Chapter 38 Help
"Then don't hurry to find it!"

"Look for it, son, don't worry, Mom has already sent someone to look for her, I believe she will be found soon!" Jiang Meijuan hurriedly gave Jiang Mengzhe a sigh of relief: "When I find her back, I will lock her in the basement. Never let her out."

"No," Jiang Mengzhe twisted his face: "That's too cheap for her, I want her to taste the hell on earth..."

At this time, Qin Yuluo had already arrived at the Waterside Garden.

Room 4, Unit 1201, Building [-].

This is the home of her best friend Sun Yufei.

I don't know if she is off work at this time, she should make a call first, but her phone was taken away by Jiang Mengzhe, and there is no phone number in her new phone now.

She pressed the doorbell, and immediately Sun Yufei's energetic voice came from the door.

"I'm coming!"

The door opened, and Sun Yufei stood there in a cartoon pajamas.

Sun Yufei has a round face. She is not tall and a little fat, but she is cute. She is a cute girl with baby fat, but her personality is quite different from her cute appearance. She has a hot temper.

Qin Yuluo tried his best to pull up the corners of his lips, revealing an insincere smile: "Yufei."

"Damn it! Little Feather, why are you here!"

Seeing Qin Yuluo, Sun Yufei was so excited that she almost jumped up, she couldn't help but drag Qin Yuluo into the room.

Little Feather was Sun Yufei's exclusive name for her. She said they were girlfriends with unfamiliar names, Luoluo and always collided with others, so she called her Little Feather.

Both intimate and unique.

The moment he heard her voice, Qin Yuluo's heart was filled with infinite sorrow, his sobs were right on the tip of his nose, and he would pour out as soon as he opened his mouth.

Qin Yuluo and Sun Yufei are pen pals. Speaking of which, this word may be a bit outdated now.

But when Qin Yuluo was in high school, in order to relieve the pressure, many people would find some contact information in magazines, and chat with strangers by sending letters.

The first time the two communicated, Qin Yuluo felt Sun Yufei's interesting soul.

At that time, Qin Yuluo was at the lowest ebb in his life, and he had no friends around him. The pressure from studies, family, and environment almost made Qin Yuluo feel world-weary.

Sun Yufei's appearance was like a life-saving straw, she became the only person she could confide in, and it also allowed her to find a ray of warmth in the cold interpersonal relationship.

This communication has been through for two years.

After the college entrance examination, Sun Yufei was admitted to Jiangcheng Communication University, and Qin Yuluo was also admitted to Jiangcheng University School of Medicine.

The two girls finally met in Jiangcheng.

That day, Qin Yuluo went to pick up Sun Yufei at the station with a feeling of apprehension.

In the crowd, she saw the short but lively figure at a glance.

Sun Yufei also fixed on Qin Yuluo with a glance. She screamed and rushed forward, hugging Qin Yuluo, like an old friend who hadn't seen him for many years reunited, without any sense of strangeness.

Sun Yufei was Qin Yuluo's first friend, and it has been almost ten years now...

Later, Qin Yuluo got acquainted with Ye Wanwan, and the three girls got together like this until today.

After graduating from undergraduate and master's degree, Qin Yu fell into Jiangcheng Bo'ai Hospital and became a psychiatrist.

Sun Yufei, after graduating from a bachelor's degree in four years, applied for a job at a newspaper and became a reporter.

Sun Yufei's family conditions are average. In a first-tier city like Jiangcheng, she lived a life of poverty, which made Qin Yuluo very distressed. Qin Yuluo once wanted to support Sun Yufei in terms of money, but she refused.

She still remembered what Sun Yufei said at that time.

"Qin Xiaoluo, don't think that if you marry into a wealthy family, you will have no worries about food and clothing. People all over the country know that it is difficult to be a daughter-in-law of a wealthy family. Now that the two of you are just married, Jiang Mengzhe must listen to you in everything. Can you come later?"When the relationship gradually calms down, you may not be able to experience what you will experience in the days to come. You can keep the money for yourself. Don't tell Jiang Mengzhe, and don't let Jiang's family know. In case something happens, you can also have some money. body, not too embarrassing. '

Sun Yufei also rejected Ye Wanwan's help at the same time.

Ye Wanwan is different from Qin Yuluo. Ye Wanwan is a daughter of a rich family. After graduation, she returned to the family group to practice.

Qin Yuluo and Ye Wanwan knew each other tacitly, and both knew that Sun Yufei actually didn't want to owe others, especially her and Ye Wanwan.

Sun Yufei always hoped that the relationship between the three of them would always be pure.

Even if one day, she, Sun Yufei, is down and out on the street, she can go to the two of them without any qualms, eating, drinking, and staying.

But if money is involved, the relationship between them, no matter how good it is, will eventually be mixed with cautiousness and humbleness.

After several years of hard work, Sun Yufei paid the down payment with the money she had saved, and bought this small apartment of more than 50 square meters with a loan, and she has her own small home.

Although she has carried the mortgage for 20 years, Qin Yuluo still envies her.

Although she was tired, she was living the life of an ordinary person, and this kind of ordinaryness was exactly what Qin Yuluo couldn't ask for...

"Little Feather, what's wrong with you..." Sun Yufei pulled Qin Yu and sat down on the sofa. There was a strange feeling between the years of old age.

As soon as Sun Yufei saw Qin Yuluo just now, she realized that something was wrong with her state. Qin Yuluo's abnormality made Sun Yufei a little flustered.

Feeling that if she didn't pay close attention, Qin Yuluo would disappear in a second, Sun Yufei couldn't help holding Qin Yuluo's wrist tightly.

This grip happened to be on Qin Yuluo's wound. She trembled in pain, and instantly broke out in cold sweat.

"What's wrong with you?" Sun Yufei looked at Qin Yuluo's instantly pale face, and nervously grabbed Qin Yuluo's wrist, and the moment she lifted the sleeves, Sun Yufei burst into tears.

"This, how did this happen..."

On Qin Yuluo's fair skin, there was a glaring burn, bleeding and spreading to his wrist, and above his wrist, there was still half a piece of rope wrapped around it...

"You, what did you do?" Sun Yufei quickly wiped away her tears, found the medicine box, cut the rope, and carefully cleaned Qin Yuluo's wound: "Jiang Mengzhe abused you?"

Facing Sun Yufei, Qin Yuluo felt inexplicably guilty, because she never told Sun Yufei that her married life with Jiang Mengzhe had only just begun, and it had already changed beyond recognition.

She looked at Sun Yufei who was squatting in front of her. This was one of the few warmths left in her heart. In front of Sun Yufei, she could finally relieve a little fatigue: "Can I stay with you for a few days?"

"What can't be done, I'm too happy!" Sun Yufei said she was happy, but she was sighing in her heart. Xiaoyu was still as stubborn as ever, and refused to say anything wronged.

(End of this chapter)

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