She was targeted by the paranoid Young Master Lu

Chapter 292 This Is So-Called Love

Chapter 292 This Is So-Called Love

Qin Yuluo looked at everything in front of her calmly, she even felt that she might as well die, why is she still alive?Why is she still alive after so many ups and downs?

Is it the favor of fate?She was able to escape from death, so she survived the rushing river, so she should be considered a blessing, right?But why is she having such a hard time?

She simply wants a home, a life without worries, and does not need the beauty of "facing the sea, the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming". wrong?

So it's not that life is disgusting, it's that she is too greedy, right?

People really can't ask for too much, it's all her Qin Yuluo's fault, if she is too greedy, she will suffer retribution, just like her, she once dreamed of Lu Qiran, such an outstanding person, she actually wanted to get all his favors.

Why can't she see herself clearly?Who gave her the signal that she would be happy?And who made her feel worthy?When did this misconception start?
Is it from Lu Qiran's occasional warmth?Or is it that her adoptive father and adoptive mother love her like their own children?Is it the sunshine brought by Fu Shiwen's sudden appearance, or the sense of security that Jiang Yunwu gave her when talking and laughing?Or is it all?

Qin Yuluo didn't know, she only knew that she really wouldn't have happiness, she was like that girl playing with sand, looking at the piles of sand in front of others, she wanted to protect what she had quickly.

But the more this is the case, the faster the sand in her hands will be lost. Those sands are the tenderness she desperately guards!So she panicked, Qin Yuluo began to clenched her fists tightly, trying to grasp all these in her hands, but she didn't know that happiness was like sand in her hands, the harder she worked, the faster it was lost.

"I'm a dilapidated woman, what's there to argue about?"

Qin Yuluo's voice was light and light, like a feather, passing through everyone's hearts. The room was quiet, but Qin Yuluo was even quieter than the air in this room.

She sat there with her eyes unfocused, as if the person who just spoke was not her.

"Yuluo, what are you...saying?" Ye Wanwan stepped forward slowly, step by step, every step she took carefully, as if Qin Yuluo was a gust of wind, if she walked in a hurry, the gust of wind would dissipate .

Sitting beside Qin Yuluo, Ye Wanwan leaned her head into her neck, through the frighteningly thin chest, she could clearly hear Qin Yuluo's heartbeat, beating very slowly.

Will it stop beating?Little Feather's heart full of holes will stop beating one day!When this thought popped into his mind, Ye Wanwan's eyes turned red instantly, what happened to their little feathers?
When embracing Qin Yuluo, Ye Wanwan's hands were trembling non-stop, until she hugged him tightly, she still had lingering fears in her heart.

"Yu Luo, and me! Yu Fei is here too!" Ye Wanwan's voice choked up when she spoke. She was born as a girl of heaven, and the daughter of the Ye Group has always been proud.

They don't cry easily, but seeing the lifeless and unresponsive Qin Yuluo in front of them, Ye Wanwan's hard heart also softened. The redemption of the three people, the compatibility of souls, and the acquaintance of Qin Yuluo and Sun Yufei The best thing in the first half of her life.

She couldn't live without Qin Yuluo, she couldn't live without Sun Yufei, just like they couldn't live without her!
"I'm here!"

Ye Wanwan kept stroking Qin Yuluo's back, trying to give her a sense of security with such intimate physical contact, but Ye Wanwan was wrong, the real sense of security is not physically, but spiritually, even of the soul.

So Ye Wanwan was destined to be unable to heal Qin Yuluo. When she just chose to run to Fu Shijin, she was doomed to get lost. The road to Qin Yuluo's heart was bumpy and full of thorns. If she didn't pay attention, she would get lost.

Therefore, Ye Wanwan has already lost the qualification to save Qin Yuluo!
"Such a crippled me? What else is there to earn!" Qin Yuluo spoke again, but her eyes were still dull and lifeless.

"I don't even want such a dilapidated me!"

After each word was paused, Qin Yuluo's slack eyes began to focus, and her cold eyes swept across the people in the room. Her tone was flat, without the slightest ups and downs.

When Qin Yuluo said this, she thought she could be very calm, but her trembling hands showed that her heart was not as calm as she appeared on the surface.

She is afraid, afraid of what?May be scared!
Afraid of being hurt, afraid of being abandoned, even... afraid of being loved!

Qin Yuluo's voice echoed in the small ward, and everyone heard these words clearly. So, what does Qin Yuluo mean by saying this?Is it a delusion to scare them away with a word?

It's so ridiculous, Lu Qiran stared at Qin Yuluo, why can't this woman never behave?He even thought about making her crippled and imprisoned by his side forever, so why would he care if she could have children?

So what if you can't have children?There are too many women who can give birth to children, and there are too many daughters who want to climb into Lu Qiran's bed to give birth to him, but he will not look at those people, not for anything else, just because they are not you Qin Yuluo .

Jiang Yunwu also looked at Qin Yuluo with a smile on his face. He knew that the little white rabbit was innocent, but the little white rabbit was so innocent that he was a little stupid. He only found out today. After going through so many things, Jiang Yunwu I thought that the little white rabbit should always be smart, but unexpectedly, it was still a stupid and cute rabbit.

After asking for his cigarettes and listening to the stories he told, Qin Yuluo was destined to be entangled with him, how could Jiang Yunwu tolerate his proposal object rejecting him with the lame excuse of not being able to have children?

Fu Shiwen stared at a pair of red walnut eyes, and looked at Qin Yuluo pitifully. To her, he had been deeply involved in it and didn't want to extricate himself, so he sent her a song of hello.

He hoped that Qin Yuluo could forget the hypocrisy he had when he first approached her with purpose. He wanted to get to know her again, starting from the name!Later he discovered that there was someone living in Qin Yuluo's heart, a very bad, very bad man.

Lu Qiran, that gloomy and cold man who made Qin Yu feel pained and happy, apart from his family status, Fu Shiwen felt that he was not just a little bit better than Lu Qiran.

He is sunny, happy, lively, and uplifting. Li Yiming said that he is like the sun in April in the world, which can illuminate the sadness in the heart of the heart, so he is more suitable for Qin Yuluo.

But fate is often so wonderful. Two people who are obviously very suitable are not the two people who love each other the most. How can there be so many people who are just right in this world?

Fu Shiwen was "lucky" to meet him. He just happened to like Qin Yuluo, who had low self-esteem and sensitivity. .

She didn't. In Qin Yuluo's heart, there was only one bastard named Lu Qiran, so he let her go freely and sent her a song goodbye!
(End of this chapter)

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