Chapter 245
The man's face was scratched by Qin Yu's high-heeled shoes, and a blood-red mark ran from the corner of his eye to his mouth. He looked embarrassed and funny. Not to mention, Doctor Qin's smashing really relieved his anger!

After Zhao Yaoyao relieved her anger, she hurried up and pulled Qin Yuluo away: "Doctor Qin, if you dare to fight with the patient's family, the hospital will hold you accountable!"

Qin Yuluo couldn't control that much anymore, she didn't kill these bastards because she didn't have the tools at hand!These bastards, death is not a pity!
"You, you are finished!" The young man's eyes were full of madness: "Now you promise to accompany me with 200 million yuan, and it will not work. Let me tell you, there is no 500 million yuan, so don't think about it privately!"

Although everyone was relieved, 300 million was thrown into this smash.

Qin Yuluo didn't feel regretful, but felt that the blow was light, but a bloodstain, how could it be worth 300 million!His life is not worth 300 million!

Dean Sun sighed and shook his head. This matter is endless. Originally, as long as the patient is out of danger, their hospital can clear the suspicion from him. Beating the patient's family members by hand, but there is no way to justify it. If it spreads, not only the reputation of the hospital will be polluted, but Qin Yu will be burdened with the reputation of beating the patient's family members. I am afraid that his career as a doctor will come to an end...

These young people!

The young man happily touched the wound on his face. Originally, it was unreasonable for them to blame a dead ghost on the Ren'ai Hospital. They could only rely on nonsense, but the dead woman gave the truth to them. They are holding on to the hospital, and they are justified, they dare not give money to try!

The man shook his legs happily, and stretched out his hand like a grandpa, full of confidence: "Give me money!"

"Give me the money!" The family members followed suit.

"It's my business to beat you, don't put it on the hospital's head!" Qin Yuluo didn't need anyone to speak for her, because she had just arrived at the hospital and hadn't had time to change into a white coat. Down jacket, standing coldly in the ice and snow: "I am no longer a doctor at Ren'ai Hospital, what money do you want from the hospital!"

As long as she says that she is not a doctor at Ren'ai Hospital, the family members of the patients can no longer make trouble like the hospital. She is not a holy mother. She just doesn't want to drag others down. She can bear the burden of her own troubles!
"Doctor Qin!" Zhao Yaoyao covered her mouth, and the colleagues around her looked at Qin Yuluo with complicated eyes.

The most complicated ones are Li Jiao and Dean Sun.

Dean Sun approached Li Jiao and said in a low voice, "This is a good boy and a good seedling. It's a pity..." It's a pity that he is too young to hold his breath, otherwise he will have great achievements in the future.

During Qin Yuluo's working time in the hospital, Li Jiao watched Qin Yuluo grow up little by little. She has always raised Qin Yuluo as her successor. This child has a pure heart, although sometimes he is a bit cold, A bit grumpy, but this shortcoming is enough to be covered up by Qin Yuluo's a little bit.

What's more, young people, who don't have a temper, even if they beat the patient's family, the other party's words are rude, insulting Qin Yuluo's personality, who can tolerate others slandering himself like this, who is an illegitimate daughter and a concubine, It's extremely ugly!

Li Jiao thought about it: "Uncle Sun, can the hospital stand up for Doctor Qin in this matter, and I will pay for the compensation."

Li Jiao is the most distinguished between public and private. After working in Daorenai Hospital for so many years, no one has ever known that Dean Sun is Li Jiao's distant relative. In the hospital, Li Jiao has never called him uncle. Today she made an exception and wanted to use her private relationship to help Qin. Yu Luo excused himself, which made Dean Sun even more curious about this young Doctor Qin...

"Are you sure?" Li Jiao's family is in good condition, and she is proud of herself. Her husband is a well-known and wealthy businessman in Binzhou. Let alone 300 million, even 1000 million can be paid out, but for a colleague who has nothing to do with him, it's okay to do this. Not a little over the line...

Li Jiao nodded very firmly: "I'm sure, I don't do it for anything else, just for Hua Guo to have one more excellent psychiatrist in the future." Even one more excellent academician!
"Okay," Dean Sun nodded in agreement, "I agree to your request. The hospital will handle this matter for her!"

"Thank you Uncle Sun."

Hearing Qin Yuluo say that he is not a doctor in the hospital, the young man's mind shook for a moment: "Impossible, I clearly heard them call you Doctor Qin!"

"So what! I used to work in this hospital, but I'm no longer here. As a former colleague, why don't they call me Doctor Qin!"

The young man's lips trembled: "You, you are talking nonsense, nonsense!" So they can't ask for money from the hospital!

Yes, she is just talking nonsense, how about it, isn't that how their family is talking nonsense!
She is still working in Ren'ai Hospital, so what?She can leave her job at any time, and she can also communicate with the dean to let the dean announce to the outside world that she is no longer working in the hospital. Who knows what the truth is!

"That's right, even if you're not working in the hospital anymore, if you hit me, you'll have to lose money, lose money!" You can't ask for it from the hospital, but you can ask for it from this dead woman. I heard that doctors are very rich. Hand it over, and the whole family will come to ask for it!

Qin Yuluo raised his slender eyebrows rather rascally: "Who saw me hitting you?"

Qin Yu looked around inquiringly, everyone shook their heads in unison, and said in unison: "I didn't see it!"

"Look, everyone didn't see it."

"You, you are working together, I, I have evidence!" The young man held up the high heels in his hand: "This shoe is yours!"

Qin Yuluo nodded: "So what if it's mine, you rascal tried to insult me ​​and even snatched my shoes, so I'm the victim."

Young man: "..." This man should be ashamed!Who the hell insulted her!He also snatched her shoes, is he a pervert!

"You said I molested you, right?" The young man was already so angry that Qin Yu was so angry: "Then I'll show you the molestation!"

As the man spoke, he rushed towards Qin Yuluo.

If you want to do it, think that these doctors are dead, right?

I don't know who is the first to take the lead, a group of people are like tumblers, Qi Qi rushed towards the young man: "Oh, who pushed me!"

"I retreated!"

"Hey, there's a traffic jam!"

Everyone: "..."

Where is the car from? !
Seeing that another farce was about to start, the sound of uniform footsteps came from outside the crowd, as if they had undergone the most elite training and measurement, and every step was in rhythm.

People can't help but want to see what kind of team it is, coming on the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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