She was targeted by the paranoid Young Master Lu

Chapter 320 Torture Day and Night

Chapter 320 Torture Day and Night

Qin Yu stayed in a dark room with no sun for nearly half a month. When she woke up, she was already in this small space. There was no one around, only the darkness where she couldn't see her fingers.

Who caught her?Qin Yuluo didn't know, she didn't know where she was now, she didn't know, those who arrested her never showed up, and three meals a day would be brought in through the small hole under the iron gate.

The people who came to deliver the food never talked to her. At the beginning, Qin Yuluo could talk to those people calmly, but when she repeated the behavior of talking to her day after day, Qin Yuluo would never talk to her. There was no response, which made her mentality somewhat begin to collapse.

It was this kind of life in captivity that made Qin Yuluo suddenly think of the days spent in the mental hospital, the memories that made life worse than death, and the fear of being dominated by others.

Qin Yuluo thought that she would never experience it again in her life, but how long has it been?She unexpectedly encountered such a thing again, so she, Qin Yuluo, is really a born unlucky person!
The same tormenting life, compared with this time, the last trip to the mental hospital was simply a gift from God, after all, she was there with Zhen You, and now she is trapped in this ghost place, is it still possible? Expect God to be generous enough to send her another Zhen You?
Every day Qin Yu stayed here, she only ate and slept, because the environment was all dark, so she could only guess how long she had been imprisoned based on the number of times she ate.

The prolonged darkness allowed her to gradually adapt to such an environment, but the psychological emptiness caused Qin Yuluo to develop symptoms of mild depression.

She began to loathe herself, she no longer longed for tomorrow, and she began to feel inexplicably gloomy. As a doctor, Qin Yuluo knew very well that her current situation was very bad, and her mental defense was almost defeated!
Every time the food was delivered, it was the only time when Qin Yuluo could see the light. When the food was delivered, the small hole was closed, and the only thing left in the room was the smell of the food and the endless darkness.

At the beginning, Qin Yuluo could bear it, but as time passed, Qin Yuluo's spirit began to collapse day by day. She knew that those people treated her like this to make her unable to bear it.

There is no physical torture, only mental torture that is a hundred times more vicious than this.

When eating, because he couldn't see, Qin Yuluo could only distinguish roughly by his sense of smell and taste. In the small space, except for Qin Yuluo's own voice, most of the rest of the time was silent.

The mental blow made Qin Yuluo nearly collapsed. It was a silent torture that would make a normal person collapse silently!
"Eat quickly!"

Unlike in the past, today's food delivery person would take the initiative to talk to her?
Qin Yu pulled himself together and staggered to the door. As his body swayed, an unpleasant smell of sweat lingered on the tip of his nose.

That was the smell on her body. It turned out that she hadn't bathed for a long time!Qin Yuluo didn't know what state she was in now, she thought she must be very embarrassed!After all, she herself can't bear the smell of herself.

"Why did you arrest me? Who ordered you? What is your purpose in arresting me?..."

Qin Yuluo said a lot in one breath, it's rare that the person who came today is not a "dumb", so Qin Yuluo can speak a few more words recklessly.

Due to the reason of talking loudly to herself every day, Qin Yuluo's voice was hoarse when she spoke, and she could feel that every time she said a word, her throat was aching.

"Where do so many problems come from? Eat or not? If you don't eat, I'll throw it away!"

When the man spoke, his tone was very impatient, and Qin Yuluo was so shocked by the voice that he didn't dare to speak again.

There is no other reason, just because this dark environment makes her very scared, it is the fear of the unknown!You never know what might come out of those dark corners to kill you.

Qin Yuluo is not afraid of ghosts, she can even watch horror movies alone in the middle of the night.

However, she is afraid of people, because some people, their behavior is more terrifying than ghosts!
Just like that night many years ago, Qin Yuluo was afraid that the man outside the door would suddenly hurt her. The terrible memory imprinted deep in his memory, in the scene in front of him, was like a raging big wave. She was caught off guard!
Qin Yuluo moved her body slowly, and the moment her back was close to the wall, her hanging heart fell to the ground.

His face was wet, Qin Yuluo slowly touched his face with trembling hands, was it tears?Or... sweat?
Qin Yuluo stretched the water drop to the tip of his tongue, and licked it lightly.

Hmm...salty, astringent, so it's the smell of tears, Qin Yuluo didn't know that he was already so sad at this moment!
She wrapped her hands tightly around her knees, Qin Yuluo rolled herself into a baby, and now she is a frightened bird, any slight stimulation can make her collapse instantly.

"I advise you to be sensible, or you will suffer in the end!"

The man's fierce voice came over, Qin Yuluo's body trembled even more, and she hugged herself tighter, as if doing so would save herself from being injured.

"Hmph, someone will come to play with you later, so look forward to it!"

The man left with a teasing smile, and the sound of "tap, tap" footsteps kicked Qin Yuluo's heart one after another. What does that mean?Will there be someone in a while?what to do ...

Qin Yuluo couldn't bear it anymore, she rushed to the iron door like crazy, and tried hard to beat the door panel.

"Let me out, let me out..."

Qin Yuluo wailed hoarsely, but no one came to respond to her anymore. Thinking of what the man said just before he left, Qin Yuluo's heart suddenly became cold, so will someone really come in a while?
"Who the hell? Who are you? Let me go, please, let me go!"

Qin Yuluo shouted hoarse, his palm became numb from beating on the door, no one, no one showed up!

She counted in a low voice, one, two, three... [-], when Qin Yuluo counted to [-], no one came, so what the man said just now was purely to lie to her, right? ?

Qin Yuluo didn't know what purpose that person had. In short, the high mental tension had already made her collapse.

Her body began to slide to the ground involuntarily, Qin Yuluo let herself lie on the ground like a puddle of mud.

Slowly, her eyelids became heavier and heavier, and just when she was about to fall into a deep sleep, strange breaths surrounded her!
(End of this chapter)

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