She was targeted by the paranoid Young Master Lu

Chapter 375 The situation worsens

Chapter 375 The situation worsens
The location of the drone just now has been marked on the map by DR.

He threw the map to Cui Zhijie behind him, and then took the lead into the woods.

Do you want to take Qin Yuluo away like this?Stop dreaming!How could the person he DR wanted be taken away so easily?

"Women are captured alive, men... don't care whether they live or die."

DR gave the order coldly, everyone in the base, anyone with a good brain can see the importance of that woman to DR.

Those who can be brought out to carry out this mission are basically people that DR can trust, and they are also people who have been with him for a period of time.

They know DR's temperament very well, know this person's paranoia, and also know what kind of virtue this person is when he is really angry.

So everyone here is nervous!

DR's speed was very fast, Cui Zhijie followed closely behind this person, he could clearly feel DR's anxious mood, as if he was eager to find some lost treasure.

But the more anxious DR became, the more jealous Cui Zhijie became.

He was looking forward to it every day, hoping that Qin Yuluo would be rescued quickly and get out of his teacher's sight.

Until today, his wish is finally coming true, Qin Yuluo is finally leaving, that person can no longer steal DR's attention from him, how could Cui Zhijie let Qin Yuluo come back?

He will never let such a thing happen!
DR led a large team to chase after him, Wu Yan and Zhao Xu could only run desperately.

However, the two of them had to carry a oil bottle as big as Qin Yuluo. Although Qin Yuluo was very light, it was just a person after all!

Is this any different than walking with weight?

Fortunately, Zhao Xu and Wu Yan have exercised at ordinary times, otherwise they would have to obediently wait to be arrested under the current situation.

Wu Yan was always watching the sky, he was afraid that another drone would appear and their whereabouts would be exposed.

"Third brother... going on like this is not an option!"

Zhao Xu's forehead was already covered with fine sweat. Although he had just rested for a while, after running around for so long, Zhao Xu's physical strength had already reached its limit.

Wu Yan also knew that running just like this was not the answer, but the only way for them to go was to escape.

When he contacted Zhu Wen before, because he was afraid of exposing himself, they only contacted each other once.

It was the last time when Wu Yan received a message from Zhao Xu, he contacted Zhu Wen for the first time in such a dangerous environment.

The escape from the base was also discussed in advance between him and Zhu Wen, so they could only get Zhu Wen's support when they successfully walked out of this dense forest.

"Third brother, can't the president come to meet us?"

Zhao Xu carried Qin Yuluo's body on his shoulders, if he continued to carry this woman, Zhao Xu reckoned that he would really be weak.

It's so fucking tiring!

Zhao Xu thought, when he goes back to see Sun Yufei this time, he will push Qin Yuluo in front of that woman, and when his wife sees Qin Yuluo, she will probably be able to forgive him a lot for this time.
Wu Yan didn't answer for a long time, which made Zhao Xu very upset and very uneasy.

He looked at Wu Yan, and then called out "Third Brother" in a low voice.

"Ah? Ah! They can't come over."

Wu Yan obviously hesitated when answering, such an attitude is very strange!

Zhao Xu continued to ask: "Why? Does Lu Qiran not even care about his own wife?"

He turned Qin Yu on his shoulders, and then looked at Wu Yan in disbelief.

"This is Qin Yuluo! Lu Qiran's most precious person, how could he really be so indulgent?"

Lu Qiran's attitude towards Qin Yuluo was obvious to all, how could he change at will?No matter what Zhao Xu said, he didn't believe that Lu Qiran didn't care that Qin Yuluo was gone. If he really didn't care, why would he send Wu Yan over?

Could it be... something happened during his absence?
"Wu Yan, did something happen?"

Zhao Xu straightened his face and spoke very seriously.

It was rare for him to be so serious, and seeing Zhao Xu was used to fooling around, seeing such a serious Xiao Wu for a while, Wu Yan felt a little uncomfortable.

There are some things that Zhao Xu should know!
Considering the current situation, Wu Yan decided to make a long story short and tell him a few important things first.

"For the outside world, Lu Qiran is dead, and now the person in charge of LK is Zhu Wen."


Because of surprise, Zhao Xu's eyes almost popped out, Lu Qiran died?That Lu Qiran?Then LK was usurped by Zhu Wen?
What are you kidding?I don't know how loyal Zhu Wen is. Zhu Wen almost wants to enshrine Lu Qiran as a belief. In this world, anyone can betray Lu Qiran.

Only Zhu Wen, and only him, will never betray Lu Qiran in this life... Absolutely not!
"There is indeed something hidden in it, but it won't be clear for a while, and you also know how close this island is to the main family of Lu's family."

Wu Yan looked around and made sure there was no one around, so he continued, "If Mr. Lu knows that Zhu Wen has come out, then I don't need to tell you what will happen to LK who has no one in charge."

"Xiao Wu, whether we can escape safely this time really depends on ourselves."

After Wu Yan finished speaking, he turned around and continued on his way.

He also thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to suppress the matter about Sun Yufei for the time being. When they are in a safe situation, he will definitely tell Xiao Wu about it. I hope that when the time comes... he, don't hate him.

Along the way, Wu Yan's heart was always inexplicably uneasy. He always felt as if something was going to happen. Anyway, it didn't feel very good.

Now he only hopes to join Zhu Wen as soon as possible, only then will they be really safe.

Only when Qin Yuluo was brought home safely, would Li Yi's efforts be worthwhile.

Wu Yan said that he really can't let down anyone who has paid for this matter.

"Xiao Wu, we have to hurry up."

It was already dawn, and if we were to talk about luck, Wu Yan and the others still had them. In the situation like last night, they didn't encounter any danger. It was really shit luck.

Although such a large forest is not as dangerous as the Amazon, there are still those poisonous snakes and beasts in the dark, so they spent the night safely.

And this next danger will really become a live ammunition!

Although Wu Yan and the others had already increased their speed, they still brought Qin Yuluo with them after all. After all, they really did not have the upper hand.

Because it was dawn, Wu Yan and the others had no advantage, it was difficult to hide and there were drones everywhere, so soon, Wu Yan and the others were chased by the people behind.

"Where are you going?"

(End of this chapter)

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