup bowl: "This kid, don't drink anymore? I've been tired all night, so what can I do if I don't make up for it."

Wan Moyi comforted: "It's useless for you to worry about it, why not worry about me, they are all young, it doesn't matter if they are ridiculous."

Wang Sitong gave Wan Moyi a blank look.

Here, Qin Yuluo dragged Sun Yufei out of the hospital, and heaved a sigh of relief: "I'll treat you to whatever you want to eat."

She still wants to eat?Did you know that she was about to explode!

"Tell me, what did you do last night!" Sun Yufei also stayed up all night. Last night, Xiao Wu received a call from Zhu Wen and was anxious to leave. She was forced to send her back to the hotel. Later, she informed her that Qin Yuluo was fine. She asked Xiao Wu again and didn't say what happened.

Early this morning, Sun Yufei wanted to come to question her, but at least she endured until Qin Yuluo had a lunch break, and she rushed to the hospital without stopping.

"Yesterday, I drank with Lan Jing. After I got drunk, I found a hotel to sleep."

Sun Yufei frowned: "Sleeping with Lan Jing?"

Qin Yuluo: "..."

Sun Yufei's eyes got bigger and she was silent, Xiao Yu was actually silent, didn't she sleep with Lan Jing?

"Who, who did you sleep with last night, is it Lu Qiran!" She knew that Lu Qiran was here, but she never expected that Xiaoyu would get involved with Lu Qiran so soon, did she forget that Lu Qiran already had other things? woman!

"No!" Sun Yufei's heart felt like she was on a roller coaster, she squeezed her people hard: "Wait a minute, let me calm down for a while." It wasn't Lu Qiran who should be happy, why is it still hard to accept? !

"Who is that?" Sun Yufei asked after regaining her breath.

"Fu Shiwen..." Qin Yuluo said, "It's not the kind of sleep you're thinking of. We just stayed in the same room for one night. He slept and I didn't sleep."

"He can still fall asleep with a beautiful woman like you standing there. If he can't, he still doesn't like you!"

Qin Yuluo is a stubborn character. Sometimes she gets into the corner of a horn, and no one says it's useless. She can only get out by herself: "Okay, nothing happened to me last night, so don't complain about me. Let's take yesterday's Can you forget what happened at night?"

"Little Feather, I don't want to reprimand you and teach you a lesson, I just..."

"I understand." Qin Yuluo hugged Sun Yufei: "You are worried about me, I understand."

Sun Yufei sighed lightly: "Then I have one last question."

Qin Yuluo knew what she wanted to ask: "You want to ask Lu Qiran, right?"

"Honey, what the hell is going on with you two?"

"There are so many things going on, it's just that, he has someone else, it's good for the two of us to end so peacefully."

"Calm?" Sun Yufei thought of the expression on Xiao Wu's face when she came back this morning, and she didn't think this matter could end peacefully: "After all, you and Lu Qiran have been together before, and I don't think I can understand his character. Is it the kind of person who calms down and wants to end peacefully?"

(End of this chapter)

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