Chapter 255 Start

She stepped on red high-heeled shoes and got out of the car. She wore a fiery red dress with high slits above her knees, revealing her slender calves. She wore a simple and elegant black fur shawl on her shoulders. In the cold winter, she seemed to be in full bloom. Samuume!
As soon as Ye Wanwan appeared, he attracted the attention of everyone in front of the manor.

After simple decoration, the manor exudes bright light in the dark night. Walking into this carved iron gate, there are well-manicured gardens on both sides of the manor. At the end of the road, a European-style castle stands in the dark, exuding the ancient and grandeur of the Middle Ages. .

Ye Wanwan was not in the mood to look at this elegant environment, and ignored everyone's fiery eyes, and walked quickly into the castle.

In the lobby on the first floor, brightly dressed people create a fascinating world of vanity.

Ye Wanwan looked around, but she didn't see the person she was looking for. She wanted to go up the stairs to the second floor, but was stopped by a black-clothed bodyguard at the stairs: "The second floor is a private area, this lady, please go back."

Ye Wanwan looked at the sculpture-like bodyguards on the left and right, folded his arms and said straightly: "I want to see you, Mr. Lu."

The two of them didn't respond as if they didn't hear it.

Ye Wanwan frowned, and said loudly: "I said I want to see you Mr. Lu!"

The confrontation here quickly attracted the attention of others,
"Could this woman be Boss Lu Lu..."

"Keep your voice down, whether she is Mr. Lu's woman or not is something we can discuss."

It's not that they can talk about it and say it so loudly!

Ye Wanwan turned his head, his bewitching eyebrows and eyes coldly swept around the gossiping people behind him, and deliberately raised his voice: "Tell you Mr. Lu, my name is Ye Wanwan, Ye Wanwan of Ye's family, he must understand that I came to look for you." His reasons, before making him attractive, weigh the weight of the Ye family first!"

"Yo, it's Miss Ye."

The two bodyguards didn't listen to what Ye Wanwan said the whole time, Ye Wanwan was very annoyed by such reluctance, on the one hand, he was annoyed by Lu Qiran's defiant attitude, on the other hand, he was also annoyed by Lu Qiran's way of training people!
Fortunately, before Ye Wanwan was about to lose his temper, Zhu Wen came slowly.

He is wearing a tuxedo today, very much like a royal butler of country Y, with a golden thread hanging from the side of his gold-rimmed glasses, his hair has been waxed, revealing a smooth forehead, one hand across his abdomen, and a gentleman's slight bend: " Don't worry, Ms. Ye, Mr. Lu is busy, he will come soon."

busy? !

What are you busy!
He is the director of the banquet, he is not present, but he is busy, it must be related to Qin Yuluo!

Ye Wanwan suppressed his emotions, and raised his red lips: "Today is your LK's home game, I don't want to ruin the game, hand her over, I will leave immediately!"

The curvature of Zhu Wen's lips was perfect and impeccable: "Sorry, I can't decide this matter."

"What do you mean, he doesn't want to make friends!"

Zhu Wen just smiled and said nothing, this smile seemed to tell Ye Wanwan brightly, yes, how is it!
Ye Wanwan is going to be mad with anger, she has always been the proud daughter of heaven, although she is not a domineering person, she is not definitely a courageous woman!
If you don't pay, she will force her way!Today she must take Qin Yuluo away!
"Stop Miss Qin!" Two bodyguards stepped forward, politely but forcefully stopped Ye Wanwan by the stairs.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

Everyone was watching the excitement, only Zhu Wen stood here like a needle in the sea, making everyone afraid to speak.

Seeing that the two parties were at a stalemate, and no one dared to stand up to smooth things over, the atmosphere became a bit condensed.

"Wanwan, what are you doing?!" A roar came from behind, Ye Wanwan turned around and saw a middle-aged man looking at her very dissatisfied.

The man is six to seven points similar to Ye Wanwan, except that the lines are tougher, and there is a bit of resoluteness: "Wanwan, what are you doing here?"

Ye Wanwan slowly came back to his senses, bit his lip and shouted unhappily: "Dad, why are you here..."

Ye Feng stepped forward slowly, and nodded to Zhu Wen: "The little girl has no shape, and she is causing trouble to the special assistant."

Zhu Wen smiled and shook his head: "Ling Ai's nature is straightforward, it's okay."

Ye Wanwan gave Zhu Wen a vicious look, fuck your sister's innocence!

Ye Feng bent his arms, Ye Wanwan stepped forward to hold Ye Feng's arms, and followed him away.

It turned out that when I heard that Lu Qiran held a banquet, many celebrities from Huaguo came, and the one sent by the Ye family was Ye Feng, who knew that as soon as he came, he saw that his daughter was about to fight with others.

"Wanwan, you are too much today."

Although Ye Wanwan lowered his head as if he was listening to the training, his eyes were fluttering restlessly. He wondered if Sun Yufei had sneaked in. They had to find Yuluo quickly, otherwise Lu Qiran would torture Yuluo to death!

At the highest point of the castle, there is only one room, and the owner of the castle lives here, who is also the person with the highest status.

At this moment, this room was occupied by a comatose woman. On the gorgeous golden bed, Qin Yu sank into the soft duvet, like a sleeping angel.

Lu Qiran has already changed his clothes. The black and red suit makes him look like a vampire from ancient Europe. He has the most perfect and cruel appearance in the world. Countless people are crazy about him. In the end, he willingly surrenders at his feet and becomes his slave. prey.

He stood under the crystal lamp, the red diamond brooch on his chest exuded a magical light, and those sinking pupils looked at the woman on the bed without blinking.

"When will she wake up?"

Wu Yan looked at his watch: "It should be soon."

Lu Qiran got up and walked forward: "Give me your massage technique later on."

Wu Yan: "..." He is a doctor. Didn't repeat it again, he is a doctor!Massaging patients is a doctor's job!

Lu Qiran is so jealous!
At eight o'clock in the evening, everyone came, but the protagonist of this banquet did not show up for a long time. If Zhu Wen hadn't been there all the time, they might have thought it was a joke.

Until the man appeared by the stairs on the second floor without warning, the whole banquet entered a silent climax.

Everyone followed his figure, watching him walk down the stairs elegantly and dignifiedly like a prince, watching his eyes flashing, exuding a soul-stirring charm!
Father Ye couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Having a son should be like Lu Qiran, the Lu family is blessed."

Ye Wanwan pinched Ye Feng's arm: "Dad, are you clearly despising me!"

Ye Feng: "You!"

Ye Wanwan smiled triumphantly: "I don't think there is anything good about Lu Qiran."

"Yes! In your eyes, Fu Shijin is the best!"

Ye Wanwan's cheeks flushed a little red, and he didn't refute.

Seeing his daughter's shy look, Ye Feng swallowed the words that came to his lips, forget it, let's talk about these things later.

The banquet officially started in the hall, and countless noble ladies gathered around Lu Qiran. They all hoped that the first dance at the opening would win Lu Qiran's favor.

(End of this chapter)

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