Chapter 235 Long time no see
Ye Wanwan held Qin Yuluo's hand. Her hand was cold all year round. The old man said that no one would hurt such a child. Isn't Qin Yuluo the best proof of this sentence.

Ye Wanwan's nose was sour, and he wrapped his hands around Qin Yuluo, wanting to use his own warmth to warm Qin Yuluo's icy cold: "Yuluo, I don't want to influence your thoughts, I just hope that your future partner will love you More than you love him."

Why doesn't she want to find a man who loves her, but there are so many men in this world, who will really love who...

Qin Yu put his chin on his knees, looked down at the two pairs of clasped hands, and thought for a long time: "I know." Maybe, she really should muster up the courage to try, this time, as long as she doesn't worry If you hand it over, you shouldn't be injured again.

Ye Wanwan didn't say anything redundant: "Go to bed early, you have to go to work tomorrow."

The next morning, when Qin Yu got up, he found that Ye Wanwan was still there, and Yu Fei had already gone to work.

"Why haven't you gone to work yet?"

Ye Wanwan put down the financial magazine in his hand, stood up from the sofa, went to the kitchen and served Qin Yuluo a bowl of porridge: "I'll take you to the hospital later, and I'll go to work."

"No need." Ye Wanwan had just arrived in Binzhou, Qin Yuluo guessed that she must be busy with a lot of things, and she didn't want to disturb Ye Wanwan.

Ye Wanwan pinched his waist with one hand and propped the other on the wall. Under the exquisite makeup, his almond eyes were slightly rounded: "It's snowing outside, so it's not easy to take a taxi. With your physique, you can walk ten or twenty minutes in the snow. The next time your relatives visit, you'll have to go to the hospital again in pain."

Qin Yuluo: "..." These are the advantages and disadvantages of having a best friend who grew up with you from childhood to adulthood. She has witnessed your most beautiful years, and similarly, she has also witnessed your years when you did the most stupid things. , Remember all your embarrassing stories, know all your weaknesses, such a person is a living humanoid memoir.

There was a time when Qin Yuluo was suffering from the cold, and when he came to see his aunt, he fainted in class and was sent to the hospital. It was Ye Wanwan who stayed with her in the hospital all the time. Later, Ye Wanwan always stared at her. , She is not allowed to drink cold water, she is not allowed to eat ice cream, etc., she is simply an old woman...

Qin Yu kept the smile on his lips: "Yes, yes, Miss, I will listen to you, let you send me off!"

Ye Wanwan came over enchantingly and pinched Qin Yuluo's nose: "If you are obedient, be good, my sister loves you!"

Qin Yuluo was already used to being teased by Ye Wanwan, so he frowned at her and started drinking porridge.

There is a red Q7 parked downstairs, the interior is the one that was towed away by Lu Qiran before: "Did you get the car back?"

"En." Ye Wanwan urged Qin Yuluo to get in the car: "Get in the car quickly, the snow is falling too much."

Qin Yuluo raised her head, and in the gray sky, white snowflakes were falling densely one by one, falling into her eyes, she closed her eyes subconsciously, only feeling a coldness in her eye sockets.

Ye Wanwan rolled down the car window: "Don't be dazed, get in the car quickly!"

Qin Yuluo didn't have time to wipe off the snow from his eyelashes, so he got into the car and drove all the way to the hospital.

Everywhere turned white, pedestrians scattered and gathered together, wrapped in thick cotton clothes, walking carefully, cars slowed down, wreckers were working in a cycle, a day in Binzhou was still the same as before, Busy, fulfilling, ordinary and ordinary.

Qin Yu got out of the car at the entrance of the hospital, said goodbye to Ye Wan, and ran into the hospital.

After Qin Yuluo's back disappeared, Ye Wanwan turned the car into the parking lot...

She came all the way to the orthopedics department and stood in front of Fu Shiwen's ward.

dong dong dong.

The knock on the door awakened Fu Shiwen who was in a daze: "Come in."

Ye Wanwan frowned slightly when he heard this gentle and windy voice, the voice sounded familiar, not only the voice was familiar, but also the man in front of him looked familiar.

"Excuse me, is this Mr. Fu Shiwen?"

Fu Shiwen looked at the charming woman in front of him, his eyes paused for a moment on her beautiful face, and his pupils were slightly suffocated: "Yes."

Ye Wanwan walked in step by step, and sat down on the chair beside the bed without much greeting: "Let me introduce myself, my name is Ye Wanwan and I am Qin Yuluo's friend."

Fu Shiwen lowered his head, making Ye Wanwan unable to see his emotions: "Miss Ye came to see me for something."

Ye Wanwan tried hard to see Fu Shiwen's expression clearly: "Did we meet somewhere?" Ye Wanwan always felt that they met, but when, before that, Ye Wanwan had never been to Binzhou: " Have you been to Kyoto before?"

Fu Shiwen didn't answer Ye Wanwan's question first, but asked again: "Why did Miss Ye come to see me?"

Ye Wanwan snorted: "I heard from Yufei that you are pursuing Yuluo, so I came to see you out of curiosity. In addition, I still come to tell you that there is another person who is pursuing Qin Yuluo. The two of you are comparable, but from a long-term perspective, it is obvious that the other party is more suitable for Qin Yuluo than you."

Fu Shiwen sneered: "You want to say that the other party has money and status."

Ye Wanwan was not at all embarrassed by being exposed: "You understand correctly, as Qin Yuluo's best friend, I certainly hope that my friend will find a man who can make her live comfortably. Yu Luo, I agree with both work and selfishness, Mr. Fu, what capital do you think you have to compete with that man?"

Fu Shiwen's bangs covered half of his expression, and the other half of his face exposed to Ye Wanwan's eyes was as calm as a pool of stagnant water: "So you didn't come here to send me news at all, nor did you want me to retreat in spite of difficulties, did you want to Let me be cannon fodder to earn money with that man, easy to get and easy to lose, rare to lose, Miss Ye, the Ye family taught you how to be a man?"

Ye Wanwan's face suddenly darkened, he actually knew the Ye family: "It seems that I underestimated Mr. Fu!" As soon as Mr. Fu said three words, Ye Wanwan was stunned: "I remembered, I remember who you are."

Fu Shiwen also raised his head.

"The second young master of the Fu family, long time no see."

The four eyes met, and there was a flash of light: "Miss Ye, long time no see."

The time seems to have returned to seven years ago. That year, Ye Wanwan was about to leave the capital and go to Jiangzhou to go to university. At the entrance banquet held by the Ye family for her, Ye Wanwan met the two sons of the Fu family. The first son of Fu, Fu Shijin, and the second son of Fu.

At that time, the Ye family intended to marry the Fu family, so she secretly noticed the two of them. Fu Shijin was gentle and elegant, tall and handsome. Compared with Fu Shijin, his younger brother was a little more youthful and frivolous.

So Ye Wanwan paid the most attention to Fu Shijin. She didn't know the name or remember the appearance of this unknown second young master of the Fu family. If Fu Shiwen didn't reveal her Ye family's identity, she wouldn't marry him with Fu Shijin. The Fu family in Kyoto was linked together.

(End of this chapter)

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