Chapter 359 Infiltrate
Barea Kaiwang Hall looked at Wu Yan seriously, as if he was asking some serious question.

"It was because Li Yi killed Lu Qiran, but not because of Lu Qiran!"

"How to say?"

Barea Kaiwang Hall flashed a pair of big watery eyes, like a child thirsty for knowledge.

But... are they discussing any serious issues?
Wu Yan's head was full of black lines. He clenched his fists and took a deep breath.

He continued: "Killing Lu Qiran is equivalent to betraying the brotherhood. I want to send Li Yi to be an experimental product, just because he broke the promise he made at the beginning and stabbed him in the back."



Regarding the conversation with Barea Kaiwang Hall that day, Wu Yan was still in a dazed state when everything was arranged properly, so... everything has been done. ?

Barea Kaiwang Hall's work efficiency was very high, and everything was sorted out the next day.

Under Lin Jing's arrangement, Wu Yan put on a black blindfold and was led into a car.

The carriage was very quiet, Wu Yan wanted to take off the blindfold, but the hand that was raised in the air suddenly stopped.

Barea Kaiwang Hall, who was sitting across from him, watched Wu Yan's actions and laughed silently. He thought to himself, "This person is so stupid."

If you want to ask Wu Yan why he wears a blindfold, it's all because he knows too many secrets, then this person may die.

There was only one purpose for his trip, and Wu Yan didn't want to inquire too much about the rest.

He is a weak doctor, and such a dangerous job as stealing information has to be handed over to an outstanding talent like Zhu Wen.
After thinking about this point, Wu Yan felt more at ease in a leisurely manner.

Seeing the person opposite, Barea Kaiwang Hall's expression changed from dignified to contented.

He didn't know what Wu Yan was thinking at that time, Barea King Kai Hall only knew that this person's expression was really rich, and compared with a few years ago, it had become more fun.

When the car started driving at high speed on the road, Wu Yan tentatively asked, "Is there anyone? Hello? Is there anyone?"

Wu Yan waited quietly for a response, but what answered him was the sound of a car starting. Apart from this, the surroundings around him could be regarded as quiet.

Seeing no one responded, Wu Yan asked again: "Then I took off the blindfold myself?"

This time he still stared for a long time, but still didn't respond at all.

Wu Yan put his mind to one side at the moment, and regardless of other things, he stretched out his hand and vigorously removed the blindfold from his eyes.

The instant light made Wu Yan's eyes very uncomfortable. He rubbed them vigorously a few times, and when he opened them again, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

In front of him was an infinitely magnified handsome face. It was a delicate mixed-race face, with thick eyebrows, slender eyelashes, and sharp mandibles, making the man in front of him look even more heroic.

Wu Yan's first reaction was not to admire his handsome face, but to slap him instinctively.

Barea King Kai Hall never dreamed that one day, he would be "slapped" by someone!
At this time, he had been slapped by the slap just now, and he was staring at Wu Yan with his eyes wide open.

There was a feeling of numbness in the palm of his hand, and Wu Yan was more confused than Barea Kaiwang Hall.

He was looking at his palm in horror, how he wished that the scene just now was just a dream!

But the clear and hot feeling in his hand reminded him that what happened just now was not his hallucination.

"Wu Yan, are you crazy?"

Barea Kaiwang Hall held his swollen cheek and glared at him angrily.

Wu Yan carefully touched Barea Kaiwang Hall's face. At this time, half of that beautiful face had been ruined by him. Just looking at the degree of swelling, it could be seen that Wu Yan was How hard it must be.

He shrugged apologetically, but he really couldn't be blamed for this matter, if Barea King Kai Hall hadn't suddenly appeared to frighten him, he wouldn't have hit someone.

"You can do it!"

Barea Kaiwang Hall's voice was full of resentment, and when he looked at Wu Yan, his eyes seemed to be looking at a heinous sinner.

This is a blatant accusation, but Wu Yan rejects it in his heart. He feels that he should not take the blame for this!
Facing such fiery resentful gazes, Wu Yan lowered his head spinelessly.

He complained in what he thought was a very small voice: "Who told you to stick so close to me? If it comes to it, you deserve it if you get beaten. Then tell yourself to come to my door and let me beat you, hmph!"

The "whisper" that Wu Yan said to himself was clearly heard by Barea Kaiwang Hall.

What kind of bullshit is this?Obviously the victim is him, okay?How can this still meet a nonsense?Barea Kaiwang Hall is almost speechless!

He stared at Wu Yan fiercely for a few times. Why on earth did he bring such a stinky rascal back?Did you bring someone back to make trouble for him?

Wu Yan retreated back to the corner quietly, and glanced at Barea Kaiwang Hall from time to time. Fortunately, this person has a good temper and doesn't have the same knowledge as him. If it was Lu Qiran, he would definitely fight him desperately of!
Comparing these two, it seems that Barea Kaiwang Hall is better!

Wu Yanchou shamelessly compared Lu Qiran and Barea Kaiwang Hall in his heart. After getting along with him these days, he felt that Barea Kaiwang Hall was easy to talk to. There is a big gap in the rumors outside.

Sure enough... rumors and gossip are all used to deceive fools, but fortunately, Wu Yan is a smart one!
Wu Yan here is entertaining himself, and has already forgotten about the beating.

Barea Kaiwang Hall over there was almost going to die of anger. It was the first time he was beaten and slapped. If it got out, Barea Kaiwang Hall would still Do you want to be a human?

Fortunately, Barea Kaiwang Hall has no mind reading skills. If he knew that Wu Yan had described him as a very kind and talkative person in his heart, he would definitely vomit himself to death. !
For the rest of the journey, the atmosphere in the car was very solemn.

Barea Kaiwang Hall sat there with a cold face, while Wu Yan shrank aside very perceptively, acting as if he didn't exist at all.

When he arrived at the secret experimental base, even though Wu Yan had his eyes open, he still couldn't remember the way he got there. There was no other reason than that he was trembling with fear all the way, for fear of Barea Kai. Hall suddenly jumped up and cut him.

(End of this chapter)

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