She was targeted by the paranoid Young Master Lu

Chapter 371 What Cannot Be Allowed to Happen

Chapter 371 What Cannot Be Allowed to Happen
Things went smoothly. Wu Yan rescued Qin Yuluo just as Barea Kaiwang Hall originally imagined. The development of the whole matter was under his control. Zhao Xu.

Barea Kaiwang Hall remembers, isn't this man named Zhao Xu already dead?
How could it appear in his base?What is going on?Was it arranged early in the morning?still is……

The reason why Zhao Xu who appeared at the end didn't mess up his overall plan was that Wu Yan's plan could be carried out so smoothly because of him, and his tricks could be pushed forward so easily.

"Where are they?"

Barea Kaiwang Hall closed his eyes, his physical weakness made him want to sleep at this moment.

Sleepiness swept over his body bit by bit, Barea King Kai Hall still pulled himself together and waited earnestly for Lin Jing's answer.

Originally, Lin Jing planned to let Barea Kaiwang Hall take a good rest, but when he saw the young master lying on the sofa raising one eyebrow.

Lin Jing knew that if this person didn't get a response today, he would definitely not be able to sleep peacefully.

In desperation, Lin Jing could only reluctantly look at the monitor screen hanging on the wall.

The screen showed that Wu Yan and the others had already arrived at the entrance of the base, and if they walked a few hundred meters further, they would reach their monitoring blind spot.

In this way, the probability of the two people escaping will be correspondingly much higher.

"It's about to enter the blind spot."

Lin Jing answered in a very low voice, looking at Barea Kaiwang Hall with a tired face, he felt sour in his heart.

"Go to sleep..."

Lin Jing looked at the person who was about to fall asleep on the sofa with a gentle face, and moved his body back carefully.

His movements were very light, as if he was afraid of waking up the sleeping person, Lin Jing wanted to slowly exit from this room.

Just as he was about to walk to the door, a hasty knock on the door came into the room.

Seeing Barea King Kai Hall who was about to fall asleep, Lin Jing frowned uncomfortably, and then...

Then people are woken up!

With a pair of blood-red eyes, Barea Kaiwang Hall looked at the door with a displeased expression.

His eyes were dark, as if filled with hatred.

"Let him in."

Through the monitor screen, Barea Kaiwang Hall could clearly see who was standing outside the door and the impatient expression on his face.

DR, one of his favorite experimenters, a crazy pervert.

But Barea Kaiwang Hall just likes such a pervert, because this DR really suits his taste.

Paranoid...and unfeeling!

Barea Kaiwang Hall pinched his swollen eyebrows, because the temples on his forehead were throbbing constantly due to the severe lack of sleep recently.

That powerful beating made Barea King Kai Hall inexplicably irritated.

He suppressed the anger in his heart and adjusted his emotions before DR came in.

Barea King Kai Hall straightened up from the sofa and looked at the DR with a bad face, but he laughed out loud first.

"Hahaha..." Hoarse laughter echoed in every corner of the room.

With such hearty laughter, as if laughing at his stupidity, DR's face became even more gloomy, and when he looked at Barea King Kai Hall, he even lost his previous coping.

"You let them go by default?"

The questioning tone, but the DR's eyes are firm.

In this entire base, apart from himself, only Barea King Kai Hall has such great power.

He can dispatch the entire base as he pleases, and only his orders can let so many guard posts willingly let them go.

Faced with DR's questioning, Barea Kaiwang Hall remained silent.

There was a long silence... There was no sound in the whole room, not even the sound of breathing.


DR continued to question Barea Kaiwang Hall, he could compromise on anything, but only about Qin Yuluo.

He can't be silent!
"Need to tell you?"

Barea Kaiwang Hall's voice was also a bit colder.

As he said, he hates others to question his decisions, not even those he admires!
"Don't you need it? As you said, Qin Yuluo is at my disposal!"

The strong Barea Kaiwang Hall and the paranoid DR, these two people always act like two extremes when encountering problems.

He will magnify his most paranoid side infinitely, and then fight against each other.


Barea King Kai Hall's voice suddenly rose. Of course he remembered the promise he had made.

But this shouldn't be the reason for DR to be stubborn with him. He is challenging his bottom line and ignoring his authority...

"That's your promise!"

The two insisted on their own opinions, and neither of them meant to take a step back.

Lin Jing silently lit a wax for DR in his heart, he respected DR as a man from the bottom of his heart.

Lin Jing's attitude towards DR has always been subtle.

On the one hand, it is because he needs to maintain the prestige of Barea King Kai Hall in front of his subordinates, so facing DR who always provokes his young master, Lin Jing has an instinctive disgust.

On the other hand, it is because of DR's courage that he can always face Barea King Kai Hall calmly. As a courageous senior, DR has set a good example for Lin Jing. example.

So Lin Jing has always respected and loved DR.

"Sooner or later, I will bring you back again. What's the rush?"

In the end, it was Barea Kaiwang Hall who compromised. His brain was really hurting, as if it was about to explode. He didn't want to entangle with DR anymore. He just wanted to sleep well now feel, and then discuss these matters.

DR also noticed Barea Kaiwang Hall's discomfort, but for the sake of Qin Yuluo, he could only turn a blind eye.

His experiment finally made a qualitative leap, after such a long time.

DR's experiment has always been in its infancy. It is not unacceptable for him to wait for a long time, but that is also when there is no hope. Now he has seen the door to success.

He has already touched everything that he once dreamed of, how could he just watch such an opportunity slip away from his nose?
He must not allow such a thing to happen!

Qin Yuluo...he must hold it firmly in his hands.

"Are you really going to leave it alone?"

DR clenched his fists, and when he looked at Barea Kaiwang Hall, his eyes couldn't hide his disappointment.

Barea Kaiwang Hall was a little annoyed by the question, his head started to ache, and his eyelids were heavy, heavy!He no longer had the energy to argue with DR, he closed his eyes, and simply waved his hand to drive everyone out.

Before leaving, DR took a deep look at Barea Kaiwang Hall for the last time, and then asked again: "Are you really going to leave it alone?"

Barea Kaiwang Hall shook his head, and when DR walked to the door, he suddenly said: "You haven't gone far, if you really want it, you can catch it back with your own ability." !"

As soon as the words fell, Barea Kaiwang Hall fell into a deep sleep, and a smile finally appeared on DR's face.

(End of this chapter)

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