Chapter 288 Awake
There was a lot of talk about it from the outside world, but he had completely ignored it.

Qin Yuluo's injury was on his body, but it was on Fu Shiwen's heart. He had already planned to give up Qin Yuluo. He even hoped that Qin Yuluo could be with the person he liked and have a happy future. Even if he will live in pain and memories in this life, he is willing to do so.

But, obviously he has already given up, and she is only one step away from happiness, why, such bad news happened to her again!
After she wakes up, how will she face the news, how will she accept the fact that she will never be able to have children again? Neither the Lu family nor the Jiang family can accept a barren mistress, even if it is an ordinary family. Accept such an incomplete her!
Will she spend the rest of her life in loneliness and desolation...

Fu Shiwen grabbed Qin Yuluo's hand, hot tears fell into his clothes, he thought, he can never let go...

Qin Yuluo woke up amidst sobbing and crying.

Her flowing eyes fell on the top of her head lying on the bed, why, he was crying.

"What’s wrong with you."

The weak voice, like a thunderbolt, blasted in Fu Shiwen's mind, his pupils were wide open, and he didn't even have the courage to raise his head to face Qin Yuluo.

He wanted her to wake up so much, but when she really woke up, apart from fear and fear, his first thought was not to comfort and rejoice, but to escape.

Escape from this room that made him suffocate, escape from Qin Yuluo's smiling eyes, escape from her impending collapse and tears.

"What's wrong?" The weak voice sounded again.

A piece of softness fell from the top of her head, she was comforting him, she was already covered in bruises, why did she still comfort him, he would rather she scolded her and beat him or even ignored him!

Just don't comfort him, he doesn't deserve it, he doesn't deserve it!

"Woohoo!" Fu Shiwen lay on Qin Yuluo's hands, and he couldn't control the hot tears that broke down the thread.

Qin Yuluo's hand hurt from being grabbed, but she didn't say a word, she stared at the trembling back, her pale face became more and more transparent.

Zhu Wen pushed open the door and saw Qin Yuluo's empty pupils, and Fu Shiwen couldn't help himself in pain.

"Miss Qin is awake!"

"Little Feather is awake?"

"Feather fall!"

All the people in the corridor rushed in, Qin Yuluo looked over one by one, everyone was familiar with each other, but everyone's eyes were red and swollen, even Sun Yufei and Ye Wanwan's eyes were still not dry. water stains.

They cried, why did they cry...

Qin Yu lowered his eyes, a bit of despair gradually spread in places they couldn't see, what's wrong with her...

She wanted to know, but she didn't dare to ask, she was afraid that the news she heard would be too heavy for her to bear, and she was afraid that another hell awaited her!
She has just lived a normal life for a while, she has not gone to Mount Tai to see the sunrise, she has not gone to the ancient alleys to experience the changes of the world, she has not married, and has not given birth to a child of her own with the person she loves... …

She still has a lot of things to do...

"How are you, Little Feather, is there anything uncomfortable?"

"Zhu Wen has already gone to look for Wu Yan. If you are in pain, don't bear it!"

Qin Yuluo looked at the two best friends, and tried his best to raise a comforting smile: "I'm fine."

Seeing her smiling so hard, Sun Yufei's eyes suddenly became wet, and tears fell down.

Zhao Xu hurriedly stepped forward to hug Sun Yufei into his arms, and whispered in her ear, "Don't cry, you're making Qin Yuluo worry about you."

Sun Yufei also knew that she shouldn't cry, but she couldn't control herself. She felt sorry for Xiao Yu, and she felt sorry for the kind and innocent girl who was teased by fate and left her body covered in scars. If Qin Yuluo had turned into a bad woman back then, wouldn't everything that happened today would not have happened.

For so many years, Xiaoyu has encountered so many ups and downs in life, but she is still so kind and sensible. She thinks of everyone, and often ignores herself. Even those who have given her infinite pain have been let go. Why can't God Let her go!
Didn't it mean that kind people will always be taken care of by God, why can't God take care of her little feather!

Zhao Xu hugged Sun Yufei to comfort him, Ye Wanwan didn't dare to look at Qin Yuluo's eyes, his eyes dodged to nowhere.

Until Fu Shijin and Lu Qiran walked in side by side, Ye Wanwan hid behind Fu Shijin as if he had found a savior.Lu Qiran walked to the other side of the hospital bed and sat down, gently wiping the thin sweat off Qin Yuluo's forehead.

He tenderly leaned over and kissed Qin Yuluo's eyebrows: "Just wake up."

In his question, there was strong restraint, Qin Yuluo was too familiar with Lu Qiran, this man haunted her life, filled all her thoughts and space, she was familiar with his breath, familiar with his emotions, Familiar with all his eyes and even actions.

In Lu Qiran's bottomless gaze, hostility and pain were clearly suppressed.

Qin Yuluo knew that the sympathetic gazes of these people and the uncontrollable tears were all because of herself. She was a doctor, and although she couldn't diagnose what happened to her, she knew that something bad must have happened to her. thing.

What is it, cancer...

Seeing her fluctuating gaze, Lu Qiran tightly grasped her hand: "Don't think about it."

How could she not think about it, these people's anomalies all hinted at her that she was sick, it was a serious illness, wasn't it!

"Am I going to die?" Finally she couldn't help asking this sentence, she always thought that people who had died once were no longer afraid of death, but the corners of her eyes were obviously hot, and her tone was clearly full of fear and trembling , she was afraid, she was still afraid.

After living happily and peacefully for a while, did she actually begin to yearn for the beauty of this world!

When Qin Yuluo said these words, everyone felt a heavy stone on their hearts and couldn't breathe.

Lu Qiran couldn't help but hug Qin Yuluo into his arms, hugging her hard, as if he wanted to rub her into his flesh and blood: "No, you are not going to die."

Qin Yuluo couldn't believe this seemingly weak sentence. She grabbed Lu Qiran's hand as if she was holding the tail of life: "I don't want to die, Lu Qiran, I really don't want to die."

Her tears scalded his heart, such a fragile Qin Yuluo made him suddenly realize that she is just an ordinary woman, she is not strong, omnipotent, nor invulnerable .

But how is he going to tell her that she is not going to die, but that she will never be able to have children...

Death is cruel enough, but what is even more cruel is to live in pain forever, life is worse than death!
(End of this chapter)

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