Chapter 174
Qin Yuluo never expected that returning to Jiangzhou would be in such a way.

Lu Qiran took her directly to Lu Yuan.

Regarding this place, Qin Yuluo didn't want to come back at all.

Lu Qiran carried Qin Yuluo into the room: "From now on, you will stay here, and I will send someone to take you wherever you want to go!"

Qin Yu fell on the bed: "You want to put me under house arrest!"

The stubbornness in her eyes is the best accusation against Lu Qiran: "I am not putting you under house arrest, but just giving you a better life. You can go anywhere you want. If I have time, I will accompany you. If I don't have time, I will go with you." Someone will go with you."

"You want to put me under house arrest! Lu Qiran, you can't do this!"

The anger on Lu Qiran's face suddenly turned into thick tenderness, he approached Qin Yuluo step by step, and gently stroked her face: "Be good, don't make me angry."

Qin Yuluo looked away: "The deal between us is over, I can no longer be your mistress!"

"Who said I want you to be my mistress?" Lu Qiran said, "I want you to be my woman!"

"Is there a difference?" In Lu Qiran's emotional view, becoming his woman means that everything about her belongs to him, every hair, every hair, even every tear.

But in Qin Yuluo's conception, women are the kind who have no name or distinction, no different from mistresses!
She doesn't want to be Lu Qiran's mistress anymore, no, she doesn't want to be anyone's mistress again in her life!

"Lu Qiran, I'll give you back what you said to me earlier, your EQ is really low!"

Lu Qiran frowned and thought for a moment, he has low EQ?really low?Why didn't he feel it himself?

Lu Qiran looked at Qin Yu's narrow gaze, and left the room in a bit of a state of embarrassment.

Although he left, there were two servants left at the door, watching her 24 hours a day.

Qin Yu sat down on the bed, everything in the room was still the same as when she left, the bouquet of roses in the vase had dried up.

It seems that it is impossible for Lu Qiran to let him leave, so Qin Yuluo can only stay here temporarily, just to take advantage of this time to do some errands.

Qin Yuluo first called his family and informed Wang Sitong and Wan Moyi that he had something to go out and would not be going back for a few days.

Wang Sitong asked her a few words, and didn't ask any more questions. That child Fu Shiwen was very stable at first glance, and he knew that he cared for others. Qin Yuluo was with such a person, so she had nothing to worry about as a mother.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Yuluo's worries fell on Fu Shiwen. The car spun on the road and hit the isolation belt. The front of the car was twisted and smoked. It was so serious that he didn't know how Fu Shiwen was injured.

Qin Yuluo had to call him to ask him before he could rest assured.

It was not Fu Shiwen who answered the phone, but Lan Jing.

Seeing that it was Qin Yuluo's call, her tone was not so friendly.

"What are you calling for?"

Qin Yuluo realized it, and knew that Lan Jing was angry with him. Fundamentally speaking, Qin Yuluo was also a victim of this matter, and Fu Shiwen was indeed implicated by him. It is understandable for them to be angry with Qin Yuluo, and they don't want to To explain and argue, she only asked.

"Where is Fu Shiwen? How is he?"

Lan Jing sneered: "You still care about his life? Aren't you and that man just too happy to leave!"

Qin Yuluo's breathing became heavier. She thought that she and Lan Jing should just be friends, but now it seems that her idea is really wishful thinking.

She could not care about Lan Jing and the others getting angry at herself because of Fu Shiwen's affairs, but she would never accept her insulting taunt: "I want to talk to Fu Shiwen."

"He doesn't have time to talk to you!" Lan Jing turned her request back: "Qin Yuluo, I don't care what your past is like, but can't you see Ah Wen's heart for you? You know that he I like you, I pursue you, but you are still unclear with other men."

The more Lan Jing spoke, the louder she said: "If you don't like Ah Wen, you can just reject him straight away! There's no need to drag him like this, and almost kill him! I always thought you were a poor woman before, now look, Sure enough, poor people must have something to hate!"

"Have you said enough?" Qin Yuluo interjected lightly: "You are not me, so you stand in front of Fu Shiwen's friend, get angry or even blame me, I can understand, but Lan Jing, without you It is extremely irresponsible for you to say such things before knowing the truth of the matter!"

"I don't want to tell you how innocent I am, because I think people who understand me will naturally understand me. I don't force people who don't understand me to understand me. I have received what you said. I will make this call The reason for this is just because I want to know what's going on with Fu Shiwen, as for the rest, you don't need to tell me that our relationship is not close enough to blame each other!"

Lan Jing felt that Qin Yuluo's words were simply inexplicable: "You are reasonable, you hurt Ah Wen, you are reasonable! He just finished treating the wound and is going to find you. You didn't even say a word on the phone. Dare to count me down!"

Hearing that Fu Shiwen was fine, Qin Yuluo breathed a sigh of relief: "It's good that Fu Shiwen is fine."

"You don't have to be hypocritical here!"

"Lan Jing, there are always some people in this world who will be deceived by the outside world, thinking that they stand on the moral high ground, and can justifiably criticize others. Such people wear all the names of justice, but what they do is selfish. I hope you don't become such a person, and I remind you for the last time that you are not qualified to judge my life!"


Qin Yuluo missed the chance to talk to Lan Jing and hung up the phone.

Originally, she thought that she could become friends with Lan Jing, but it turns out that friends come first and then come first. She and Lan Jing have no chance of being friends.

After being silent for a long time, Qin Yuluo seemed to have just recovered her breathing rhythm. Don't look at her stern and confident rebuttal to Lan Jing just now, in fact, she felt that Lan Jing's words were right.

Whether you love or not, you shouldn't love to procrastinate. She always thought that she could not hurt the original friendship by letting her view of feelings gradually fade away. Now that she thinks about it, she is just cowardly. People and things will become hurt or lost.

She has lost too many things. She always wants to keep the compatible people and happy things by her side and keep them in her mind, but there is no such thing as the best of both worlds in this world.

Qin Yuluo never wanted to hurt anyone, and he didn't want to be hurt by others, but it seemed that his expectations would always run counter to reality, even if he faced the sea, what he was waiting for might not necessarily be the warmth of spring.

Lu Qiran sat in the living room, puzzled, while Zhu Wen watched him struggling and remained silent.

"I, EQ is very low?"

(End of this chapter)

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