Chapter 264
"Jiang Shao has confidence."

"Young Master Lu," Jiang Yunwu suddenly approached, "I'm really interested in that woman in your golden house, what should I do?"

Lu Qiran slowly raised his eyelids, and looked at Jiang Yunwu indifferently: "I never show mercy to my enemies."

Jiang Yunwu licked his teeth, he really wanted to see if the woman in Lu Qiran's arms was the woman he guessed...

All his verbal provocations were also intended to test Lu Qiran's concern for that woman. Now it seems that Lu Qiran is really not kidding around. Jiang Yunwu hoped that it would be best not to be like what he thought. He had better not know that woman.

"Jiang Shao can go back." After saying that, Lu Qiran stood up and was about to leave.

Obviously, he thought that the business Jiang Yunwu mentioned was just a ridiculous and boring excuse. As for why Jiang Yunwu cared so much about his woman, he could check it out.

"What's the hurry!" Jiang Yunwu blocked Lu Qiran's way: "We talked about business, we just talked about business. Just now, we just chatted a little bit to get closer to us."

Small talk?His way of chatting is to inquire about other people's private gossip, always thinking about the woman he wants to see?

Jiang Yunwu curled his lips helplessly: "I wonder if Master Lu is interested in the land in the city center."

Jiang Yunwu smiled confidently. Originally, LK's industry in Binzhou was not the most important part, so the office building is not too big, and the geographical location is not bad enough.

But with the relocation of LK's headquarters to Binzhou, the original LK's office building has become stretched, and it is extremely inconsistent with LK's current status. He also heard that LK is planning to rebuild.

It just so happened that Jiang Yunwu had a piece of land in his hand, and this piece of land was next to Jiang's Building, which was a prime location in Binzhou. Only such a location was worthy of LK's reputation, right? Lu Qiran's identity.

This piece of land, Zhu Wen mentioned before, also said that this piece of land is currently in the hands of the Jiang family, and he has no intention of selling it, but now he is taking it out to make a deal with him...

"Is something wrong with the Jiang family?"

Jiang Yunwu raised his eyebrows: "No, it's pretty good."

"Then Young Master Jiang is short of money?"

"Not at all." To avoid Lu Qiran's messy guesses, Jiang Yunwu directly explained the purpose of his visit: "I'll sell you the land at the original price, how about you sell Ren'ai Hospital to me?"

Lu Qiran suddenly took a look at Jiang Yunwu, as if he wanted to see Jiang Yunwu clearly from the inside out: "You want to buy Ren'ai Hospital?"


"Why?" Lu Qiran also lit a cigarette, and the old god sat back in the chair.

Jiang Yunwu is not afraid of being seen through, he even hopes that Lu Qiran will find out his purpose; "Young Master Lu can get drunk on the lap of a beauty, can't a little shrimp like me fight for my lifelong happiness?"

Lu Qiran crossed his legs, his phoenix eyes lightly narrowed: "For women." Ren'ai Hospital, women, Jiang Yunwu, Qin Yuluo...

Heh, has he missed a lot of good shows recently...

"I don't know what the woman who can make Jiang Shao bow down under her skirt looks like."

Jiang Yunwu originally wanted to say, just let me see your woman, but he suddenly became playful, regardless of whether Lu Qiran's woman is a little white rabbit or not, what he has to do now is to pinch the Ren'ai Hospital first. In his hand, the near-water tower will win the moon first, even if the two of them like the same woman, he will still be the one with a better chance of winning!
"It's quite an ordinary woman, and it must be incomparable with your woman."

"What's your name, maybe I still know him." Lu Qiran asked.

Jiang Yunwu shook his head: "I don't know, I just know it's called Little White Rabbit."

In the verbal confrontation, no one had the upper hand. Even though Lu Qiran didn't want to associate Qin Yuluo with the foolish Prince Binzhou in front of him, Jiang Yunwu had been trying to see Qin Yuluo from the very beginning, and then he followed him. Ren'ai Hospital, so many coincidences still make people have to be suspicious.

Lu Qiran flicked the cigarette ash with his fingers: "It seems that there is no way to complete this transaction. Ren'ai Hospital is of great significance to me."

"Why, Young Master Lu's woman also works in Ren'ai Hospital?"

"If so." With the last word gently falling, the atmosphere between the two people that had just eased fell back to a far point, and there was even a downward trend.

"From this point of view, Young Master Lu and I are really destined..."

I don't know what Jiang Yunwu's words are destined to refer to, but Lu Qiran agrees with this statement, but the final winner must be him and not Jiang Yunwu.

Lu Qiran stubbed out the cigarette butt, and said with a bit of contempt: "My baby is still waiting for me, if I don't go, she won't be able to sleep, so I won't see Young Master Jiang off."

Jiang Yunwu saw the back of Lu Qiran leaving arrogantly, and kicked on the desk angrily, no matter whether Lu Qiran's woman is Qin Yuluo or not, Lu Qiran is shameless for giving him dog food in such an open manner!

He also looks like sleeping with his arms around a little white rabbit, but his little white rabbit is gone!

As soon as Lu Qiran stepped out of the study room, the next second it became like a rainstorm. Binzhou is not Lu Qiran's home field. His power has just infiltrated Binzhou. There is no way to control many things in his own hands, but these things Not including Qin Yuluo!
Although he didn't send anyone to follow Qin Yuluo again, he once told Zhu Wen that Qin Yuluo's matter must be reported immediately, but he didn't know when Qin Yuluo and Jiang Yunwu had an intersection!
Seeing Lu Qiran's posture of eating people, Zhu Wen lowered his voice and asked, "Brother Lu, what's the matter."

Lu Qiran's eyes moved sideways, Zhu Wen's scalp exploded, did he do something wrong...

"Send Jiang Shao out, and then find me in the dungeon."


Most of the castles built in the Middle Ages were inhabited by dignitaries and nobles at that time, and each castle has a private dungeon.

After Lu Qiran bought this place, he didn't make any major changes to it, everything remained as it was before, including of course the dungeon here.

The dungeon is dark, without daylight all year round, and has a musty smell. There are already residents in several cells separated by iron fences...

These people are none other than the chief culprit who caused Qin Yu to fall into the forest, the parties involved in the medical trouble, the Wu family!

They are still intact and have not been dealt with, but being locked up in such a place is already more cruel to them than being tortured.

They don't know how many days have passed outside, they don't know how long they will stay here, and they don't even know when they will die...

When Lu Qiran appeared in the dungeon, it was the time when the Wu family was at their worst. As soon as they saw someone, they started calling for help: "Help, please let us go out!"

(End of this chapter)

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