Chapter 274 Massage
Seeing the place Jiang Yunwu brought her to, Qin Yuluo had the urge to beat someone up.

"Jiang Yunwu, you come here to find a woman, can you not take me with you!"

Jiang Yunwu threw the key to the doorman and dragged Qin Yuluo inside: "I said, Miss Qin, in your opinion, massage parlors are not decent places?"

"……"if not!

Before divorcing Jiang Mengzhe, he often used excuses to take clients to massage and relax, and then stayed out all night. Later, after Jiang Mengzhe found out that he was cheating, Qin Yuluo finally realized that massage and relaxation are all about these men cheating, looking for men/ Women's excuses!

In various names, in fact, he just can't control his lower body!

"I'm not going!" Qin Yuluo stepped back with the weight of his whole body.

She is a woman, and she is still a woman with injuries. How can she be Jiang Yunwu's general, if it is not because of her injuries, he would not dare to use too much force, and Qin Yuluo would not even have a chance to resist.

The two were deadlocked at the entrance of the hall. The waiter who wanted to come forward stood in the distance, seeing the seesaw between them, and did not rush forward to speak.

"Are you going in by yourself, or I'll carry you in!" Jiang Yunwu pulled Qin Yuluo with one hand and pointed at her with the other, gnashing his teeth a bit, why didn't he see that Miss White Rabbit is still such a stubborn person!He was so stubborn that he wanted domestic violence!
Qin Yu shook his head like a rattle: "Let me go, I want to go home!"

Jiang Yunwu was laughed at by Qin Yu: "Don't go in, right?" Jiang Yunwu turned his head and shouted at the waiter in the hall: "Bring her in for me!"

"It's Young Master Jiang!" After receiving the order, these waiters finally stretched out their claws to Qin Yuluo, and several waiters in black uniforms immediately surrounded Qin Yuluo.

Qin Yuluo used his remaining arm to protect his chest: "You guys, stay away from me!"

"Ah! Jiang Yunwu, you stupid pig—!" After Qin Yuluo uttered the last ear-piercing wail, several people carried him into the locker room.

With his hands in his pockets, Jiang Yunwu entered the men's area under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Qin Yuluo was besieged in the female guests' bathing area. She felt that the people on the opposite side were not women at all, they were perverts who picked her clothes off. Qin Yuluo grabbed her shirt and jeans and cowered in the corner: "You guys You are all women, why bother to embarrass women!"

One of the waitresses, who looked a little older, immediately showed a panicked expression after hearing Qin Yuluo's words, took a step back, and bent over at ninety degrees towards Qin Yuluo.

The others followed closely behind, and Qin Yuluo saw only the back of his head in an instant. This feeling was inexplicably sad...

Qin Yuluo squinted at his side, and there was piano music streaming in front of his ears. If some flowers were placed on it and the music was changed, it would seem to be more in line with the current atmosphere...


Qin Yuluo felt that the environment was becoming more and more terrifying, she licked her dry lips: "I, I warn you, don't cry!"

The leading female waitress raised her head bit by bit, revealing a face covered with tears, such sad eyes, such focused gaze, as if she was about to see her life for the last time, which made Qin Yuluo feel numb all over.

At that moment, Qin Yuluo was dominated by fear, and blurted out: "Your sister..."

She was so young, making these maids bow and bend, plus tears of sorrow, after doing this, she only felt that she had died young!

Qin Yuluo huddled in the corner, looking at the group of maids indignantly: "You guys, stay away from me!"

"Miss Qin," the leading waitress said, "How dare you let us suffer all this! We are innocent too, Miss Qin!"

"Yes, Miss Qin, otherwise Young Master Jiang will punish us!"

"Yes, yes, being punished by Young Master Jiang is terrible!"

One sound, one sentence, one sentence, just like Tang Seng's curse, the problem is, what did she do to anger people, did she beat them or scold them, it was clear that they wanted to take off her clothes as soon as they came in, she did it from beginning to end Just defending, not even attacking, why do they look like they have been wronged by the sky!

The victim hasn't said anything yet.

It was Qin Yuluo who lost his mind for a moment, and the group of maids rushed forward and stripped her naked...

Qin Yuluo didn't want to recall the whole process. She never liked the touch of strangers. Even when she went to the bathing pool, she chose to go when there were few people. Although they were all women with the same body structure, Qin Yuluo was very The feeling of repelling so many eyes on the body.

They not only touched her body, but also touched her body for a long time, rubbed things, and smeared...

Qin Yuluo was wrapped in a bathrobe, sent to the bed, and another thick layer was applied to her face. This nightmare-like torture was finally over.

Qin Yuluo was sent to the hall, where many people were already sitting in one place, drinking tea and talking, at first glance, it seemed that this place was no different from the steam room Qin Yuluo went to before.

But if you take a closer look, you will find that from the speech and behavior of these people to the various utensils and decorations used in the clubhouse, they all reveal low-key dignity.

The guests sitting in the hall saw Qin Yuluo standing there foolishly, but they didn't show any expressions of curiosity and contempt.

"Why are you standing there?" Jiang Yunwu had a towel on his head, only the middle part of his handsome silhouette was exposed, and only Qin Yuluo, who was standing in front of him, could see his smiling face from under the dangling towel.

Qin Yuluo: "Wait for you."

Knowing that it was just an excuse, Jiang Yunwu was still very happy. He rubbed Qin Yuluo's long hair that had been made into ripples: "Let's go, I'll take you to a good place."

Jiang Yunwu dragged Qin Yuluo out of the long corridor and came to a closed private room.

The room is very big, with a movie theater sofa and a massage bed, but none of this can change the fact that it is an independent room!

She had just taken a shower, and she still had a pungent fragrance on her body, and behind her was a man who was glowing with heat. She didn't want to miss it, but she couldn't control herself!
"Next, there are more comfortable ones."

Jiang Yunwu said, and drew the curtains.

It's over, it's over, she really guessed it, Jiang Yunwu, a beast, really wanted to do something wrong to her.

Qin Yu walked lightly, and before Jiang Yunwu could turn around, he secretly opened the door.

Eh?Why is the door not moving!

It didn't move once, and still didn't move after two or three times. Qin Yuluo tried to find the door lock, but the pure black frosted doorknob didn't even have a hole, let alone a keyhole!

Damn it, Jiang Yunwu was already ready!
"Want to run?" Jiang Yunwu crossed his arms, he had been looking at her like this for a long time, not to mention, the picture of Miss White Rabbit fighting with the doorknob was very stupid and eye-catching.

(End of this chapter)

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