Chapter 352 Special Fear

I don't remember when, Cui Zhijie began to disappear from DR's side.

When they didn't need to work directly with DR, everyone thought that DR was very kind, but the facts proved that they didn't feel the malice that this society radiated towards them.

Without Cui Zhijie, the summary meeting has become a nightmare for everyone. The person who once thought he was easy to talk to was actually a tyrannical maniac.

In the past six months, DR has been like a ticking time bomb that can explode anytime, anywhere. He never suppresses his anger, and every time he gets angry, he can burn the people around him into coke.

Qin Yuluo's situation has not been improved for a long time, the progress of the experiment has been pushed back and forth, and the long wait has worn down DR's good temper.

"When will it be resolved?"

DR had a gloomy face, and the chill radiated from his body abruptly dropped the temperature in the room by two degrees.

Silence... Silence again, this damned silence!

DR suppressed the anger in his heart. He also knew that being angry would not solve the problem, but he just couldn't control himself.

The next stage is obviously only a step away, but why is it stuck at this step and unable to move forward?

What exactly went wrong? DR was puzzled.

During this period of time, he has improved himself more than once, but why is Qin Yuluo unable to achieve the best condition he expected?
What exactly is the deviation?Was it wrong what he did in the first place?
DR thought about it, when Qin Yuluo appeared in the most stable state, that is?It''s at home in Binzhou!
He was suddenly enlightened, and suddenly realized, so the crux of Qin Yuluo is actually Wan Yimo and Wang Sitong?
After figuring this out, DR's complexion turned from cloudy to clear in an instant, and he no longer cared about the crowd, he got up and rushed out the door.

"Cui Zhijie, where is the woman I brought back from Binzhou last time?"

DR asked about Wang Sitong's whereabouts through the walkie-talkie.

When he brought the woman Wang Sitong back, he didn't think too much, it was just because the woman had taken his medicine for so long, she couldn't just throw it outside, if she was brought back by someone with a heart.

There is still a risk of exposure, and those drugs that are still in the experimental stage cannot appear in the public eye.

DR couldn't tolerate the slightest flaw in the experiment he had worked on all his life.

Soon there was movement on the walkie-talkie, and Cui Zhijie was so excited when he heard DR's call again.

He hurriedly replied: "In the underground cell!"

The underground cell, a place dedicated to keeping important prisoners, in the entire experimental building, anyone who made a mistake has entered that place.

It is the darkest place in the entire base, a humid environment, full of snakes, rats and ants.

Every day is dark and the sky is dark, and the stench of the soil will scramble to get into your nostrils. The smell is already unbearable just thinking about it.

"Hurry up and see if the woman is still alive. If she is still alive, get her out quickly."

"it is good!"

DR's voice was panting, Cui Zhijie knew that DR must be running now, he could tell that he... was in a hurry.

Cui Zhijie hung up the walkie-talkie, and quickly ran to the basement. The environment there was too harsh, and he refused to let DR go down to that place.

He found Wang Sitong as quickly as possible, and when he found the woman, she was already dying in the cell in the basement.

Cui Zhijie didn't bother to check the woman's condition, so he gave Wang Sitong a half-dead look on the ground with disgust.

Then, he dragged the woman by the back of her neck without mercy, and pulled her out.

The neck was pulled very painfully, Wang Sitong wanted to struggle, but her weakness prevented her from exerting any strength, so she could only let herself be dragged around like a tattered garbage.

When Wang Sitong was thrown in front of DR, he could hardly recognize that the woman in front of him was Wang Sitong.

I saw a woman with a mess of messy hair, the clothes on her body were worn out, her body and face were covered with dust, and her exposed skin had many rotten and festering spots.

The wound, which was originally a small wound, has become very serious because of the lack of timely treatment.

There are even maggots wriggling on some of the wounds. The state of the whole person can no longer be described as a mess, it is simply neither human nor ghost!

"How did it happen?"

DR frowned and covered his nose, but the strong rancid smell was still penetrating into his nasal cavity, just by looking at it, DR knew it must be very painful.

But this woman didn't seem to feel the pain anymore, Wang Sitong just sat on the ground blankly, staring at a certain place, and then smirked "hehehe".

DR waved his hand impatiently, and then told Cui Zhijie, "Take her down and pack her up."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Sitong began to lie on the ground, struggling desperately, as if he had been stimulated by something.

She yelled loudly, and when she looked at DR, Wang Sitong kept moving her body backwards, with a terrified expression as if she had seen a ghost.

He lost his mind and became a lunatic, but people still instinctively avoid danger, just like Wang Sitong at this time.

Obviously she is already a complete lunatic, but she still knows fear, she will act like a normal person, when facing danger, or people or things that endanger her safety, according to the most true thoughts in her heart next move.

This is a person's instinct, regardless of whether he is healthy or not!
DR watched Wang Sitong's actions with great interest.

"really interesting!"

He looked at the swaying person on the ground with a sneer, and the corners of his mouth subconsciously curled up slightly, revealing an evil smile.

"What are you waiting for?"

Facing DR's cold order, Cui Zhijie couldn't help sighing in his heart: "The speed of changing faces is really faster than turning the pages of books!"

It was already six hours later when Wang Sitong reappeared like a person.

The large and small wounds on the body have all been cleaned up, and there is no more pungent and unpleasant smell.

According to the people who took care of Wang Sitong, this woman was completely crazy.

With such a serious wound, no matter how rough the doctor who cleaned her wound was, the woman never even groaned.

She can only smirk "hehehe". She also smiles when she sees knives and scissors. No matter what kind of terrible medical equipment, it is like a joke in her eyes.

Only when he sees the medicine, Wang Sitong will go crazy.

She would fiddle with her arms frantically, and then push all the people around her away, and then she would yell "No"!
She obviously has a fierce expression, but when you look at her, you find that she is already in tears.

(End of this chapter)

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