Chapter 316

"I can't talk about advice, I just want to rescue Qin Yuluo!"

"Why do you think I need your help?"

Not to be outdone, Lu Qiran also stood up straight, with his hands resting on the table, the two of them looked at each other, and neither of them looked away. The atmosphere in the room became more dignified under the confrontation.

"Lu Qiran, do you really care about Qin Yuluo?"


Is there even a question?Of course Lu Qiran cared about Qin Yuluo, he even cared more than everyone around Qin Yuluo!Lu Qiran looked at Jiang Yunwu with disdain, the corners of his mouth slightly raised as if mocking Jiang Yunwu's ignorance.

Facing Lu Qiran's provocation, Jiang Yunwu didn't care, he had a cold face, "From your behavior, I can't detect your love for Qin Yuluo at all, on the contrary, I even think you don't like her very much." ah?
When Jiang Yunwu spoke, his expression seemed to be icy, and Zhu Wen on the side shrank a little from the intractable coldness.

"Jiang Yunwu..."

Lu Qiran called Jiang Yunwu's name sharply, did Jiang Yunwu really think that Lu Qiran had a good temper?How dare you yell at him in front of him... What a life-or-death!
Seeing Lu Qiran's overreaction, Jiang Yunwu's face became even more gloomy, heh, Lu Qiran is really more ruthless and indifferent than he imagined, such a scum, how can he deserve the little white rabbit's love? ?
"Lu Qiran, at this point, you are still thinking about your face, do you really care about Qin Yuluo? In fact, you don't care at all in your heart, can you see the date today?"

"Jiang Yunwu! This is too much!"

Zhu Wen stood in front of Lu Qiran and completely blocked him. He could clearly see the loneliness in Lu Qiran's eyes. Ever since Qin Yuluo disappeared, Zhu Wen could clearly see the depression of the president of his family.

But Lu Qiran's external performance is such an indifferent person. Maybe in the eyes of everyone, Lu Qiran is such a person who puts his interests first, but there are some things that don't have meaning behind them if they don't say it.

To be honest, who among these people has never hated Lu Qiran?Miss Qin keeps saying that she loves the president of his family, but when Qin Yuluo really faces Lu Qiran, how much trust does she have in Lu Qiran from the bottom of her heart?
Qin Yuluo could hurt Lu Qiran completely without saying a word, let alone those seemingly harmless sarcastic remarks.

Has Qin Yuluo ever asked about Lu Qiran's scandal?Has Qin Yuluo ever believed Lu Qiran's sincerity?She just shrinks back into her snail shell cautiously and loves herself, but has she ever thought about the heart of Lu Qiran who was rejected?

Regarding any abnormal behaviors of a person who truly loves you, has Qin Yuluo really never thought about the deep meaning behind these behaviors of Lu Qiran?

That's why it is said that men are rational and women are emotional.

Qin Yuluo is a very emotional woman, this is due to her experience, since Lu Qiran loves her, he should understand her; just as Lu Qiran is a very rational man, this is also due to his experience, so in turn, since Qin Yuluo loves Lu Qiran, he should understand her. Should I also understand him well?

Emotions are a mess, only the person involved can sort things out, outsiders are inconvenient to judge at will, and can't judge at will!
So at this time Zhu Wen is tyrannical, as Lu Qiran's special assistant, with so many years of brotherhood, if Zhu Wen has a position, he will definitely stand firmly on Lu Qiran's side, obviously his president has already paid [-] points Sincerely, but what do you get?

It was Qin Yuluo who ran away again and again, a man longing for love, you think he would have a good temper and let you trample on his sincerity again and again, why didn't Zhu Wen feel worried for Lu Qiran, he even wanted to go to Qin Yuluo several times theory.

But he held back, because he knew that feelings cannot tolerate the judgment of a third party. It is not a gamble. Although he has the most arrogant chips, it cannot tolerate a fair judge!

Ji Bin pulled Zhu Wen's sleeve calmly, motioning him to see the situation clearly.

Sure enough, Jiang Yunwu didn't pay attention to him at all, he didn't even give him the corner of his eye, and the two of them kept looking at each other, never paying attention to him as a little idiot!
Zhu Wen retreated silently, leaving Jiang Yunwu and Lu Qiran "looking at each other affectionately" across a desk.

"Keep talking! Jiang Yunwu, what else do you want to say?"

"What else? I want to talk too much, why? President Lu has time to listen? Are you interested?"

"Lu Qiran, you're a bastard. How long has Qin Yuluo been missing? Don't you worry about her? You clearly know the methods of the Hall family, how can you let her out of your sight for so long?"

"And that DR, no one knows if there is any connection between DR and the Hall family, two such troublesome people, but you don't want to ask for help, don't you only value your own face? You are really conceited Has it come to this point?"

Every word of Jiang Yunwu's words pierced Lu Qiran's heart with numbness. The reason why he didn't ask these people for help was because he knew how powerful the Hall family was, and because he knew how despicable those people were when they did things. There will be obstacles everywhere.

Qin Yuluo has already been dragged into this muddy water by him, Lu Qiran doesn't want more people to get involved, especially his rival in love, alliances are really not suitable for him Lu Qiran, everyone on the road knows that Zhu Wen's nickname is lonely Wolf, isn't he Lu Qiran?
How can a person who has been fighting alone for a long time trust his back to others, not to mention that this person is his rival in love, it is because of the jealous relationship, Lu Qiran can't think of a reason to form an alliance.

"You know the Hall family, so do you really understand the Hall family's way of doing things?"

Lu Qiran looked at Jiang Yunwu seriously, "Are you really ready to bet everything in your Jiang family?"

One word at a time, these words are not only for Jiang Yunwu, but also for Lu Qiran himself. He will have a battle with the Hall family sooner or later. In Lu Qiran's perception, this battle with Barea... Kai Wang. Hall's contest is not just ahead of schedule.

This also includes whether he is willing to use all his strength to fight against it. After so many years of confrontation, Lu Qiran knows very well that if he wants to win the battle with Barea King Hall, he not only needs to understand All the strength on the surface, and what cards he carefully cultivated.

Even so, Lu Qiran is still not fully sure that he can win, because there is another variable beside him, the old man of the Lu family, that disgusting old man who values ​​rights more than life.

Do you think he, Lu Qiran, doesn't know?The old man has always been worried about him, suppressing him everywhere, trying to control him, but Mr. Lu probably has long forgotten that the rebellious Lu Qiran was thrown to the Amazon by him when he was seven years old.

During those years in the Amazon, Lu Qiran was like a savage, and survived several times to win the heir of the Lu family.

How could such a person who survived such hardships submit obediently?

(End of this chapter)

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