Chapter 219 Jiang Shao
"Wu Yan, go and see Qin Yuluo's leg tomorrow."

Wu Yan sat in the co-pilot and said hello.

When Qin Yuluo woke up, it was already sunburnt, she was hungover all night, she was out of energy, and she didn't have any other discomforts.

Ye Wanwan got up early and was dealing with some things.

Sun Yufei was still sleeping.

Qin Yuluo yawned and got out of bed: "Wanwan, when are you going back to Jiangzhou?"

Ye Wanwan put down his phone: "I won't be going back for the time being. The Ye family's branch in Binzhou is short of a supervisor. Let me take care of it for a while." She won't leave Binzhou unless these two idiots are dealt with properly.

"Great!" Qin Yuluo walked over and hugged Ye Wanwan's arm: "You don't even know, you have been away for more than half a year, and Yufei and I are worried about you to death, and you don't give us a hug. Phone, we don't know what's wrong with you."

"I stayed in the J country branch for a while, who would have thought that the two of you would do so many things."

Qin Yu fell silent and said nothing: "Now that you are back, we can be together again!"

"Well," Ye Wanwan handed Qin Yuluo's cell phone to her: "Your phone has been ringing all morning."

At first, Qin Yuluo thought it was Wang Sitong and Wan Moyi who called her, but when she clicked on it, it was densely packed with WeChat messages.

There was even a voice from Zhao Yaoyao.

"Sister Qin, why are you not at home? We heard that you were injured, and we still want to go and see you."

When Qin Yuluo saw this news, she felt mixed emotions in her heart. She thought they didn't like her anymore, but when they heard that she was hurt, they were still willing to visit her.

Qin Yuluo couldn't tell what was going on in her heart. She was full of apprehension and uneasiness about going back to work. Even if she could walk alone and ignore their strange gazes, she would still feel sad in the end.

Now, Zhao Yaoyao and the others dispelled Qin Yuluo's worries, and Qin Yuluo became pessimistic about everything...

Thinking of this, Qin Yuluo touched the keyboard.

Yuluo Dusk: I had something to do yesterday, so I was not at home. Thank you for your kindness.

Zhao Yaoyao replied in seconds.

Angel: I'm fine, I'll see you another day.

Rain falls at dusk: Good.

The rest were all sent by one person. Seeing that profile picture, Qin Yuluo felt dizzy. The hangover didn't give her a headache, but this person was worse than a case of wine.

Little Gray Rabbit: Call Little White Rabbit!
Little Gray Rabbit: Smoke a cigarette and calm down? !
Little Gray Rabbit: Little White Rabbit is white and white...

Little Gray Rabbit: Little White Rabbit, have you been stewed?

What nonsense is this!
Seeing Qin Yuluo's dumbfounded look, Ye Wanwan couldn't help being curious: "Who sent you the message, so happy."

happy?she?Is there...

Qin Yuluo touched the corner of his lips, just in time to feel the slight upward curve, there really is...

"It's just a strange thing." There are very few secrets among the three girls, even if there are, they were all disclosed yesterday, and as for this little gray rabbit, there is nothing to hide.

"I met a strange man the day before yesterday..." Ye Wanwan's eyes lit up after Qin Yuluo learned how she met Jiang Yunwu.

Qin Yuluo may not have realized that when she was talking about this incident, she said one word: Young Master Jiang!
People in the bar street all call the strange flower that Qin Yuluo called Jiang Shao, and in Binzhou, there is a rich and famous family whose surname is Jiang. Yu Lu Qiran's top man, known as Jiang Shao!
But Ye Wanwan is still not sure whether the two young masters Jiang are the same person, if so, then Xiao Yuluo's other half has Luo Luo...

As soon as Qin Yu was reading the message, the little gray rabbit sent another message.

A picture, a picture that made Qin Yuluo vomit blood!
"Ah! Dead man!"

Ye Wanwan rarely saw Qin Yuluo lose control like this, she was very curious about this message, so she leaned over to read it.

It's just a picture of a hand holding a cigarette, stroking a little gray rabbit. Why is Qin Yuluo so excited?
"What's wrong with this picture?"

Qin Yuluo pointed to the hand on the picture and said, "This is my hand!"

So?Why did Qin Yuluo give this little gray rabbit her hand holding a cigarette?The relationship between these two is good...

"Without this little gray rabbit, this little gray rabbit was brought up by him!" Qin Yuluo gritted her teeth, she wouldn't touch the little gray rabbit, she would have strangled the little gray rabbit to death!

Ye Wanwan raised his eyebrows with interest: "The way you two get along is very interesting!" Qin Yuluo stroked the little gray rabbit with his hand. This man's nickname is Little Gray Rabbit, which means that Qin Yuluo is touching he……

If this Jiang Shao is really the Jiang Shao she knows, then it will be interesting.

Little Gray Rabbit: Oh, how comfortable!

Rain falls at dusk: Comfort your uncle!

Little Gray Rabbit: Ah, you have appeared, Little White Rabbit!

For the rest of the time, Ye Wanwan watched Qin Yuluo blow his hairs out of anger, kick the quilt for a while, and cursed a few times from time to time. She was really curious about this 'little gray rabbit'.

Little Gray Bunny: Little White Bunny, I'm so sad, Little Gray Bunny's grandma is sick.

Qin Yuluo's sensitivity as a doctor was immediately transferred.

Yuluo Dusk: Then hurry to the hospital!Early detection and early treatment!

Little Gray Rabbit: It's hard, it's a mental illness.

Qin Yuluo thought for a while and returned.

Rain falls at dusk: Director Li of the psychiatric department of Ren'ai Hospital is an authority in the psychiatry department of Binzhou, you can go to see her.

The little gray rabbit immediately sent a kissing, hugging and raising emoji.

Little Gray Rabbit: Whoa, little white rabbit!

Rain falls at dusk: touch your sister, get out!

Qin Yu threw the phone aside angrily, too lazy to talk to that idiot!
Ye Wanwan hugged Qin Yuluo's neck with a smile: "When will you call him out, let's have a meal."

"Why?" Qin Yuluo immediately took precautions, and Ye Wanwan's lessons learned were there: "I said, I have nothing to do with him, so don't mess with the mandarin ducks!"

If there is, you will know after eating!
"Ok, deal!"

Sun Yufei just woke up and heard Ye Wanwan's words. She rubbed her eyes and asked, "What's the deal?"

"Yuluo has a friend who wants to introduce us."

"Good thing!" The two immediately put Qin Yu off the shelf: "Is he handsome or not!"

"How about you!"

Sun Yufei was concerned about appearance.Ye Wanwan focuses on the connotation, but she has nothing to do with that dead rabbit!
"I swear, I swear to the roof, I have nothing to do with that man, you two..."

"Oh, Feifei, get up quickly, I'm so hungry, go eat and eat!"

Qin Yuluo: "..." Can you let her finish her oath!She wouldn't eat with that dead man!

The three of them had a hot pot meal at noon, and then accompanied Ye Wanwan to her temporary residence in Binzhou, which was arranged by the company for Ye Wanwan. Everything is available.

(End of this chapter)

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