She was targeted by the paranoid Young Master Lu

Chapter 304 The Mysterious Man Who Appeared Suddenly

Chapter 304 The Mysterious Man Who Appeared Suddenly
"Zhu Wen, drive the car back and let her go home!"

It was fine just now, why is it so tense in a few minutes?Zhu Wen cautiously peeped at the two behind him, obviously they both love so deeply, why can't they get along well?
Zhu Wen thought, maybe these two people are really incompatible by nature!


Zhu Wen originally wanted to persuade him a few more words, but the moment he looked up, he found that Lu Qiran was staring at him with bloodshot eyes through the rearview mirror. It was this look that reminded Zhu Wen of those days six years ago inexplicably.

He was a little scared, he always felt that Lu Qiran had changed recently, becoming more...more and more like six years ago.

With this realization, Zhu Wen's body instantly tensed up. Obviously Wu Yan said it's fine, but judging by the president's current posture, I'm afraid it's impossible to hide the past events!
It seems that we need to find some time to discuss the countermeasures with Wu Yan.

"It's the president!"

Zhu Wen made three detours before taking Qin Yu back home. Obviously, he could go back quickly as long as he turned around, but Zhu Wen made several detours abruptly before sending her back.

Qin Yuluo didn't understand why, although she was full of doubts, she still didn't ask anything, just looked out of the window with a weary expression.

The car stopped steadily at the main entrance, Qin Yuluo turned around and wanted to get out of the car, but the moment the door opened, Qin Yuluo suddenly hesitated.

Qin Yuluo maintained the posture of getting out of the car, and still did not turn around. Her slightly trembling back betrayed her anxious heart at this moment. She forced up a bit of courage, and asked quietly: "Lu Qiran, I just want to know from you The answer, as long as it is what you say, I will believe it!"


Lu Qiran raised his hand to caress the trembling back, caressing it once and for all, behind Qin Yuluo's invisible back, Lu Qiran was looking at her with all his tenderness.

Affectionate and lonely...

"Well! As long as you tell me, I will believe you."

No one knows how much courage Qin Yuluo used to ask this question at this time. This is one of the few requests in her life. She doesn't need Lu Qiran to explain anything. She only needs an answer... an answer from Lu Qiran's mouth. Speak out the answer!
As time passed by, Qin Yuluo's raised leg was already a little numb and stiff, but she was still stubbornly waiting for Lu Qiran's answer, as if she didn't know how tired she was, she never let go of her lifting leg. legs.

It seems that such physical torture can suppress the mental torture.

Are you not afraid?How can you not be afraid!Qin Yuluo is obviously more afraid of being hurt than anyone else. Anyone can bully her, dislike her, or deceive her.

But only Lu Qiran couldn't do it, Qin Yuluo couldn't accept it, the harm she suffered was caused by this man named Lu Qiran, this was her last bottom line!

After all, Qin Yuluo was a little disappointed that she couldn't wait for a personal answer. She got out of the car quickly, without any nostalgia.

Just when the car door was about to be closed, Lu Qiran finally spoke.

"not me!"

The answer was resounding, just three words, and Qin Yuluo was at a loss for what to do. She had thought of the worst outcome, and she should walk on two parallel lines with Lu Qiran from now on.

But Lu Qiran's answer twisted these two parallel lines together.

Qin Yu stood still at the same spot, she was waiting, waiting for the sound of the car leaving, also waiting... Her mood calmed down, this damn heart was about to jump out!

"Qin Yuluo, tell me, as long as it is what I say, you will believe it, right?"

There was a slight pause in his body, and Qin Yuluo nodded fiercely.

Looking from this back, Lu Qiran could see Qin Yuluo's small head bit by bit. Qin Yuluo was really stupid and cute without knowing it.

"I have nothing to do with Song Xi'er. From the beginning to the end, the only person I like is you."

Is this a confession?A confession from Lu Qiran?Although Lu Qiran had told her that he liked her more than once, but Qin Yuluo had never believed it once. Such a domineering show of love was like an impulse when possessive desire was at work.

There are thousands of words, but there is no trace of sincerity...

Such a calm confession, although there is only a short sentence of liking, but Qin Yuluo can feel the thousands of friendships contained in this sentence, and it is at this moment that Qin Yuluo truly dares to be sure. turns out that this man's liking is the same as her liking. It turns out that the relationship between them is as strong. It turns out that she is not the only one here wishful thinking.

It turned out that the love that happened just now really happened to her!
"Lu Qiran, I... believe you!"

After Qin Yuluo said this, he ran away in a hurry. The flustered back made Lu Qiran very happy. Maybe he should really change his way of getting along with Qin Yuluo. It seems that it is not bad to be as calm and peaceful as today.

Watching Qin Yuluo go home, looking at the lights at Qin Yuluo's house, and making sure that Qin Yuluo was safe, Lu Qiran ordered to leave.

"It's almost time to deal with the scandal." Lu Qiran pinched his sore brows and fell into a deep sleep.

Zhu Wen looked at the man sleeping soundly in the back seat, feeling distressed in his heart, thinking that the president of his family has been up for three consecutive days and nights. In order to provide Miss Qin with a stable environment, the president of his family has used all his energy .

That's a member of the Hall family. Just one Hall family is already tricky enough. Now that an old man from the Lu family is involved, the undercurrents of the two forces can't wait to come up and eat the president of his family alive.

However, the president didn't want Miss Qin to know about these bad things. Between the two of them, one didn't talk about the difficulties and tried to understand others; she explained.

Faced with such a relationship, the most suffering is not others, but him Zhu Wen. Zhu Wen feels that neither the president of his family nor Qin Yuluo is a good person. A scumbag man and a scumbag woman. There are no people inside and outside.

After seeing Qin Yuluo here, Lu Qiran's irritability has eased a lot in the past few days. He just wanted to close his eyes and take a nap, but unexpectedly fell asleep like this, so that he didn't call to confirm Qin Yuluo's safety.

Lu Qiran was already very cautious when he left, he thought that Qin Yuluo must be safe, but he didn't know that when Qin Yuluo was saying goodbye to him by the car, she was already being watched.

If Lu Qiran knew that the phone call he missed would cause him to miss Qin Yuluo's entire year of life, Lu Qiran would not let him fall asleep, but sometimes fate is like this, capricious and full of variables !
(End of this chapter)

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