Chapter 282 Say Goodbye

Fu Shijin: "Shiwen just finished writing this song at noon, saying yes, I want to say goodbye to the past."

Qin Yuluo clenched his fists and trembled all over.

Behind him, there is music that penetrates time and gradually rises.

Fu Shiwen said in his sad voice: "The last song is called goodbye. I want to say goodbye to her."

Use hello to meet, use goodbye to say goodbye.

"Fengxueluo, I don't mean what I say. I see you slipping away in my eyes. Day and night, the friendship is all in your heart. I look at the stars and the moon in the future. Why do you blame me for being infatuated? I can't write the thousands of mountains and miles with you. Your back view From now on, it will be engraved in my heart, and it will be hard to see..."

"Follow you, don't ask thousands of miles away, take a ray of the moon together, who do you walk with behind, at the end of the sunset, a goodbye is like a fleeting year..."

When Qin Yuluo heard the last sentence, he finally fled in collapse.

Fu Shiwen, forgive me for being cowardly and inferior, forgive me for not being able to fall in love with you...

"Feather fall!"

As soon as Qin Yuluo ran away, Lu Qiran chased after him first, looking at the few people who had run away, Ye Wanwan glanced at Fu Shijin hesitantly.

Fu Shijin looked at Fu Shiwen on the stage firmly: "Shiwen, it's very painful."

Of course Ye Wanwan knows what it feels like to have a person in your heart. When you dream back at midnight, you will always trace the almost blurred outline of that person, you will see him everywhere, and you will look at him in the cold midnight. By your side, I hope that person will look back at you and smile.

No matter the day and night change, the year, the month and the month, it remains the same.

Seeing Qin Yuluo fleeing, Fu Shiwen could no longer deceive himself to continue singing. He didn't want to say goodbye to her, but he could only say goodbye...

Qin Yuluo, you don't want to hurt me, why don't I know, but why don't I want you to be happy and happy, if my existence will only embarrass you, why don't I leave and fulfill you!
Qin Yuluo ran out of the venue and didn't stop. She was like a headless chicken, running wildly on the road. Even the cold evening wind could not blow away the scorching tears on her face in the middle of the night.

"Qin Yuluo!" Just as Qin Yuluo was about to rush to the road, Lu Qiran pulled her back.

He saw Qin Yu's face was full of tears, distressed and helpless to suffocate, with all kinds of emotions. In the end, he could only hug her and leave all his arms to her: "Cry."

His delicate chin rested on the top of her head: "Qin Yuluo, after tonight, you won't be able to cry for other men anymore."

Lying in Lu Qiran's arms, Qin Yuluo burst into tears.

Lu Qiran didn't understand Qin Yuluo's sadness. He knew that Qin Yuluo's feelings for Fu Shiwen must not be love, but it was an emotion that even love could not replace.

After the whole concert, Fu Shiwen's eyes never moved away from Qin Yuluo's body. Lu Qiran could see all the suppressed emotions in his eyes. He thought that he might not be able to experience such emotions in his whole life. Now, sometimes he really wanted to lock Qin Yuluo in the castle, so that she would not be hurt and no one would covet her.

When Jiang Yunwu arrived, he saw such a picture.

He looked at the two people who were embracing each other, and laughed at himself, it's still not good, he was just a step late.

Zhao Xu, Sun Yufei and others also chased after him, Zhao Xu looked at Jiang Yunwu's lonely back and took a step forward, and said sarcastically: "See, Miss Qin belongs to Brother Lu, Young Master Jiang, I advise you not to be persistent. Let go now, the colorful world outside is still waiting for you."

Jiang Yunwu's back was straight, even if he was doomed to fail in this battle from the beginning, but before hearing Qin Yuluo's verdict, he would never surrender without a fight!

"Yuluo." He stepped forward, like a sharp blade piercing the barrier, inserted between Lu Qiran and Qin Yuluo.

Hearing Jiang Yunwu's call, Qin Yuluo realized that she was lying in Lu Qiran's arms, and his light coat was already wet with tears.

She hastily withdrew from Lu Qiran's embrace, lowered her head and remained silent.

Lu Qiran moved his phoenix eyes sideways, looked at Jiang Yunwu who was walking beside him, and smiled lightly without saying a word.

Jiang Yunwu's eyes collided with Lu Qiran's for a moment, then he walked up to Qin Yuluo's side majestically, gathered her collar, lowered his head gently and said, "I'll take you home."

Just as Qin Yuluo was about to nod, Sun Yufei ran over with the phone: "Little Feather, Little Feather, Wan Niu called and asked you to attend the concert celebration banquet!"

What was she going to do, she just hurt Fu Shiwen, if he blamed her, she would feel better, but he didn't complain at all, and the two songs exhausted the emotional entanglement between them.

What kind of mood did he feel when he wrote the beginning and end of the relationship between them?Would it be like a knife was cutting his flesh and blood, would it be so painful that he couldn't breathe!
What should she say to him, say thank you?Still say I'm sorry...

Not everything in this world can be responded with a sorry, not all sorry can smooth out the mistakes made!
Qin Yuluo wanted to say no, but a low and indifferent male voice came from the other side of the phone: "Miss Qin, I don't want you to refuse."

That voice should be Fu Shijin.

While Qin Yuluo was still hesitating, Fu Shijin said again: "Young Master Lu and Young Master Jiang, please do me a favor too."

What Jiang Yunwu saw was Qin Yuluo's attitude, he would go if Qin Yuluo went, and there was no need to go if Qin Yuluo didn't.

But Lu Qiran had a different idea from Jiang Yunwu's. He looked at Qin Yu's red eyes that could not be calmed down, and sighed softly: "Go, after this concert, Fu Shiwen will leave Binzhou, see you later, don't know What year and month will it be?"

One sentence made Qin Yu's tears fall again, she hated herself like this, but like Lu Qiran said, after Fu Shiwen left, it should be difficult for them to see each other again.

If she didn't even send the last farewell, how could she be worthy of Fu Shiwen's love for her!

At this moment, emotion overcame reason, even if she could only say a word to Fu Shiwen to take care, she had to go!
"Go, I'll go!"

The celebration will be held in a five-star hotel not far from the stadium.

Fu Shijin had already reserved the largest private room here.

When Qin Yuluo and the others arrived, the private room was already very lively.

The staff is opening champagne, and everyone is congratulating Fu Shiwen on his great achievements in his first concert.

There was only Fu Shiwen standing there smiling, but the smile was somewhat forced.

The door was pushed open suddenly, and everyone in the room looked over. As soon as Lu Qiran and Jiang Yunwu entered the room, Fu Shijin greeted them.


Jiang Yunwu and Lu Qiran nodded towards Fu Shijin, then turned their heads to look at Qin Yuluo who was still standing outside the door supported by Sun Yufei.

Fu Shijin's eyes fell on Qin Yuluo's red and swollen eye sockets, and he stepped aside, "Come in."

Ye Wanwan walked to Sun Yufei's side, glanced at Qin Yuluo, and lowered his voice: "You, are you okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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