Chapter 258 Windfall
But judging from the meaning of his words, she seems to have misunderstood him... Zhao Xu just grabbed Sun Yufei's hand when he saw Lu Qiran coming up the steps, and the explanation that came to his mouth was drowned in Lu Qiran's dark eyes: "Lu Qiran elder brother."

Lu Qiran turned his eyes to look at Sun Yufei, and seeing her in casual clothes, he knew that Zhao Xu had let her in secretly, so there was no need to ask why she came here: "Take her out."

As soon as Lu Qiran opened his mouth, it was a eviction order, which made Sun Yufei even more annoyed. She blocked Lu Qiran's way with one step, rushed over and grabbed Lu Qiran's collar: "Lu Qiran, I want to settle accounts with you!"

Zhao Xu looked at Sun Yufei dumbfounded, is she crazy?If you're not crazy, how dare you do anything to Brother Lu!But seeing her cocking her feet and trying her best not to fall into such a bad situation in front of Lu Qiran, Zhao Xu wanted to laugh again.

He went up to grab Sun Yufei's hand away, and looked directly at Lu Qiran's razor-sharp eyes: "Brother Lu, Yufei is also in a hurry. Miss Qin seems to be in trouble, go and have a look!"

Lu Qiran couldn't help saying, and left quickly, Zhao Xu finally heaved a sigh of relief, and looked down at the jumping woman in his arms: "Stop arguing, don't you find that something is wrong?"

Sun Yufei was already mad with anger, how could she still be rational: "What's wrong, let me go!" She still wanted to go after Lu Qiran.

Unable to appease her emotions, she couldn't listen to anything she said, Zhao Xu angrily pressed her against the wall, bowed his head and blocked her mouth, the world finally became quiet...

Lu Qiran quickly came to the top floor, pushed open the door and saw Qin Yuluo still lying on the bed, he breathed a sigh of relief, that kid Zhao Xu even made fun of Qin Yuluo, it seems that life is too comfortable recently...

Lu Qiran stepped on the velvet carpet, his footsteps were so soft that he could barely hear him, he thought Qin Yuluo was still sleeping and didn't want to disturb the little woman, but when he approached the bed, he saw two lines of tears that hadn't dried up, and her trembling eyelash.

Lu Qiran's heart seemed to be lowered by someone. He sat on the edge of the bed, gently grabbed Qin Yuluo's hand, and kissed it lovingly on his lips: "What's wrong?"

Qin Yuluo trembled all over, her breathing became short of breath suddenly, she wanted to pull back her hand, but she had no strength, tears flowed non-stop, causing her to become such an instigator, right beside her, she did not There's no way, she can't even resist!
Qin Yuluo hated such a weak and helpless self, and even more hated such a self who could only wait for death in vain!
She didn't want to see him either, no!

Lu Qiran's fingertips brushed across the corners of her eyes, wiping away her tears: "Why are you crying? Does it hurt?" Lu Qiran thought Qin Yuluo's back hurt, so he cried coquettishly. Wu Yan said that Qin Yuluo might There will be some discomfort, such as pain, but he didn't expect this pain to let him see Qin Yuluo's delicate side.

Lu Qiran couldn't help laughing, this deep and sexy voice could no longer tug at Qin Yuluo's heartstrings.

After making her like this, he still laughed!He is a devil!

"Open your eyes obediently."

She didn't want it, she was afraid that seeing him would make her collapse and drive herself crazy, she turned her head away, her resistance was obvious.

However, Lu Qiran thought she was shy. He raised his thin lips, leaned towards her neck, and pecked viciously: "Open your eyes, if you don't open them again, I will kiss you again."

Qin Yuluo grasped the sheets tightly, and the predicament of nowhere to escape made her collapse. When she thought that she could only lie on the bed for the rest of her life, unable to take care of herself like a disabled person, being pressed by him to get whatever she wanted, Qin Yuluo's nerves tensed When it was broken, she suddenly burst into tears: "Ah! Ah!!!"

Lu Qiran was startled by the roar in his ear, he raised his head, his eyes fell on Qin Yuluo's slender neck, it seemed that things really had an unknown change.

Qin Yuluo, something is wrong!

He turned Qin Yuluo's face and saw her roaring like a madman. She shook her head desperately, but her body was motionless...

Lu Qiran suddenly realized something: "Are you unable to move?"

Qin Yu opened his eyes in a hurry, revealing a pair of crimson eyes. Those eyes were full of repulsion, disgust and even despair. There was no trace of friendship. The way she looked at him was like seeing death, which could only be in vain. The coming of death: "Lu Qiran, I was wrong, I should not have declared war on you, I should not have challenged your majesty, you have status and background, you are omnipotent, you are a god, let me go, okay?"

Her words made Lu Qiran withdraw his hand that was going to hug her. She thought that he used tricks to make her like this...

Lu Qiran got up coldly, looked at the pear-blossoming woman, and sneered mockingly: "There are ten thousand ways to imprison you, why should I turn you into a cripple, doesn't it mean that cripples are special to play with?"

Qin Yuluo really wanted to take this sentence seriously, but under Lu Qiran's stare, she couldn't deceive herself!

"You!" Qin Yuluo's chest heaved in anger, the quilt rose and fell with her panting, Lu Qiran's malicious eyes deliberately stopped somewhere.

Qin Yuluo was annoyed: "Lu Qiran, are you a beast? I'm already like this, and you are still full of dirty thoughts, so you can't wait until I get better!"

Lu Qiran: "..." An unexpected harvest...

Qin Yuluo: "..." She must be out of her mind!

Wu Yan: "Hey, I don't think I came at the right time..."

Very bad time!
Lu Qiran raised his chin: "She can't move anymore, go and have a look."

Qin Yuluo could only try his best to pretend that she hadn't said that stupid thing just now.

But looking at the meaning, she can't touch this matter, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with Lu Qiran, so why is that.

Wu Yan stood motionless at the door, not surprised at all: "She hurt her back, she must not be able to move when she just woke up, even if she can move, it's better not to move, take good care of her for two days, wait for the pain to go away, and move around , but in the future, we must also pay attention not to carry heavy objects and do tiring work, otherwise the waist protrusion will recur at any time."

So, it was because she had a lumbar protrusion, not because of what Lu Qiran did to her...

In other words, she misunderstood Lu Qiran.

Qin Yuluo bit her lower lip, feeling a little flustered, should she say sorry to Lu Qiran.

Lu Qiran waved his hand without looking back, Wu Yan left, and the two of them were left in the room, Lu Qiran looked at Qin Yuluo's awkward face, turned and left.

He must be angry, it was her fault for misunderstanding, but she didn't do it on purpose, in fact, in this situation and the environment, plus Sun Yufei's words, it was too easy for people to misunderstand.

It's not a minor wound or accident, just smile and say it's okay and you can get over it.

When she thought she could no longer move freely, Qin Yuluo really collapsed, and she finally understood why so many paralyzed patients became mentally abnormal. The multiple mental and physical tortures, even mental No matter how strong a person is, he will be driven crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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