A seal of immortality

Chapter 462 Encounter with the same family by chance

Chapter 462 Encounter with the same family by chance (fill in the second update)
Wang Changsheng didn't dare to stop for a moment because he was worried that monster birds would come after him. After flying more than a dozen miles, he released a paper crane talisman and flew towards the island where the teleportation array was located.

This kind of long-distance teleportation formation requires teleportation talismans, otherwise there may be problems during the teleportation process. Wang Changsheng is not worried about this. Before coming to the Qingyuan sea area, he copied some talisman drawings in the sub-helm, including teleportation talismans .

There are a total of 510 runes in the teleportation symbol, and the drawing difficulty is slightly higher.

Wang Changsheng had practiced for a period of time before, as long as he had enough materials, he believed he could draw one.

What he was worried about was whether there was a problem with the teleportation formation. Although he had read many formation books, he only had a rough understanding of the formation.

The teleportation array built hundreds of feet deep underground is obviously modified. The teleportation array in Qingyuan City has six grooves, while the underground teleportation array only has four grooves. Do these four grooves need to be placed? Lingshi, Wang Changsheng is not sure either.

But no matter what, the Qingyuan sea area is now dominated by monsters and beasts. Human immortal cultivators should not show up. Even if they can't teleport away, hiding in the stalactite cave underground is a good choice to avoid the limelight.

Thinking like this, the blue paper crane under Wang Changsheng accelerated its flight speed, and disappeared into the sky not long after.

In this way, Wang Changsheng flew on the sea for more than half a month, and stopped to rest when he encountered a deserted island.

During this period, Wang Changsheng also encountered several waves of monster birds' attacks. If the number of monster birds was relatively small, he would replay Xiao Hei to kill them. If there were more monster birds, Wang Changsheng would speed up his flight.

Along the way, there is no danger.

On this day, when Wang Changsheng was sitting cross-legged on the front of the flying boat to meditate, there was a sudden explosion from below, as if someone was fighting.

Wang Changsheng frowned, stopped, and glanced down.

On a small island below, several giant crabs were besieging several Foundation Establishment cultivators.

Wang Changsheng didn't intend to meddle in other people's business, but just as he was about to leave, he saw an acquaintance—Chen Fengxiao.

Wang Changsheng was looking for an array mage to help him check if there was any problem with the teleportation array built underground. When he met Chen Fengxiao, who was from the same lineage of the heavenly array, he naturally wanted to rescue him.

On the ground, four foundation-building monks worked together to prop up a huge golden light curtain, and drove the magic weapon to attack three red crabs about five or six feet in size.

The red crab opened its mouth and spewed out giant fireballs the size of water tanks one after another, hitting the golden light curtain, causing the golden light curtain to shake endlessly.

Chen Fengxiao's magic weapon struck the three red crabs, but did not cause much damage to them. After all, these three crabs are all third-level monsters, and they are protected by a hard shell, so they cannot be broken open for a while. their defense.

"Senior Brother Zhou, think of a way, if this continues, we will die at the hands of these beasts sooner or later," Chen Fengxiao saw the golden light curtain that was getting dimmer, and shouted hastily.

"There is no way. Let's remove the mask and run for our lives. Whoever survives depends on their own luck," a tall young man in blue shirt suggested.

"This... Brother Zhou, is there no other way?" A petite woman in a green skirt asked with a frown.

"Other ways? There are also. I know the earth dungeon technique, and I can lead a person to escape underground, but what! Those two people who stay on the ground will be in danger. Which one of you wants to stay?" The blue-shirted youth said meaningfully .


After hearing this, Chen Fengxiao and the three of you look at me and I look at you. Everyone knows that staying on the ground is basically a dead end. Everyone wants to escape underground, but because of the relationship, no one is embarrassed to speak .

At this moment, the three red crabs seemed a little impatient, and waved two giant pincers to hit the golden light curtain. The light of the golden light curtain suddenly became extremely dim, and looked like it would collapse at any time.

"Forget it, let's just take off the mask and run for our lives," Chen Feng smiled when he saw this, his expression changed, and he sighed.

"Okay then! I'll count to three times, and after three times, everyone will withdraw their mana together and try their best to escape," the blue-shirted youth nodded and said.

"three two······"

Before the three beeps were finished, there was a dragon chant sound from high above, and a black dragon with a length of more than ten feet descended from the sky.

A sharp black claw of the black flood dragon slapped the head of a red crab fiercely, smashing its head into pieces.

Seeing this scene, Chen Fengxiao and the others were shocked.

Seeing this situation, the remaining two red crabs seemed to sense something was wrong, turned around and fled into the sea.

At this moment, there was a sound of piercing through the air, and hundreds of feet long yellow spears fell from the sky and smashed hard on the two red crabs.

Although the hundreds of yellow spears did not pierce the bodies of the two red crabs, they also slowed down their escape speed.

Before they could take a breath, there was another sound of piercing through the air, and hundreds of feet of giant wind blades shot towards them, slamming on them fiercely.

This time, the two red crabs were not so lucky. Their bodies were cut into several pieces by densely packed giant wind blades, and they fell into a pool of blood.

It took less than a few breaths from the appearance of the black flood dragon to the killing of the three red crabs.

The four of Chen Fengxiao looked at me and I looked at you, everyone's faces were full of shock.

"Junior Brother Chen, long time no see?" At this moment, Wang Changsheng stepped on a bloodthirsty spirit bat and landed on the island.

"Hey, it's Senior Brother Wang, who am I to say! So it's Senior Brother Wang, that's great," Chen Feng laughed when he saw Wang Changsheng.

"Junior Brother Chen, this is..." the blue-shirted youth asked, his face full of vigilance.

Although the other two young women didn't say anything, they also had vigilant expressions on their faces.

It's no wonder, the four of them, except for Chen Fengxiao and the blue-shirted youth who are at the late stage of foundation establishment, the remaining two female cultivators are only at the early stage of foundation establishment.

Wang Changsheng himself has late-stage foundation-building monks and two third-level spirit beasts. If Wang Changsheng wants to go against them, they are no match at all.

"Oh, this is Senior Brother Wang, who came with me from the main rudder, Senior Brother Wang, these three are friends I met in the sub-rudder, this is Senior Brother Zhou, and those two are Junior Sister Chen and Junior Sister Liu, "Chen Fengxiao took the initiative to introduce.

"It turned out to be Senior Brother Wang. Thank you Senior Brother Wang for your rescue. We are very grateful. We still have important things to do, so let's go first." After the blue-shirted youth said a word, he released a yellow flying boat, He intends to leave the imperial device.

"Wait, I have something to ask Junior Brother Chen," Wang Changsheng said, frowning upon seeing this.

Hearing this, the young man in blue shirt frowned, and looked at Chen Fengxiao, who nodded at him.

"Okay then! Brother Wang, tell Junior Brother Chen quickly if you have anything to say! We still have important matters to deal with," said the blue-shirted youth, frowning, as if he was in a hurry.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng looked a little displeased. He pulled Chen Fengxiao to a remote corner, took out the water mirror and jade talisman, and said to Chen Fengxiao via voice transmission: "Junior Brother Chen, I'm not familiar with the formation, please help me see it." Let's see if this teleportation array is teleported back to the inner sea, is there any problem, are all four grooves placed with spirit stones?"

Chen Fengxiao took the Water Mirror Jade Talisman, and after injecting mana, the image of a magic circle appeared in front of him.

Chen Fengxiao checked it carefully, and after a little thought, the sound transmission replied: "Senior Brother Wang, this is indeed a long-distance teleportation array, and it has been improved. As for whether it is teleported back to the inner sea, it is impossible to tell. It is enough to place spirit stones in these three adjacent grooves, the remaining groove is a cover-up, do not put spirit stones in it, otherwise something will happen during the transmission."

"So that's the case, thank you Junior Brother Chen for your guidance," Wang Changsheng suddenly realized when he heard this, he thanked him and put away the water mirror and jade talisman.

Fortunately, he met Chen Fengxiao, if he placed spirit stones in all four grooves, he would be in big trouble.

"Since you have important matters to attend to, then I won't disturb you," Wang Changsheng was about to jump on the back of the bloodthirsty spirit bat and leave.

"Wait, Brother Wang, let me say one more thing, if you want to use this teleportation array, you must have a teleportation talisman, otherwise something may happen during the transmission," Chen Fengxiao reminded.

"I can draw the teleportation talisman, thank you, Junior Brother Chen, for reminding me," Wang Changsheng said with a smile.

Hearing this, Chen Feng smiled a little moved, and he continued: "Senior Brother Wang, please wait here for a while, I will say a few words to Senior Brother Zhou, and I will be right back."

After finishing speaking, Chen Fengxiao quickly walked towards the three young men in blue shirts. The lips of the four twitched for a while, obviously they were communicating through sound transmission.

After a while, Chen Fengxiao walked towards Wang Changsheng, and said with a smile on his face: "Senior brother Wang, we found a cave for monks in the alchemy stage, there may be magic treasures in it, are you interested in going to see it together?"

"The cave of a monk in the alchemy stage? A magic weapon?" Wang Changsheng's face was a little moved when he heard this, but he thought of something immediately, glanced at the three young men in blue shirts, and said, "Junior Brother Chen, you don't invite me to participate in vain, do you?" ! Tell me! What are the conditions?"

Wang Changsheng wouldn't believe that the pie fell from the sky, even if the pie fell from the sky, how could it just fall on him!

"Hehe, I knew Senior Brother Wang was a smart person. It's very simple. You escort us to the island where the cave is located. After the matter is completed, everyone will leave in a teleportation array. You have no objection to that!"

"Just these two conditions?" Wang Changsheng frowned when he heard the words, and said with some confidence.

"Otherwise, what conditions did Senior Brother Wang think we would raise?" Chen Feng smiled wryly.

Hearing this, Wang Changsheng showed a thoughtful expression on his face. After thinking for a while, he said: "Okay! I agree to these two requests, but after entering the cave, I have the priority. If you agree, then I will I'll go on the road with you, if you don't agree with everyone going your own way, just pretend you haven't met."

When Chen Feng heard this, he frowned, and turned his head to look at the blue-shirted youth.

"You can have the right to choose first. The premise is that if there are many magic weapons, if there is only one magic weapon, then you can only choose other things. We will discuss which magic weapon after sending it back to the Inner Sea," the blue-shirted youth said. .

"No problem," Wang Changsheng agreed wholeheartedly.

Next, Chen Fengxiao and the others dealt with the bodies of the three red giant crabs, then jumped on the yellow flying boat and flew northwest.

Wang Changsheng took Xiao Hei and the bloodthirsty spirit bat back into the spirit beast bag, sacrificed the snow wind boat, and followed.

(End of this chapter)

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