A seal of immortality

Chapter 464 Mutation

Chapter 464 Mutation
The young man in blue shirt nodded his head when he heard the words, expressing his agreement.

Chen Fengxiao took out more than a dozen yellow formation flags and planted them around the stone chamber, then took out a yellow formation plate, and hit it with several spells.

A yellow light flashed, and a layer of yellow light mask appeared on the surrounding stone walls.

"Okay, we can break the formation," Chen Fengxiao put away the yellow formation disk and said.

Hearing this, the blue-shirted youth shouted softly: "Cut me off."

Three blue daggers circled one by one, slashing at the golden mask.

There were several soft "bang" and "bang", but the golden mask remained motionless.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng and the others also joined in the attack. Fireballs, water arrows, and throwing knives all hit the golden mask one after another, and there were constant explosions for a while.

The five people attacked for less than half an hour, but the golden mask remained unchanged.

"No way! We have to find another way, otherwise even if we use up all our mana, we won't be able to break the restriction," the blue-shirted youth frowned and stopped attacking.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng and the others also stopped attacking.

The defensive power of the Vajra Trapped Demon Formation was far beyond their expectations. Even after many years, it was not easy for their five foundation-building monks to break through it.

"I have a talisman in my hand, which may be able to break the restriction. If the restriction is broken, I hope to choose another thing, except for the magic weapon, of course," the blue-shirted youth said.

"No problem, no matter who it is, as long as they break the restriction, they can choose one more item," Chen Fengxiao agreed wholeheartedly, and made a promise.

In this regard, Wang Changsheng and the three also agreed.

Seeing this, the young man in blue shirt sat down cross-legged and took out a gleaming silver talisman with a tiny silver light on it.

As the blue-shirted youth poured mana into the talisman, the silver talisman suddenly shone brightly, and a ray of silver light faintly leaped out of it.

Not long after, the silver talisman turned into a silver light and hovered over the blue-shirted youth's head.

"Go," the blue-shirted youth tapped lightly on the golden mask, and the silver light instantly turned into silver spots all over the sky, hitting the golden mask.

There was only a burst of "bang" and "bang", and the light of the golden mask gradually dimmed.

Seeing this, Chen Fengxiao and the four of them showed joy on their faces.

As time passed, the light of the golden mask became dimmer, and the face of the blue-shirted youth also turned pale, with a thin layer of sweat oozing from his forehead.

Another quarter of an hour later, the blue-shirted youth's complexion became paler, the amount of silver light decreased by half, and the golden mask also became translucent, looking as if it would collapse at any moment.

At this moment, all the silver light stagnated, collapsed and disappeared, and turned into a silver talisman.

The next moment, with a "poof", the silver talisman spontaneously ignited without wind, obviously exhausting its power.

Seeing this scene, a look of heartache flashed in the eyes of the blue-shirted youth.

"Okay, I'll leave the rest to you. I'm going to rest for a while," the blue-shirted youth said, then took out two middle-level spirit stones and held them in his palms, slowly recovering his mana.

Next, the four of Wang Changsheng attacked the translucent golden mask together, and a burst of explosion sounded in the cave.

A quarter of an hour later, when six yellow flying knives struck the flickering golden mask, there was a "bang", and the golden mask collapsed and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Wang Changsheng and the five looked at each other, and they could all see a look of joy in each other's eyes.

After the golden mask collapsed, a natural grotto with a size of more than a hundred feet appeared in front of the five people.

A large number of fist-sized night pearls are inlaid around the grotto, making it as bright as day.

What is striking is that a skeleton as white as jade sits cross-legged in meditation, with a quaint storage bag tied around its waist.

Seeing the skeleton, the young man in blue shirt was overjoyed, walked quickly to the skeleton, tore off the storage bag from the skeleton's waist, turned around and walked towards Wang Changsheng and the others.

At this moment, the faces of Wang Changsheng and the others changed, as if they saw something terrifying, Wang Changsheng shouted loudly: "Be careful behind you."

Hearing this, the young man in blue shirt was taken aback for a moment, he didn't understand what was going on, he just felt a breeze blowing from his back, and then his back felt cold, a bloody bone hand stretched out from his chest, holding it A still beating heart.

Looking at the bloody skeletal hand sticking out of his chest, the young man in blue shirt had an expression of disbelief on his face.

With a sound of "poof", the five fingers of the bone hand closed together, crushing the heart.

The young man in the blue shirt let out a muffled snort, his legs gave way, and he fell to the ground, blood gushing from the hole in his chest, his eyes widened, looking at the standing human skeleton.

Wang Changsheng could see clearly that when the blue-shirted youth turned around, the humanoid skeleton who had been sitting cross-legged suddenly stood up, and a pure white palm grabbed the blue-shirted youth's heart like lightning.

Afterwards, he hastily reminded him loudly, but it was too late. Before the blue-shirted youth had time to react, the humanoid skeleton passed through the blue-shirted youth's body, crushing his heart.

After the blue-shirted youth fell to the ground, Wang Changsheng reacted immediately. He took out a stack of wind blade talismans, threw them forward, and turned them into dozens of giant wind blades, which shot towards the human skeleton.

The speed of the giant wind blade was extremely fast. After two flashes, it arrived in front of the human-shaped skeleton, and slashed fiercely on the human-shaped skeleton.

There was a chaotic sound of "bang" and "bang", and dozens of giant wind blades collapsed one by one, leaving the human skeleton intact.

Seeing this scene, Wang Changsheng's expression changed.

At this time, Chen Fengxiao and the others also came to their senses, and they sacrificed magic weapons one after another, shooting towards the human skeleton.

Seeing this, the two black flames in the eye sockets of the humanoid skeleton flickered, stretched out a sharp claw, and waved lightly.

Five half-moon-shaped black awns emerged out of thin air, facing several magical artifacts that struck.

With a few "bang" and "bang", several magic tools shattered as soon as they touched the black light.

Seeing this scene, Wang Changsheng's face darkened, he took out a stack of silver talisman seals and threw it forward without saying a word, it turned into dozens of zhang long silver thunder spears, and shot towards the human skeleton.

The white right hand of the humanoid skeleton was clenched into a fist, and he moved forward, a black fist shadow the size of Zhang Xu flashed out, facing the silver thunder spear that struck.

With a few loud bangs, dozens of silver lightning spears collided with black fist shadows, and immediately burst open, turning into countless silver arcs.

Seeing this situation, Wang Changsheng frowned. He took out a stack of gleaming silver beast soul charms, but before he could throw them out, there was a miserable cry of ghosts from all around.

Hearing this, Wang Changsheng felt turbulent and restless. He hurriedly took a few defensive talisman seals for himself, and at the same time circulated his mana. After a while, he returned to normal.

When he looked towards Chen Fengxiao and the others, Chen Fengxiao was covered with a red light curtain, and his face was flushed red.

The hands and feet of the two nuns danced wildly. Judging by the dull expressions on their faces, it seemed that they were being manipulated.

A moment later, the two female cultivators bled from their seven orifices, their legs went limp, and they fell to the ground without breathing.

(End of this chapter)

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