Chapter 280
Can Qin Yuluo say no?cannot……

Because Zhao Xu has already dragged Sun Yufei aside to give tutoring.

The scene became very strange, three men stood in front of Qin Yuluo, Ye Wanwan stood behind the man surnamed Fu, and Qin Yuluo sat alone on a chair, feeling that he was being interrogated by the third division.

Although none of these three people spoke to Qin Yuluo, Qin Yuluo could feel the oppression that made people breathless.

She wanted to move to the side, but if she stood up now, it would be too abrupt, and she would bump into Lu Qiran directly, if she just moved against the stool, would it be okay...

Just as Qin Yu touched the stool with his hand and was about to move it, a person sat down beside him suddenly, and at first glance, it was Jiang Yunwu.

"Little White Rabbit, are you bored?" He spoke so loudly that he could clearly hear even the loudest music.

Hearing Jiang Yunwu address Qin Yuluo, Fu Shijin glanced at Qin Yuluo: "This is..."

This was said to Jiang Yunwu.

Jiang Yunwu wanted to reply to my wife, to swear Qin Yuluo's sovereignty openly and aboveboard, but in the end he only said one sentence: "My sweetheart."

He crossed his legs and looked up at Fu Shijin, as if he was still waiting for Fu Shijin's next words.

Ye Wanwan gave Jiang Yunwu a white look, leaned closer to Fu Shijin and said, "This is Qin Yuluo, you should have heard of it."

"Qin Yuluo?" Fu Shijin's attitude changed obviously. He looked at Qin Yuluo with deep probing and scrutiny. He naturally knew who Qin Yuluo was. After all, he had heard it from Fu Shiwen more than once or twice. the name.

Especially Shi Wen did so many things because of Qin Yuluo, but Fu Shijin never thought that this Miss Qin would have something to do with Jiang Shao.

Judging from what Jiang Yunwu said, he probably hasn't settled Qin Yuluo yet, wondering if his stupid brother still has a chance.

"Hello Miss Qin." After being called, Qin Yuluo could no longer hide, but stood up...

However, she looked at Lu Qiran who was motionless: "Let me go."

Lu Qiran tilted his head, that gaze made Qin Yuluo feel cold from head to toe, why did he look at her with such a complaining gaze, what happened to her!
Lu Qiran looked at Qin Yuluo's innocent gaze, sighed slightly, and stepped aside, but why did he sit on the other side of Qin Yuluo!

Isn't she caught between Jiang Yunwu and Lu Qiran!

Seeing Lu Qiran's actions, Fu Shijin suddenly smiled, it was interesting...

Qin Yuluo was finally able to stand up, and she greeted Fu Shijin with a smile: "Hello, Young Master Fu."

Fu Shijin smiled slightly: "It's too weird to be called Young Master Fu. You are Wanwan's friend, or Awen's friend, just call me big brother."

"Do you know Fu Shiwen?"

"My name is Fu Shijin."

After Fu Shijin said this, Qin Yuluo understood that this is Fu Shijin's elder brother!

No matter how stupid Qin Yuluo was, she knew that she couldn't call out big brother. If she called out, what kind of relationship did she have with Fu Shiwen?

How do you feel that this man is also very black-bellied.

Ye Wanwan was still urging Qin Yuluo: "Call me big brother."

Qin Yuluo glared at Ye Wanwan. This look contained resentment and resentment, which made Fu Shijin very interested. He probably understood why his stubborn and stubborn brother was willing to let go of his status for her and returned to Fu's house.

She's an interesting woman.

"Brother, you can't bark indiscriminately, when the time comes, your seniority will be messed up."

"Young Master Jiang probably doesn't know what kind of seniority it is, it's justified for Qin Yuluo to call Big Brother."

"Who said that I'm about the same age as Fu Shao. If the little white rabbit calls him big brother, do I have to call him big brother too?" This directly attributed Qin Yuluo to him.

No wonder this little girl always wants to snatch the little white rabbit away. The feeling is that she wants to be a sister-in-law with Qin Yuluo.

"Stop talking!" Qin Yuluo was already dying of embarrassment, and Jiang Yunwu was still adding to the chaos.

"Okay, okay, you are the biggest, I won't talk about it."

Fu Shijin looked at the well-behaved Jiang Yunwu. This master didn't bring such a well-behaved Jiang Yunwu when he arrived in the capital. Qin Yuluo said a word and he was honest.

Qin Yuluo blushed, neither standing nor sitting.

"Young Master Fu, sit down, the concert is about to begin." Lu Qiran's indifferent voice broke in suddenly.

Just when Qin Yuluo was about to free himself, he was suddenly pulled by someone, staggered, and fell into a warm embrace.

She seemed to see the surprised and angry eyes of countless people, and she also saw crows flying across the sky.

In the end, in Lu Qiran's smiling eyes, she really wanted to hit someone.


Lu Qiran raised his eyebrows: "Why haven't seen you for a few days, and you miss me so much?"

These words were too connotative, and Jiang Yunwu immediately grabbed people: "Young Master Lu, it's better to be careful with your words, after all, our little white rabbit has no name yet and has an owner!"

Jiang Yunwu grabbed Qin Yuluo's other hand, trying to snatch Qin Yuluo out of Lu Qiran's arms, but Lu Qiran wrapped her waist tightly with one hand, preventing her from getting up.

Jiang Yunwu's face darkened, and an aura began to sweep: "Young Master Lu has made up his mind not to let go."

Lu Qiran's phoenix eyes were cold: "Young Master Jiang, it's better not to think about things that don't belong to you."

Fu Shijin watched coldly, he had no feelings for Qin Yuluo.

To be honest, when Fu Shiwen found him and said he was going to make his debut, he was very surprised. He once said that if Fu Shiwen really liked music, he could join the entertainment son under the Fu family. Become a world-class singer.

But Fu Shiwen refused, he chose to leave the Fu family, and for so many years, he never returned to the Fu family even during Chinese New Year, let alone contacted them.

When Fu Shiwen approached him, he also asked Fu Shiwen what made him change his mind, he said, for one person.

Fu Shijin once thought that as long as Ah Wen likes a decent woman, he will not object, but Qin Yuluo's background is too complicated. She is not only related to Jiang Yunwu, but also to Lu Shao. Deeper.

Is such a woman really suitable for Ah Wen...

"Lu Qiran, let me go!" Qin Yuluo finally couldn't take it anymore, she really shouldn't be here today, it's a shame!

Knowing that Qin Yuluo was thin-skinned, Lu Qiran didn't make any progress, so he let Qin Yuluo go.

Qin Yuluo stood up and wanted to leave. She didn't want to watch this concert anymore. If she had known that this kind of thing would happen to her, she wouldn't have come in the first place!
But just as Qin Yuluo stood up, the entire venue suddenly went dark, screams came and went, and the surrounding darkness was so dark that he couldn't see his fingers.

Qin Yuluo felt a pair of cold hands holding her: "Sit down, the concert has begun."

(End of this chapter)

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