Chapter 241 Make trouble
Wan Moyi lowered his head and poked at the porridge in the bowl.

Wang Sitong held Qin Yuluo's hand. Qin Yuluo had been in their house for so long and had always been very sensible and filial. Although they hadn't been together for a long time, Wang Sitong loved her from the bottom of his heart. It wasn't that Qin Yuluo got married. Out of selfish desire to hold a grandson, but because of myself...

I don't use my body more and more, if one day, if she is gone, Lao Wan and Qin Yuluo are left, how can I live.

Seeing how sad Qin Yuluo was, Wang Sitong really couldn't bear it: "Yuluo, no more blind dates, let's not go on blind dates. If you want to marry, you can marry. If you don't want to, your parents can afford you."

Qin Yu put down her chopsticks, even though she could accompany and take care of the two elders, what would happen when they were old one day?There are many things she can do, but there are some things only men can do.

Anyway, sooner or later, you have to get married. If you can find someone your parents like, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Mom, I'll go, don't worry about me, I'm not insomnia because of going on a blind date, but because my best friend recently broke up with her boyfriend, I followed her to get angry," Qin Yuluo could only put the reason on Sun Yufei's head, Let Wang Sitong and Wan Moyi feel relieved: "If you should arrange it, arrange it, if this one doesn't work, then the next one."

Wang Sitong fell into a dilemma, was in great pain, and refused to nod for a long time.

Qin Yuluo shook Wang Sitong's hand: "Mom and Dad, there are so many people on blind dates these days, and there are blind date shows on TV, so don't worry too much."

After all, the matter was settled like this. Because of Qin Yuluo's compromise, Wang Sitong felt even more tormented in his heart, and vowed to find the best husband for Qin Yuluo. For this reason, Wang Sitong broke the habit of delivering lunch and went to Binzhou I went to the blind date corner in the garden to find a high-quality partner.

In the morning, Fu Shiwen wanted to remove the cast, and Qin Yuluo originally planned to accompany him, but the hospital exploded in the morning.

"Come and see, come and see, the psychiatrists of Ren'ai Hospital are reckless!" At the entrance of the hospital, the family members of the patients held a white banner, and a group of people stood at the door, shouting uncontrollably with loudspeakers.

The entrance of the hospital was already surrounded by onlookers.

Everyone was discussing that Qin Yu fell into the crowd and heard a lot of negative comments. The image of the hospital has been seriously damaged.

"What's going on?" Qin Yuluo saw Zhao Yaoyao and the others in the crowd. They were following behind the dean, trying to communicate with the patient's family.

"Doctor Qin!" Seeing Qin Yuluo, they gathered around as if they were seeing the backbone: "Doctor Qin, you have come here. This patient is causing trouble in the hospital, saying that our psychiatry department caress about human life!"

Qin Yuluo had already heard people talking about this, but it is absolutely impossible to say that their psychiatrists disregard human lives!

Their psychiatric departments, starting with Director Li Jiao, are all elites among the elite. Nurses like Zhao Yaoyao, although they are a little gossip, are all graduated from top medical schools. Mistakes are rare!
There must be something inside: "When did it happen? Where are the patients? Who received them at the beginning?"

Zhao Yaoyao replied one by one: "At that time, you were recovering from your injuries. These family members brought a man in his 50s to the hospital to see a doctor. Director Li received him. Director Li asked the patient's past medical history as usual, and then suggested that the patient be hospitalized for observation. But the family members disagreed and insisted on asking Director Li to prescribe the medicine. At that time, what he said was ugly, and Director Li couldn't stop the patient's family members, so he prescribed the medicine. Who knew they would come to the hospital today to make trouble..."

"No, I've been a nurse for so many years, and it's the first time I've met a family member who doesn't care about a patient's health!" Li Yaoyue was filled with righteous indignation.

Wang Yulan said: "The story of this family has been spread in the hospital. They don't put their tails between their legs, and dare to come to the hospital to make trouble and let us take responsibility that we shouldn't bear. Doctor Qin, what should we do now."

The relationship between the three girls is usually very good. When something like this happens, the three of them are even more united front, and they are all on the same page!
But it was useless for them to ask Qin Yuluo. Qin Yuluo had been working for less than a year in total, and the medical trouble incident was only heard of, never personally experienced.

"Let's see how the dean handles it."

The director of Ren'ai Hospital is not young anymore, with gray hair and good energy. He is already a national academician. It stands to reason that he should retire to enjoy his old age, but Director Sun stayed in the hospital. When miscellaneous diseases arise, he will personally put on armor and go into battle.

Dean Sun is Bethune in the hearts of all the doctors in Ren'ai Hospital. At this moment, he calmly comforts the frantic family members of the patients.

"Please calm down, what's the matter, let's sit down and talk."

"What are you talking about!" The leader of the doctor was a young man. He stepped on the stool and didn't pay attention to the dean at all: "After taking your medicine, my father's condition became more serious. I even ordered the coffin." Well, once my dad dies, your hospital will be in serious trouble!"

Qin Yuluo frowned upon hearing this, why is it death, not salvation?Did this family never think about saving people...

"Is the patient present?"

"Here!" Zhao Yaoyao pointed to the open space behind the family members: "Lying there!"

Qin Yuluo looked in front of the door, and saw a person lying on the icy ground. Although he was wrapped in a quilt, it was winter after all. problem, let alone a patient!
This is simply Chi Guoguo's murder!

Qin Yuluo couldn't just let it go: "You guys wait here, I'll go and have a look."

"Doctor Qin, you..."

Qin Yuluo quietly squeezed out of the crowd, walked around behind the family members, squatted beside the patient, and checked the patient's vital signs. The patient had already entered a state of shock.

Qin Yuluo was going to find a few young doctors to secretly send the patient in for first aid, but he was discovered before he even got up.

"Hey, who are you!" Qin Yuluo just half stood up on his legs when a middle-aged woman rushed over and pushed Qin Yuluo to the ground without any explanation, with a mean face like: "Hey, son, this woman I want to lay a black hand on your father!"

The man who stepped on the stool rushed over with red eyes: "Wow, you guys actually want to kill my dad secretly, you black-hearted doctors, I'll kill you!"

"Me!" Before Qin Yuluo could retort, the man had already kicked her on the leg, this kick was merciless, Qin Yuluo could feel the pain spreading from the bone of the leg, densely packed like tens of thousands of ants biting.

In an instant, Qin Yuluo's face was covered with thin sweat. This was not over yet. Once the young man made a move, the other family members became more courageous. They surrounded Qin Yuluo from all directions, and let Qin Yuluo fight in the middle. add.

(End of this chapter)

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