A seal of immortality

Chapter 317 Killing Tiger Village

Chapter 317 Killing Tiger Village
When Wang Changsheng and the others arrived at the pier, they saw a large official ship berthed by the pier, and a short, fat man in brocade clothes kept walking up and down the pier, as if he was waiting for someone.

Seeing Wang Changsheng and five people, the man in brocade clothes brightened his eyes and walked up quickly, his eyes glanced over Wang Changsheng and five people, and asked, "May I ask who is Prince Wang Changsheng?"

"I am," Wang Changsheng said calmly, taking two steps forward.

"My lord, I'm Zhou Lang, the magistrate of Laiyang County. I'm in charge of sending the young masters out of Dengzhou. There are many people on board. I hope that the young masters will be careful in their words and deeds. It's Zhou's distant relative," the man in brocade clothes said slowly.

"Zhou Juncheng, don't worry! We know what to do, we will stay in the cabin and will never cause you any trouble," Wang Changsheng nodded.

"Yes! Juncheng Zhou, we won't cause you any trouble," Chen Qiusheng and the others nodded in agreement.

Seeing this situation, the man in brocade clothes nodded in satisfaction, and said: "That's good, that's good, some young masters come with me." After speaking, he turned and walked towards the official ship parked by the pier.

Seeing this, the five Wang Changsheng raised their heels up one after another.

The five Wang Changsheng followed the man in brocade clothes to the official ship, and found that there were many supplies on the official ship, and more than a dozen yamen servants were standing on the deck chatting.

Seeing Wang Changsheng and the other five walk into the boat, they didn't ask any questions.

The man in brocade clothes arranged a comfortable room for each of Wang Changsheng's five, and told them not to run around. They would bring them three meals a day, and they would be asked to disembark when they reached their destination.

Wang Changsheng and the other five did not object to this, and nodded in agreement.

After closing the door, Wang Changsheng let go of his spiritual sense and scanned all the people in the ship, but he didn't find a single immortal cultivator. He nodded, sat cross-legged on the bed, closed his eyes and meditated.

After a while, the official ship started to move and sailed slowly to the distance.

Shahu Village got its name because it is backed by Shahu Mountain.

It is located at the junction of Minzhou and Yuanzhou, surrounded by mountains, the location is remote, and it is notoriously poor and remote.

On this day, five young men appeared at the entrance of the village with five fine horses on their backs. The one running in front was a black horse with a young man in white clothes with ordinary facial features sitting on it.

The young man in white is none other than Wang Changsheng.

Half a month ago, Wang Changsheng and the others disembarked at a dock in Minzhou, bought five fast horses, and drove non-stop all the way to the junction of Minzhou and Yuanzhou.

At this time, the sun had already set, and the sky was gradually darkening. There were bursts of cooking smoke in the village. Seven or eight young children were playing at the entrance of the village. When they saw Wang Changsheng and five people, the young children were not afraid, and looked at Wang Changsheng curiously. The five of them seemed to be seeing strangers for the first time.

"Brother Changsheng, it's already getting late, I think we should spend the night here! Let's go on our way tomorrow!" Chen Qiusheng looked up at the sky and suggested.

"Well, let's spend the night at a fellow villager's house!" Wang Changsheng nodded.

The five dismounted immediately, led the horses, and walked slowly into the village.

"Are the masters wanting to stay? Come to my house! My house is big enough," Wang Changsheng and the others had just entered the village when a middle-aged man with mischievous eyebrows came up quickly and said enthusiastically.

"How do you know that we are Master Juren?" Wang Changsheng frowned and asked.

"Hehe, although the location of our Shahu Village is remote, many businessmen and tourists pass by our village every year, and every three years, people dressed like these masters pass by our Shahu Village. Master Juren, there was a number one scholar who slept in my bed," the middle-aged man scratched his head, smiled and said complacently.

After hearing this, Chen Qiusheng and the others were a little moved.

"Masters, don't listen to Hu Er's nonsense. No number one scholar has ever slept in his house. There are quite a few dead people," a black-faced man with a big arm and round waist came over and said sarcastically.

The middle-aged man's face changed when he heard the words, and he shouted at the black-faced man: "Li Dahu, don't talk nonsense, whose family died? Your family died."

"Hmph, you know if a visitor died in your house. If the masters are not afraid of bad luck, just pretend I didn't say anything," the dark-faced man snorted softly and sneered.

Wang Changsheng frowned when he heard this.

"Several Juren lords, some travelers died in my house, but it wasn't me, Hu Er, who died of a sudden illness," the middle-aged man explained.

"Death from a sudden illness? Hehe, thank you for telling me, who doesn't know that your house is haunted, and you don't live in the house yourself, so you want these masters to live in your house?" The black-faced man laughed and said sarcastically.

"What is haunted? Don't talk nonsense, my lords, my house is not haunted, you can live in my house! My house is big and spacious enough, two copper coins per person, and sweet potatoes for you to eat, sweet potatoes are enough," the middle-aged The man glared at the black-faced man, forced a smile on his face, and said to Wang Changsheng.

"Is your family big enough? How much is it for one person," Wang Changsheng asked after thinking about it for a while.

"Well, it's a bit crowded for five people, but my brother's house is next to mine, so two people can sleep in my brother's house, five copper coins for each person. If the masters are not afraid of bad luck, they can sleep in Hu Er's house!" The black-faced man said slowly.

"What do you think?" Wang Changsheng turned around and asked the four men in blue.

"Well, just sleep at his house! The road to the capital is still long! We need to save a little money," the man in blue thought for a while, pointing to the middle-aged man and said.

"I agree with Brother Wencai. I never believe in ghosts and ghosts. If they really exist, let that ghost come to me," the man in Tsing Yi said at the end, with a look of disdain flashing in his eyes.

In this regard, Chen Qiusheng and Rushan Youth also agreed.

"Hmph, since you are not afraid of ghosts, then you can sleep at Hu Er's house! I hope to see you again tomorrow," the black-faced man turned around and left.

"Several Juren masters, don't listen to Li Dahu's nonsense. I beat him several times when he was young, so he made up lies and deliberately slandered me," the middle-aged man explained.

"Okay, we're not interested in hearing what you said, take us to your house quickly! We're starving," the man in Tsing Yi waved his hand and said with some displeasure.

"Yes, yes, the young one will lead the way for the masters, please follow me," the middle-aged man replied, turned and walked towards the house in the distance.

Seeing this, the five Wang Changsheng led their horses and followed.

Along the way, Wang Changsheng and his five met many villagers. These villagers shook their heads when they saw the five people following the middle-aged man, but they didn't say anything.

Not long after, Wang Changsheng and his five came to a lonely earthen yard. This earthen yard was indeed spacious enough, with two rooms, but there was no second family in the surrounding tens of meters.

Tens of meters away behind this dirt yard, there is a dense banana tree.

"Masters, this is my house, it's spacious enough!" The middle-aged man pointed to the yard and said with some pride.

"Don't talk about those useless ones, didn't you say that there is something to eat? Take it out, I'm starving," the man in Tsing Yi waved his hand and urged.

The dry food they bought was eaten up in the morning, and he had been hungry for a whole day, so how could he be in the mood to listen to the middle-aged man say such things.

(End of this chapter)

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