She was targeted by the paranoid Young Master Lu

Chapter 181 Give for the person you like

Chapter 181 Give for the person you like
Zhen You could see that my sister liked that man, but she was afraid of being hurt. It is an instinct for human beings to avoid harm. She was so afraid and wanted to shrink back because she had predicted that the road with that man would be full of thorns , and she didn't believe that that man would protect her, also, after doing so many things that hurt others, who could still believe in it as before.

"Sister, let's go."

Qin Yuluo looked at Zhen You's extremely solemn expression, and heard her say: "Let's go, leave Jiangzhou, leave that man, go as far as you can!"

"Go, where are you going..."

When Zhen You saw Qin Yuluo's flickering gaze, he pinched Qin Yuluo's cheek with hatred: "Sister, don't deceive yourself, you don't want to leave that man at all!"

Like a punctured balloon, Qin Yuluo suddenly vented all his strength. The truth is as simple as that.

"The beginning of the two of you was an unfair transaction. In this relationship, you are the humble one, so you think you are not qualified to ask for anything, and you don't even dare to lose your temper with him. Now you Suppressing the monstrous waves and accumulating a lot of dissatisfaction, don't you really want to scold him?"

Qin Yuluo hesitated and nodded: "I think so."

Zhen You clapped her hands: "Do you have a photo of that man on your phone?"

Qin Yuluo thought for a while and shook his head: "No."

Zhen You wriggled her lips and thought for a while, then directly lifted up her white hospital gown to cover her face: "Come on, come on, treat me as that man, scold me!"

Qin Yuluo frowned, strongly implying to himself that he thought of the whiteness as Lu Qiran: "You are a scum."

She tentatively said something, and when Lu Qiran's evil face appeared on the hospital gown, Qin Yu's suppressed anger began to writhe: "You are a scum, you bitch, you bastard, don't you Do good things, you, you force people, you are dictatorial, you are shameless, ah——!"

Zhen You sighed repeatedly, sister, you really can't even swear!
It's just a few words that don't hurt or itch, but it's really, stupid enough.

Qin Yuluo scolded for a long time, and his chest, which was congested, became much lighter: "Youyou, what do you think I should do next."

"Don't want to leave?" Zhen You put down her clothes, thanks to the winter, the hospital gown was still covered with clothes, so she didn't get cold: "And I don't want to be with that man, sister, are you embarrassing yourself or me? "

"Sister, you are so popular, do you know that!"

Qin Yuluo nodded: "I know, but isn't that how people are, entangled in conflicts, falling in love but not daring to love, wanting to love even if not loving, cheap quilt."

Zhen You poked Qin Yu's head down with hatred, "You still know it, you still know it's cheap!"

Qin Yuluo didn't have any temper after being poked by his sister: "His family background is unattainable, I worry too much."

"Then you go! Leave him!"

Qin Yuluo shook his head: "He is so powerful, I can't run away at all."

"Have you run away?" Zhen You asked Qin Yuluo: "You have never run away, how do you know that you can't!"

Qin Yuluo raised his head and looked at Zhen You: "You mean to let me run?"

"It's called a drunkard who doesn't mean to drink!" Seeing that Qin Yuluo was so unresponsive, Zhen You thought of leaving the hospital early, but no, she is not full yet, and she will be sent back to her parents when she goes out, and she will continue to be a nurse. Their puppet: "You have to run, through this process, let the status between you guys be higher than women's lower."

"Now he is pursuing you. As a woman, you only have one word to do."

Qin Yuluo looked at a finger extended by Zhen You, and stared intently at Zhen You's opened and closed lips: "Do!"

"Do it?" Qin Yuluo has never been a person who knows how to do it.

"Yes! Do it! As the saying goes, men are not bad and women don't love them, and in the same way, women don't act like men and don't love them!"

"That's so hypocritical!"

"Look at you!" This is the difference in IQ. There must be two 140 points between her and Qin Yuluo. She has a positive IQ of [-] and Qin Yuluo has a negative EQ of [-]!

"It's because of your thoughts that you were tortured by men like this, do you know that!"

Qin Yuluo lowered his head listlessly: "But I don't know how to do it..."

"Learn, you have me and friends by your side, I guarantee that all of us are better than you!" Zhen You patted her small chest, and with Qin Yuluo's temperament, 99 out of a hundred people were better than her do.

Alas, damn Qin's father and Qin's mother, they actually harmed my sister like this!

Qin Yuluo raised his eyelids, blinked quickly, and Sun Yufei bent his eyes, as if he was doing it: "Okay then, tell me I remember..."

"First step, you have to..."

The two talked for a long time, and Qin Yuluo's depression was swept away. She touched Zhen You's cheek: "My sister may not be able to visit you for a long time in the future. I bought you cucumber-flavored potato chips and Coke , and some junk food, enough for you for a week."

Zhen You knew that Qin Yuluo was going to leave. This time, she didn't know when the two of them would see each other again. She was not afraid of not seeing each other, but she was afraid that Qin Yuluo would go to a dead end if he couldn't figure it out.

"Sister, I have no other request for you. Come to see me when you are most desperate, and before you make any decisions, come to see me, okay..." The matter of Qin Yuluo's death has caused Zhen You Too much after-effects.

"it is good!"

Coming out of the psychiatric hospital, Qin Yuluo seemed to have been completely reborn. Even the driver noticed Qin Yuluo's abnormality. Zhu Wen, who was guarding the car not far away, of course did not ignore Qin Yuluo's air of a big sister when he walked with wind. .

It's strange, how come out of the mental hospital, Ms. Qin seems to have changed the core, is there magic in the mental hospital?

After Lu Qiran got the news, he postponed the regular meeting in the afternoon and the entertainment in the evening, and returned to Lu Yuan.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yuluo greeted him with a smile, which made Lu Qiran feel flattered.

She has been indifferent to him for a long time, even if she smiles, it is the kind of mocking and alienated smile, which makes Lu Qiran feel that she is far away from him, but in front of her, standing in the dim light, smiling charmingly, that The eyes, which had already lost their color, seemed to be able to speak...

"very happy?"

Qin Yu's lips curled up: "Of course."

Lu Qiran didn't want to break up the good atmosphere that was so hard to come by, at this moment he was willing to follow her in everything: "It seems that I should let you go out for a walk often."

Qin Yu lowered his eyes, avoiding his dazzling smile, and thought that after a while she finished saying those words, he might not be able to laugh anymore.

"Lu Qiran, let's talk about it."

Lu Qiran's smile froze on his face, he wanted to create a good atmosphere for the two of them, but she refused.

(End of this chapter)

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