Chapter 300 Late Night Call
Lu Qiran clenched his fists tightly. At a time like this, he absolutely must not hesitate. The priority now is to get rid of the Hall family and old man Lu. If the opponent can attack Qin Yuluo once, there may be a second time.

Although he had tried his best to draw the attention of those two parties to Song Xi'er, there was no guarantee that those people would not attack Qin Yuluo again, so he needed to hurry up and nip such a possibility in the bud.

As for Qin Yuluo, when everything is settled, he will tie that woman back, even if he uses force, he will imprison Qin Yuluo by his side forever.

"get out!"

Facing Zhao Xu's deliberate flattery, Lu Qiran didn't take it seriously, he didn't know who Lu Qiran was!
Although what Zhao Xu said just now was very unpleasant, but Lu Qiran knew that Zhao Xu was also worried about him, probably because Sun Yufei said something to him, that's why he came over in a hurry and said nothing.

After all, Sun Yufei and Qin Yuluo have known each other for so long, and Qin Yuluo would tell Sun Yufei many of his little thoughts, so in many cases, what Sun Yufei said could represent Qin Yuluo to a certain extent.

And a large part of the reason why Lu Qiran pampered Sun Yufei like this was also because of this.

If it weren't for Sun Yufei's way of yelling at him every day and every day, how could she have survived to this day, and Zhu Wen would have thrown him to Amazon a long time ago, okay?

When Zhao Xu left, Lu Qiran was still staring at the sky in a daze. He didn't know what Lu Ge's next move would be. He only knew that he had already risked his life to say what was in his heart, and the rest was up to Lu Ge. It's my own arrangement.

It is a lie to say that Lu Qiran's heart is not disturbed. After hearing Zhao Xu's words, Lu Qiran's steadfast heart is still a little shaken. Although it is not possible to completely deny everything he did before, Lu Qiran thinks that Xiang Qin Yuluo is appropriate. It is still necessary to express your heart.

"Zhu Wen, make arrangements to go to Qin Yuluo's house and keep it secret. I don't want to have a tail behind me!"


On this side, Lu Qiran had just set off, while on the other side, Qin Yuluo was in trouble.

As soon as Sun Yufei was sent away, when Qin Yuluo returned to the house, he heard a rush of phone ringing. Only a few friends in the adoptive father's unit knew the landline at home, so when he picked it up, Qin Yuluo was not sure who it was.

"Hi, hello, is this Professor Wan Moyi's home?"

The voice is so familiar, it's... "Senior Brother Feng?"

"Qin Yuluo? Are you at home?" Feng Yimo was obviously surprised, probably because he didn't expect Qin Yuluo to answer the phone.

"Well, I came back a while ago, is there something wrong, brother?"

"Oh? Oh... yes, I want to find the teacher, is the teacher at home now?"

"No! The adoptive father and adoptive mother haven't come back for a long time. Isn't there some research?"

Feng Yimo: "..."

There was a long silence on the other end of the phone, and Qin Yuluo's heart skipped a beat for an instant. She squeezed the phone tightly in a panic, and her voice trembled a little when she spoke.

"Are they... not in the research institute?"

The bottom of my heart was full of panic, Qin Yuluo was a little at a loss, no wonder he was always restless recently, did something really happen to his adoptive father and adoptive mother?
"Yu Luo, don't panic, the teacher and the others may have some urgent plans!"

"Too anxious to contact me?" When Qin Yuluo spoke, his voice was crying, and Feng Yimo's heart was pulled into his throat.

When he couldn't get in touch with the teacher at first, Feng Yimo also thought about contacting Qin Yuluo, but he understood the importance of the teacher's family to Qin Yuluo, and because he knew, he was always looking for it in private.

Feng Yimo was afraid that Qin Yuluo would collapse, but after half a month, the teachers in the school had gone crazy, and he searched everywhere he could, but he couldn't find Wan Moyi and Wang Sitong.

Wan Moyi and Wang Sitong seemed to have disappeared from the world all of a sudden. There was no news or even a trace of their disappearance. They called home today.

Feng Yimo just wanted to try his luck to see if he could find the teacher, but unexpectedly, Qin Yuluo was alarmed.

"Don't worry, Yuluo, think about it carefully, when was the last time you saw the teacher?"

Qin Yuluo tried hard to recall, but she found that her recent memory began to appear disconnected. As a psychiatrist, she didn't realize that there was anything wrong with her.

But the recent frequent headaches and vague memories all remind her that something is wrong with her body and her spirit. It can be said that her current mental state is very bad.

But Qin Yuluo couldn't find her own pathogen, she didn't know what was wrong with her, she couldn't find the crux of the matter, she couldn't even treat herself, the so-called doctor should not heal himself, it seems that it is time to find a time to let the senior brother take a look.

"Should...should be a month ago? Brother, I don't remember much, but it should be a month ago."

a month?That time was really long, it seems that the probability of Wan Moyi and Wang Sitong having an accident is very high!

"Don't worry, I have already called the police. Don't worry, the teacher and his wife will be found soon."


Qin Yu collapsed on the ground, weak when he answered.

What Feng Yimo said afterwards, she didn't pay attention at all, all she knew was that the parents she had acquired with great difficulty disappeared just like that, completely without reason.

When Lu Qiran arrived, Qin Yuluo was crouching in the corner next to the sofa in the living room, the door of the room was ajar and not closed, he must have sent someone out just now.

Thinking that it might be Jiang Yunwu or Fu Shiwen, Lu Qiran's anger soared upwards, until he lost all reason.

"Qin Yuluo, are you so lonely? Can't you do without a man by your side?"

Lu Qiran forcefully pulled Qin Yuluo out from the corner, his hands were terribly strong, without any intention of showing mercy, he pinched Qin Yuluo's chin vigorously.

In the quiet room, there was a frightening "cracking" sound. It was the sound of dislocation of the mandible, which showed how hard Lu Qiran struck. At this moment, his rationality had been burned away by the anger in his heart.

He could only see the concealed door, the teacups for two on the coffee table, and what Zhao Xu just said in his ears were all the nonsense that "Jiang Yunwu and Fu Shiwen come here every day".

Every word stimulated Lu Qiran's nerves, thinking that he was working so hard for his future with Qin Yuluo every day, but this woman was with different men every day.

Lu Qiran naturally ignored the lonely aura exuding from this woman when he saw Qin Yuluo just now.

He didn't want to know anything, Lu Qiran didn't want to know which of the two made Qin Yuluo behave like this, all he knew was that during the time Qin Yuluo came home, he didn't stop contacting those two men!
Kissing Qin Yuluo's lips domineeringly, Lu Qiran ignored the struggle of the person in his arms, he just kissed unfeelingly and gnawed ferociously.

Qin Yuluo's sobs could be heard beside his ears, and the woman's vigorous bite was on his lips, and the taste of blood filled his lips and teeth. This kind of crazy torture became the best catalyst for Lu Qiran.

He hugged Qin Yuluo, who was kicking wildly, to the room, and ruthlessly pressed him into the bed!

(End of this chapter)

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