She was targeted by the paranoid Young Master Lu

Chapter 373 This is a Question Worth Thinking About

Chapter 373 This is a Question Worth Thinking About
Qin Yuluo clearly remembered that she was with Wang Sitong, why did he come to this strange place now, and... who is the person in front of him?What on earth were they trying to bring her here for?
Her mind was very confused, and the movements of her hands were also instinctively protecting herself.

Qin Yuluo didn't think about it that much, she just wanted to protect herself.

The branch that was swung out was blocked by the person in front of him, just as Qin Yuluo was about to pull it back with force, the blurry figure in the distance rushed over.

The man grabbed her arm and said, "It's me, Zhao Xu! Qin Yuluo, it's us."

The familiar voice is Zhao Xu's voice!

How could it be Zhao Xu?Was it to save her?Did Lu Qiran order it?

Lu Qiran?Thinking of Lu Qiran and Qin Yuluo's heart was suddenly aching.

Her eyes were sour, and the tears were falling uncontrollably, she knew it.

Lu is no longer possible to save her.

he!Already dead!
When he didn't see Zhao Xu, Qin Yuluo could still paralyze himself.

She kept telling herself in her heart that Lu Qiran was still alive, in Jiangcheng, in LK, in every place he had appeared before.

Live well!

She obviously brainwashed herself in this way, and she even began to believe that Lu Qiran was really still alive.

But why, why should she meet someone related to Lu Qiran?Why?
What is...why?
Qin Yuluo could no longer suppress the sadness buried in his heart.

Her cry changed from sobbing to heart-piercing. She was so sad, as if she had lost the whole world!

When Zhao Xu saw Qin Yu crying, he thought it was because they were too late to save her.

Calculating the time, it was indeed a bit late. Looking at Qin Yuluo's appearance, I am afraid that he has suffered a lot during this period, and it is human nature to feel wronged.

Zhao Xu hesitated again and again, but slowly put his hand on Qin Yuluo's shoulder.

He patted slowly and lightly.

Such action...

It's really like saying to you: "My condolences!"

Because of this sudden comfort, Qin Yuluo's body instantly froze in place.

and so……

What is Zhao Xu trying to tell her?Are you confirming with her that the news of Lu Qiran's death is true?

Even though she was already prepared in her heart, even though it was not the first time she had heard the news, Qin Yuluo's heart was deeply hurt once again.

She cried even more fiercely, as if she wanted to vent all the sorrow of her life.

Crying until her voice became hoarse, Qin Yuluo went from crying with tears all over her face to not being able to shed any more tears. She could only sit there sluggishly, feeling the dull pain in her heart.

When he first learned of Lu Qiran's death, it was the most difficult time for Qin Yuluo after he was kidnapped to this place.

During that time, Qin Yuluo was tortured so painfully that every cell in her body was screaming.

They told die, to die!

She also thought about ending this ridiculous life, as long as she gently swiped her wrist, everything would be over.

It won't be very painful, her body will gradually become colder, and then it will start to become stiff... After that, she will be free!

It's very simple, it's really simple to want to end everything like this.

But, just think of Lu Qiran.

Qin Yuluo didn't want to think about it, even if it was very hard, even if he was tortured.

she!She also wants to live, she wants to live, even though she is bruised all over, even though she is fragmented, she!It is also so urgent to want to live.

Because as long as she is still alive, she can always wait until the day when Lu Qiran comes to save her!
She was looking forward to it day after day, she was full of hope for Lu Qiran's arrival, but until the end, what she was waiting for was not the real Lu Qiran.

In the end, what Qin Yuluo waited for was nothing but bad news, the bad news that Lu Qiran had died.

There is no blow, which can be more desperate than the only hope in a desperate situation being smashed to pieces!

That is the sharpest weapon that can defeat a person's will to survive.

Qin Yuluo finally collapsed, she completely gave up living.

Because being too painful.

Qin Yuluo once heard such a legend that if someone despises his own life and chooses to end his life when he can live well, then this person is guilty.

Because of the body, hair and skin, it is received by the parents.

A person's death is like a lamp being extinguished, which can end the suffering of the world, but what about those who are alive?How should those people face the pain you personally bestowed?Those who are not filial will not be able to go to a good place after death.

Qin Yuluo thought that she had no father or mother. Even if she died, her parents might not feel sad because of her departure.

But even so, Qin Yuluo didn't want to end up like that, she was afraid, she was worried, what if?What if she couldn't see Lu Qiran again even if she died?
So she chose to live in a daze, and let those who kidnapped her do whatever they want, and it would be best if they could torture her to death, so... even if she died, she should still be able to see Lu Qiran, right?
She did a good job, and Qin Yuluo even felt that her life was about to burn to the end.

Qin Yuluo waited for that day without any waves in his heart.

But those people, since they have already captured her, how can they really let her live or die?
Those people rescued her from dying, not only that, they also gave her a reason to live.

Wang Sitong, her adoptive mother, the woman who loved her like her own daughter, broke into her imprisoned life without Qin Yuluo's defense.

I don't know what those people did to Wang Sitong. In short, when this person was sent, his mind was already in confusion.

Wang Sitong doesn't remember anything, about everything about the past, those passing years, it seems that there is no trace left in her mind at all.

Wang Sitong doesn't remember all those former friends, the lover who once supported each other and supported each other, and she even forgot her own name.

It is such a person who can't remember anything, but remembers "daughter"!
Even though she was mentally confused, Wang Sitong still remembered that she had a person called "daughter" who needed pain.

Qin Yuluo didn't know if the "daughter" Wang Sitong was talking about was her. Qin Yuluo only knew that she had been Wang Sitong's daughter, and that she would continue to be a daughter.

For Wang Sitong, in order to survive in such a dangerous place, Qin Yuluo could only choose to live well.

From that day on, Qin Yuluo began to automatically block all news about Lu Qiran, and she was slowly removing Lu Qiran from her mind temporarily.

Qin Yuluo didn't even dare to look in the mirror, she was afraid that when she saw herself, she would not be able to help but think of Lu Qiran!
(End of this chapter)

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