Chapter 215 She's Back
Why is Wang Sitong so sad when she listens to such a happy thing, her baby must be broken in love, no wonder she has to throw away these things.

"Throw it away, throw it away, if the old one doesn't go, the new one won't come."

Qin Yuluo moved it twice, and finally threw all these things to the trash can. Seeing them piled up together, Qin Yuluo seemed to have seen her past, and was gradually torn apart...

The moment she turned to leave, the past that belonged to her and Lu Qiran was also submerged in the cold winter.

Qin Yuluo returned home and called Sun Yufei.

After returning from Jiangzhou, she never contacted Sun Yufei again.

It turned out that Sun Yufei had already found a job in Binzhou, and she was busy with getting a job these days.

"Hey, Little Feather!" Sun Yufei's voice was still so energetic.

"Yufei, are you busy?"

"Today is okay, why? Miss me?"

"Well," Qin Yuluo first congratulated Sun Yufei for finding a job, and then said, "If you're okay, go to LK and help me get my wallet back later."

Sun Yufei paused, Qin Yuluo knew her sensitivity better than anyone else, so when Sun Yufei asked her what happened, Qin Yuluo was not surprised at all.

"Lu Qiran bullied you again? Did you two quarrel?"

"Go and help me get my wallet back first, and then I will tell you in detail."

"Okay!" Sun Yufei agreed with hesitation.

She is an activist, hung up the phone, and went to LK with Xiao Wu.

As soon as he entered LK, Xiao Wu held Sun Yufei back: "When you see Brother Lu later, be careful with what you say."

"Why!" It's good that she didn't ask Lu Qiran to settle the score, and she asked her to be careful when she said: "Zhao Xu, who are you with!"

Zhao Xu pressed her lips: "Keep down, of course I'm with you, but you haven't noticed that the atmosphere here is not right!"

Sun Yufei really didn't notice: "I'm sorry, I'm not an employee here!"

Waiting at the door of the CEO's office, when she saw Zhu Wen, Sun Yufei finally noticed the solemnity in the air belatedly. What happened between Xiao Yu and Lu Qiran?
Three days ago, when they came back from Jiangzhou, didn't these two people behave quite normally!

At that time, Sun Yufei thought that Qin Yuluo and Lu Qiran had reconciled...

"Get out!"

The two department heads ran out of the office in disgrace.

The two people who survived the catastrophe looked at Zhao Xu and Zhu Wen with deep sympathy.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Xu asked Zhu Wen in a low voice.

Zhu Wen shook his head secretively: "Don't ask." Even if they knew, they couldn't help with anything, and the more they helped, the more they might help.

"Miss Sun, you are here to get Miss Qin's wallet."

"En." Although Sun Yufei was full of doubts, she didn't plan to get an answer from Zhu Wen or Lu Qiran: "Give me the wallet, and I'll take it back."

Zhu Wen shook his head regretfully: "I lost my wallet."


Zhao Xu looked at Zhu Wen's neither red nor white face, his fox-like brows twitched, this guy started lying again!

Zhu Wen is the one who can lie the most among these brothers. If it is not someone who knows Zhu Wen well, he is guaranteed to be deceived by his sincere face and expression.

Zhu Wen nodded guiltily: "Yes, this is my dereliction of duty. I'm sorry. I've ordered someone to look for it. After I find it, I'll hand it over to Miss Sun."

"Then, when can I find it?"

"This," Zhu Wen said hesitantly: "The entire LK staff, nearly 2000 people, will go through the investigation one by one. I'm afraid it will take some time. Ms. Sun doesn't have to wait here. When she finds me, she will hand it over to Xiao Wu, and let him bring it to him. you."

Excuse or not, there is no other better way now.

"That's good!" Sun Yufei didn't insist anymore, she was anxious to find Qin Yuluo to find out what happened.

On the way to Qin Yuluo's house, Sun Yufei's phone rang, and when she saw the familiar name, she shouted excitedly: "Ah, ah, this dead bitch is finally back!"

"Ye Wanwan!"

Ye Wanwan was carrying her luggage and standing at the airport. The collar of the camel coat was open, and the fiery red tight skirt made her milky white skin look like it would glow. It was winter, and she was wearing sunglasses. One stop is the most beautiful scenery.

Hearing Sun Yufei's chirping, Ye Wanwan's fiery red lips raised a strange smile: "Feifei, you and Yuluo seem to have had a wonderful time during my absence!"

One sentence extinguished all of Sun Yufei's enthusiasm, she was so happy, but she forgot about Ye Wanwan's temper, it's over, it's over, it's dead!

She hung up the phone in fright, and muttered in despair: "It's over, it's over, it's over, what should I do!"

Zhao Xu freed a hand and grabbed Sun Yufei's hand: "What's wrong?"

"Ye Wanwan is back!"

About Sun Yufei and Qin Yuluo's best friend who has never shown up, Lu Qiran knew it clearly when he was investigating Qin Yuluo, and Zhao Xu and the others had also heard about it.

Ye Wanwan, whose ancestral home was in Kyoto, his father was the third in the Ye family, known as Ye Sanye, and now he is the general manager of Ye's Jiangcheng branch. Ye Wanwan is a serious socialite and the number one hot pepper!

This Miss Ye can be said to be Qin Yuluo and Sun Yufei's personal bodyguard, as well as their personal teacher.

Zhao Xu somewhat understood why Ye Wanwan would scare Sun Yufei like this when he came back.

"No, I have to let Xiaoyu go out and hide!"

After throwing away everything, the room is still the same, but it always seems that something is missing...

"Hello?" Qin Yuluo thought that Sun Yufei had already taken her wallet, but who knew that what was waiting was Sun Yufei's panicky exclamation.

"Run, little feather, run!"

Qin Yu sat up from the bed in despair, his first thought was that Lu Qiran was attacking: "Did he do anything to you? Are you injured?!"

"I'm fine, she can't do anything to me, you go, let her catch you, you will die!"

Hearing that Sun Yufei was fine, Qin Yuluo breathed a sigh of relief: "It's fine, he can't do anything to me." Qin Yuluo didn't know where he got his confidence, whether it was because he was fearless or because...

"Then, then you wait for me, I will go to you right away, wait for me!"

Sun Yufei asked Zhao Xu to speed up the accelerator, but at noon, there were traffic jams everywhere, and Sun Yufei fidgeted anxiously.

If Wang Sitong went to deliver food to Wan Moyi.

It was only then that Qin Yuluo remembered that there were two unattended patients in the hospital. Originally, she should have gone by herself, but I'm afraid she can't now.

If Lu Qiran really wanted to settle accounts with her, home would be better than the hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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