Chapter 329 Change
"Hurry up, go and call the DR over, Qin Yuluo's condition is not good!"

In the room as bright as day, Qin Yuluo's eyes were closed tightly, lying on the cold hospital bed, his head was covered with micro-current sensors, and the inspectors used the micro-current sensors to detect the micro-current changes produced by Qin Yuluo's brain activity .

There are many nerve cells in the human brain that are active, resulting in electrical changes, that is to say, there are electrical swings, and this swing appears on scientific instruments as waves.

The electrical vibrations in the brain are called brainwaves. If we use one sentence to explain brainwaves, it may also be said that it is the bioenergy produced by brain cells, or the rhythm of brain cell activity.

As an effective tool for indirect measurement of neural activity, EEG and its associated event-related ERP are widely used in neuroscience and physiological psychology research.

Therefore, DR deliberately asked the testers to pay attention to Qin Yuluo's situation at all times, knowing that any change in the band is the best interpretation of Qin Yuluo's spiritual world.

"DR, Qin Yuluo's brain waves are in the beta band, and the situation is very unstable now."

Through the walkie-talkie, the inspector truthfully reported Qin Yuluo's situation to the DR.

When DR received the news, he was preparing what Qin Yuluo needed for the next stage. The next step was the most important mental disturbance. This was the final step and the most important step. He would never allow this experiment to fail.

"Why? Hasn't she been injected with drugs?"

"Yes, normally her brain waves should be in the α band now, but for some reason, her thinking is very active, as if she has not been affected by the drug at all!"

"No effect?"

DR put down his work and looked at the densely written whiteboard in front of him. His mind was in a trance for a moment. Why?It stands to reason that Qin Yuluo should be unconscious now.

How could this be?

Putting down the marker pen in his hand, DR quickly walked towards the observation room, he couldn't believe it, a little Qin Yuluo could really break free from his grasp?

In the observation room, Qin Yuluo's forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and the bangs on his forehead were roughly lifted up. On his smooth forehead, there were patches of bruises. When DR came in, he could just see the person on the bed. Embarrassed.

As he approached step by step, the bruises on Qin Yu's forehead became more obvious, and some of them were still bleeding, which was obviously newly applied.

"what happened?"

DR pointed to the scar on Qin Yu's forehead, and questioned Cui Zhijie sternly.

"Didn't I say, don't hurt people? Brain! You're really good, you don't know what Qin Yuluo's brain means to me? Don't you understand a failure?"

Cui Zhijie's face was burning hot, and an unspeakable sense of shame and guilt welled up in his heart.

Yes, how could I forget, he is still a failure!
Cui Zhijie bowed his head and remained silent, for DR's naked dislike, he didn't have the slightest thought of refuting or wanting to hate him, he just loathed himself even more.

Why, why couldn't Cui Zhijie be a useful person?

"Give me more medicine, so she can't keep her anxious like this. What I want Qin Yuluo to do is to fall into a deep sleep with that memory, instead of letting her pass out with those anxious emotions, understand? Do I teach?"

After DR scolded Cui Zhijie, he began to arrange Qin Yuluo's affairs. A few days ago, Barea Kaiwang Hall asked about the progress of this experiment, in order to ensure that this time things can be done.

He has already issued a military order, and he can't give up halfway.

If the experiment cannot be completed as agreed, according to the agreement, DR needs to hand over Qin Yuluo, and let Barea Kaiwang Hall use it in the commercial war with Lu Qiran.After all, as a weakness, Qin Yuluo can still fulfill her hostage mission very well!

Therefore, for his goal, DR can't let go of Qin Yuluo easily, he will hold on to this woman relentlessly, until he squeezes out the last trace of her use value.

"No matter what method I use, I want Qin Yu to calm down within half an hour, do you hear me?"

The cold voice resounded throughout the room, and everyone's attention was distracted by the sound. No one noticed that the index finger of Qin Yuluo's right hand on the hospital bed shook lightly a few times.

No one noticed that Qin Yuluo's every move was clearly seen by a person hiding in the corner!
Cui Zhijie didn't notice this abnormality, and DR didn't notice this slight abnormality. In short, he was a mysterious person who didn't fit in, but he blended into this environment just right, and no one noticed it.

Qin Yuluo's emotions finally settled down when the third injection was given, and the wave band of his brain wave also returned to the normal α wave band.

In the observation room, all the observers took a deep breath, and the tense atmosphere was finally relieved.

Judging from the dosage, Qin Yuluo would have to sleep for at least three days and three nights. Without any worries, DR turned his head and went back to his laboratory.

Qin Yuluo's uncontrollable range is getting bigger and bigger, and many accidents follow. Just like today's situation, it will definitely happen in the future. DR doesn't understand, obviously his actions are carefully thought out, How did it become the current situation?
I still remember that when he saved her last time, Cui Zhijie asked him why he saved her without hesitation when Qin Yuluo was clearly out of control.

What was his answer at that time?

"The fun of the experiment lies in the unexpected gains. She surprised me. I want to save her, and I want to..." Yes, that's what he answered at the time.

But what Cui Zhijie didn't know was that DR's answer at that time was very perfunctory. He liked to conquer people who were out of control, and DR liked to make all the impossible things possible.

This was an undeniable ambition, but DR valued Qin Yuluo more.

Except for Barea Kaiwang Hall, no one knew the exact number of his experimental subjects, not even the former experimental subject Cui Zhijie.

There are more than 1000 people. Many of these experimental products carefully selected by DR died halfway, and there are only a few hundred people left who can continue to observe, which is equivalent to losing two-thirds of the people. .

Of the remaining hundred people, they all managed to pass the test. The situation like Qin Yuluo's out of control did not happen to anyone. It may be due to Qin Yuluo's character. She is obviously more persistent about the trauma of her childhood. .

Many people, after experiencing an imperfect childhood, will choose to silently suppress it into their hearts. Those past pains are like a long-growth scar, and most people are unwilling to recall it again.

However, avoidance does not prove that you have not experienced such a terrible past. After a certain opportunity is stimulated, those with an avoidant personality are more likely to be dominated by the past. It is not what he wants, but it is really involuntary...

And Qin Yuluo, on the contrary, she will not hide those pains, but will take them out to reflect on herself from time to time.

Such a person is good when she does not encounter setbacks, but once she is severely injured, it is an irreparable injury.

Therefore, DR values ​​Qin Yuluo very much, even Barea Kaiwang Hall can't compete with him!
In the quiet laboratory, DR was thinking about the next solution when an annoying voice came in.

"Have you heard? Lu Qiran is dead!"

(End of this chapter)

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