Chapter 333 The Last Redemption
Lu Qiran didn't hesitate, which one was more important in his heart, LK or Qin Yuluo, maybe before Qin Yuluo disappeared, he couldn't directly give a definite answer.

But after asking himself for so long, Lu Qiran can now tell you without hesitation that he wants Qin Yuluo, if he has to choose one of the two, then he will definitely choose Qin Yuluo!
That's right, this woman occupies so much in his heart!
What about a bad past?So what if it's a little awkward?So what if you can't have children?

He, Lu Qiran, identified this person. After thinking about it these days, he became more certain about the importance of Qin Yuluo to him. How could a person who could be regarded as his life be easily let go?
LK can take it back again, but Qin Yuluo..., if it's gone, it's really gone!

Not disappearing for a while, but never appearing in his life again.

Thinking of such a possibility, Lu Qiran felt pain in his heart. It was a pain he had never experienced in his previous life. The pain was hundreds of times worse than the pain when a bullet passed through his body. It was an unspeakable pain. Suffering is a torture that only you can experience.

"Zhu Wen, do you understand? The longer Qin Yuluo disappears, the more dangerous she will be. I can't let her have trouble. Between Qin Yuluo... I still have a lot to say!"

Lu Qiran lay on the table and hugged himself tightly. Apart from the feeling of powerlessness, he seemed to feel no other emotions. That's why when Jiang Yunwu asked him how the assassination matter was resolved, he would answer so It doesn't matter.


The lonely Lu Qiran is like a homeless puppy. He has no sense of security, no sense of belonging, and has even become so negative that he has no desire to live.

It's really not Lu Qiran, this kind of president is really not Lu Qiran, without the usual domineering, Lu Qiran began to become gloomy...

"You go down first!"

Lu Qiran lay there quietly, deeply tired all over his body, his eyelids seemed to be as heavy as gold, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't resist the tiredness, and slowly, he began to fall into a deep sleep.

"Nice dream."

When Zhu Wen left, he turned off all the lights in the room, leaving only a dim desk lamp on the table.

In the silent late night, without the hustle and bustle of the day, the whole city seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep together, and Lu Qiran was just one of the billions of people who fell asleep.

Lu Qiran's nerves, which had been tense for a long time, were well relaxed in his sleep. It was supposed to be a soothing sleep, but he was abruptly disturbed by a nightmare!
In the dream, it was still crimson, but this time, it was no longer the wailing of men, but the voice of a middle-aged woman.

It was a very gentle voice, from far to near, from ethereal to clear, Lu Qiran tried hard to listen carefully for a long time before he could understand what the voice said, the woman was calling a name.

"Of course, but..."

The voice as gentle as water, inexplicably familiar to Lu Qiran's ears, like... the call of a very close person, lingering and touching.

Ran Ran?

Are you calling him?But Lu Qiran didn't remember someone calling him that, so who was he calling?
Lu Qiran thought to himself, it would be great if he was the one who called out.

Because he really likes that gentle voice, as if it can soothe his anxiety, the moment he heard that voice, Lu Qiran's heart is filled with a sense of security, and all negative emotions will be soothed, it's really amazing .

Even though the environment Lu Qiran was in was so harsh, it was as dark and ferocious as hell, and it was dazzling red in his eyes. The extremely thick blood red seemed to remind him constantly that this was a very scary place.

But the sound of "Of course" next to his ear made Lu Qiran easily ignore the surrounding environment, as if the scene at this time could no longer control his fear.

The world began to fall apart, Lu Qiran seemed to be in a round glass ball full of blood, and the red began to shatter into small pieces.

Slowly, the small pieces turned into dust, finally Lu Qiran's world was no longer red, and his world began to become pitch black.

In the distance, a woman with a vague face in a white dress floated slowly towards him.

The woman's thin figure was covered under a snow-white dress, her long ink-splashed hair hung down to her waist, and her hands were wide open in a hugging pose.

Lu Qiran stood there blankly, looking at the woman who was drifting closer and closer without any disturbance in his heart, and he didn't make a single movement, he let the woman hug him into her arms.

Lu Qiran couldn't feel the weight on the woman's body at all with an illusory hug.

The hugging position only lasted for a while, and then the woman let go of him, and then remained motionless.

It was clearly a blurred face, with no facial features visible, yet Lu Qiran could feel the woman's gaze unexpectedly.

The sight fixed on him was so hot that Lu Qiran couldn't ignore it even if he wanted to.

He opened his mouth, wanting to ask something, but just as Lu Qiran was about to speak, he was interrupted by the woman's wailing...

The woman's snow-white skirt began to ooze blood, and more and more bright red flowed out.

The woman's exposed skin also began to crack inch by inch. A large amount of blood slowly dyed the woman's white dress red, and finally turned into a bright red dress. The hem of the skirt was unable to absorb the blood, and the blood began to take on the shape of beads. Drop by drop.

A small pool of blood had formed directly below, Lu Qiran watched helplessly as the woman was stained red with blood but could do nothing.

"Of course, but... run, run!"

The woman's voice was no longer as gentle as before, hoarse and harsh, like a ghost crawling out of hell.

"How to save you, how should I save you?"

Lu Qiran finally recovered from the shock, he grabbed the woman's arm in a panic, he wanted to rescue the woman, but his help failed to relieve the woman's pain.

What he got in return was not salvation at all, but the woman's more stern cry.

It turned out that his touch itself was a kind of harm to this woman...

The woman's body began to swell, and many wounds began to appear on her body. Gradually, the figure began to fade, and slowly turned into powder, and finally the whole person dissipated in the darkness.

Lu Qiran looked at the dots floating in the sky, they were the broken body of the woman.

Such a painful death, but the woman yelled the name of "Ranran" more, and only yelled "Ah" for herself when she was in extreme pain at the end.

Lu Qiran's hand was waving desperately in the air, his heart was in piercing pain, Lu Qiran didn't understand why he was so sad, he just couldn't control his emotions.

The unresolved sadness seemed to be rooted in his heart, making him so painful that he couldn't breathe.

"No, no..."

Lu Qiran woke up with howling, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat, he touched his cheek in shock.

It was definitely wet there.

(End of this chapter)

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