Chapter 209 Ruthless
Qin Yuluo never took Lan Jing's words seriously, it was you who took it seriously, okay?

Besides: "I'm very happy with Lan Jing, who said she can't make me happy."

Jiang Yunwu almost drove the car onto the shoulder of the road, what was the little white rabbit talking about!She actually wants to go down the road!

"Ancestor, I really can't give you this happiness!" Lan Jing covered Qin Yuluo's mouth: "You, you, no wonder he called you little white rabbit, you are so white!"

The happiness Jiang Shao talked about was not happiness in the original sense. Did Qin Yuluo really not understand, or was he just joking with them?

How does she feel that the former is more likely!

Qin Yuluo pushed Lan Jing's hand away: "As long as you are with the right person, even eating bran and swallowing vegetables is happy!"

She really didn't understand, and Jiang Yunwu didn't know whether to say she was innocent or pure, but the two of them had a tacit understanding and didn't tell Qin Yuluo the meaning of "happiness", and let her continue to be so innocent. It's good, little fool.

As for Lan Jing, who was surrounded by Jiang Yunwu just now, she also got out of Jiang Yunwu's language trap.

As for what?She was just making a joke with Qin Yuluo, why don't you be so serious!It was as if Qin Yuluo was his private property, swearing sovereignty everywhere.

Lan Jing asked Qin Yuluo in a low voice: "Is he playing for real?"

Qin Yuluo shook his head: "I don't know and I don't want to know." A stranger who just met and doesn't even know his name, would like her and chase her?Qin Yu could not believe it!

Lan Jing felt sorry for Qin Yuluo's arrogance, she was really doted on, so confident.

Jiang Yunwu was in a very happy mood, the little white rabbit was sitting behind him, feeling like a big bad wolf eloping with the little white rabbit, he couldn't help humming and singing along with the song: "Ride on my beloved The scooter! It will never be stuck in traffic!"

Qin Yuluo covered his ears with his fingers, trying to isolate the sharp howls of ghosts and wolves, come on!Get rid of this psychopath!
Lan Jing: "..." Her mobile phone, recorded it and showed it to the whole bar street!Look at the man they regard as a god, what kind of virtues are in private!
The magic sound filled her ears, and Lan Jing was stunned: "Has this guy always been this weird?"

Qin Yuluo nodded cautiously: "Since I met him, he has been so weird."

Jiang Yunwu frequently looked in the rearview mirror at the two women who were biting their ears, and his singing voice changed: "I have a little white rabbit, I never ride it..." Jiang Yunwu glanced at the road as soon as he glanced at the rearview mirror , like a little spies watching people, very busy.

It's just that the lyrics are a little too clear!
Qin Yuluo kicked the driver's seat: "You are singing!"

Jiang Yunwu felt the little foot on the back of the chair, and his heart was beating suddenly. Why did he want to make her angry so much: "I have a little white rabbit, and I never..."

Before he could sing the word riding, he was already strangled by Qin Yuluo. Qin Yuluo was like an irritable bad boy, with disheveled hair and yelling: "I let you sing, I let you sing!"

Lan Jing leaned on the back of the chair, feeling that Qin Yu lost his temper a bit inexplicably, Jiang Shao soon sang a song I have a little white rabbit, I never ride...


If she remembers correctly, Young Master Jiang seemed to call Qin Yuluo a little white rabbit just now, so...

Lan Jing turned her head away, pinch, such a cheap man, strangle one less!
The slow-moving QQ drew one after another mountain road with eighteen bends on the empty street. Jiang Yunwu smiled brightly. He touched the limp hand of the little white rabbit, hehe!

"Help, little white rabbit is going to murder little gray rabbit!"

"You still dare to say that you are a little gray rabbit, but I think you are a big bad wolf!" Qin Yuluo felt that he had used all his strength, but this man didn't feel suffocated or uncomfortable at all!
"The big bad wolf took the little white rabbit and wandered around the world!"

Lan Jing didn't know what tricks Jiang Yunwu was hiding in these two sentences, but every time he finished a sentence, Qin Yuluo was so angry that she went crazy, thinking that she had to inquire carefully, this little white rabbit and little gray The story between the rabbit and the big bad wolf.

The cheerful music was mixed with Jiang Yunwu's artificial resistance, Lan Jing's laughter and Qin Yuluo's screams.

Warmth and closeness came so inexplicably, Jiang Yunwu and Qin Yuluo were just meeting each other for the first time, but there was a kind of tacit understanding and harmony between them that can only be cultivated by old friends for many years.

The wall between Lan Jing and Qin Yuluo seemed to disappear without a trace along with this joyous farce.

This wide and empty street is paved with joy, all the way to the hospital, the red QQ stops at Ren'ai Hospital, Qin Yuluo helps Lan Jing walk to the hospital, Jiang Yunwu is just behind follow.

Did Qin Yuluo finally heave a sigh of relief after handing Lan Jing to the nurse and approaching the emergency room? After all these tossings, Qin Yuluo's alcohol had almost faded away, and he leaned back on the back of the chair , a little listless.

Jiang Yunwu walked up to Qin Yuluo and stood still.

Qin Yuluo didn't bother to talk to this guy. This guy counts monkeys and dares to climb up if given a pole.

She turned around and deliberately looked at the farthest place, but her waist tightened, her legs joined together, and she rose into the air!


Jiang Yunwu easily picked her up horizontally.

Qin Yuluo was forced to wrap his arms around his neck, and looked at him in shock: "What are you doing!"

"Send you to the orthopedics department to see a doctor!" Jiang Yunwu was stunned and Qin Yuluo said, "Too thin."

Qin Yuluo wanted to reach out and throw his hands on his angry face, could he stop showing such a smug face!
"I won't go, you let me down!"

Jiang Yunwu had already strode forward with his long legs, and walked steadily forward. Qin Yuluo was a little overwhelmed by his handsome expression and the light above his head: "I said, I won't go, I am a doctor myself, I will see it myself!"

"To be brave, to support others when you're injured, don't you want those legs anymore?"

"Hey, you don't hurt your back when you stand and talk, don't you? You know that my hands are hurt, and you know that supporting Lan Jing will aggravate my injury. Why don't you help!" Qin Yuluo still remembers, he swayed alone Yoyo, what a leisurely walk!
Let the two of them, both wounded women, support each other and move forward limping, that man can do such a shameless thing!

She didn't say he was good, but he dared to bite back!
Jiang Yunwu cut out: "Only you can touch my body, don't even think about it!"

Qin Yuluo: "You're shameless, aren't you?" She shouldn't, she really shouldn't, but she couldn't help it, this stinky shameless face was right in front of her eyes, how could she not have revenge and revenge? , pinch his face red first!

She tugged at Jiang Yunwu's cheeks and pulled them from side to side: "I will make you a fart, I will make you shameless, and I will make you call me Little White Rabbit!"

(End of this chapter)

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