A seal of immortality

Chapter 475 Naughty Junior Sister

Chapter 475 Naughty Junior Sister
In the early morning of this day, with six melodious bells ringing, a blue light shot up from the ground of Taiqing Island, and stopped in midair after a few flashes.

A blue light flashed, revealing a huge blue boat hundreds of feet long.

At the same time, hundreds of rays of light flew up from the ground and landed on the deck of the huge blue boat. These rays of light were clearly disciples of the Taiqing Palace who returned to the sect.

After registering the list, someone specially assigned them to take them to a cabin to live in.

Wang Changsheng's eyes quickly flicked over the surrounding fellows, but he didn't find Yang Qian's figure, which made him a little surprised. It seems that Yang Qian planned to stay in Xingchenhai.

If Wang Changsheng wanted to deal with Yang Qian, he had to come to Xingchenhai after forming the alchemy.

"Wang Changsheng, is Wang Changsheng here?" the deacon disciple in charge of roll call shouted.

"Here we come," Wang Changsheng replied, and walked over quickly.

After verifying his identity, a green-clothed disciple led Wang Changsheng into the cabin.

Not long after Wang Changsheng's front foot left the deck, a red light flew over and stopped on the deck.

The red light faded, revealing the figure of a one-armed man, it was Yang Qian.

Yang Qian's eyes flicked over the disciples on the deck, as if he was looking for something, but after a while, he looked away with a disappointed expression.

"Yang Qian, who is Yang Qian?" The deacon disciple who was in charge of roll call shouted loudly.

"Here we come," Yang Qian replied, and walked over.

After counting the number of people and registering the names of the returned disciples one by one, a red-robed Taoist nun standing on the deck opened her mouth and said, "Let's go."

As soon as the words were finished, the giant blue boat trembled slightly. After the light surged, it turned into a blue light and flew towards the sky with a "swish". After a few flashes, it disappeared.

Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged on the wooden bed in the room, his body covered with a faint golden light.

He guides the mana in the body, along the meridians, enters the internal organs, and finally returns to the dantian, in a continuous cycle.

In the process of this cycle, mana gradually becomes purer, but this method is very boring, and people with poor patience generally can't last long.

Since entering the room, Wang Changsheng never went out again, staying in the room and concentrating on purifying mana.

In a blink of an eye, more than half a year has passed.

On this day, Wang Changsheng was meditating in his room when a majestic man's voice suddenly sounded next to his ear: "Everyone come out, we're at the helm."

Hearing this, Wang Changsheng opened his eyes, got up and walked out.

When Wang Changsheng opened the door, the door of the opposite room also opened, and Yang Qian walked out from it.

Seeing Yang Qian, Wang Changsheng's eyes turned cold.

Yang Qian frowned when he saw Wang Changsheng, and looked at Wang Changsheng indifferently.

The two stood like this, motionless.

"Junior Brother Wang, to the main rudder..." Murong Bing came out from a corner with a look of joy, but when she saw Yang Qian, her face darkened.

Yang Qian frowned when he saw Murong Bing, and walked to the deck without saying a word, but before he had gone far, Murong Bing's voice came from his ear:

"Junior Brother Wang, don't bother with him, as long as we succeed in forming alchemy, there are plenty of ways to deal with him."

Hearing this, Yang Qian's face darkened, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. He took a deep breath and quickened his pace.

"Don't worry! Bing'er, I have a measure," Wang Changsheng nodded.

He really doesn't need to pay attention to Yang Qian now, as long as he succeeds in forming alchemy, it will be very easy to deal with Yang Qian.

Murong Bing nodded upon hearing this, and walked to the deck with Wang Changsheng.

When they came to the deck, the two found that there were not many people on the deck, most of them left and went back to their homes.

Wang Changsheng released the snow wind boat and flew off the deck carrying Murong Bing.

Not long after, Wang Changsheng landed in a valley full of exotic flowers and plants, and the air was filled with a faint fragrance of flowers.

"Junior Brother Wang, would you like to sit at my residence?" Murong Bing asked after getting off the snow wind boat.

"No, there is plenty of time after the alchemy is formed, so don't be in a hurry," Wang Changsheng said, shaking his head.

"Well, Junior Brother Wang, remember our agreement, I will wait for you to come to ask for marriage," Murong Bing said with a red face.

Hearing this, Wang Changsheng smiled slightly, nodded, and Yu Qi left.

Not long after, Wang Changsheng landed near the deacon's tower and walked into the deacon's tower.

After a while, Wang Changsheng came out from the deacon's tower with a faint smile on his face. He didn't expect that the original old residence, the Golden Dragon Palace, had not been rented out yet. Upon hearing the news, he naturally rented the Golden Dragon Palace.

After leaving the deacon's tower, Wang Changsheng's imperial weapon flew towards Wanzhu Valley. He planned to visit his master and inquire about matters related to the formation of alchemy.

When he arrived at Wanzhu Valley, Wang Changsheng took out a sound transmission talisman, said a few words, and threw it into the bamboo forest.

After a while, the bamboo forest split into two, and a spacious passage appeared.

A sound of dragon chant sounded, and a seven or eight feet long, snow-white flood dragon flew out of it, and a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl in yellow shirt was riding on the back of the white flood dragon.

The girl in the yellow shirt has a round face, big black eyes, looks like a fat baby, and wears a bell in each hand.

"Senior Brother Six, have you returned from overseas?" the girl in yellow shirt smiled at Wang Changsheng and said with some joy.

"Well," Wang Changsheng nodded. For some reason, seeing the smile on the face of his junior sister Zhao Linger, Wang Changsheng actually had a bad feeling.

"Hee hee, sixth senior brother, you have been overseas for so long, did you get anything interesting? Lend me to play with you," Zhao Ling'er said playfully with a giggle.

Hearing this, Wang Changsheng chuckled, turned his hand and took out a blue conch, put it in his mouth, and blew lightly. With a crisp sound, one after another, colorful bubbles flashed from the tail of the blue conch. out, floating in mid-air, looking very beautiful.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Linger's eyes lit up, but when she saw the conch in Wang Changsheng's mouth, she blushed and asked, "Senior Brother Six, do you have any new ones? Lend me to play with?" "

"Yes, you can play with these! They are all magical artifacts. Be careful not to use them on other people, so as not to hurt them," Wang Changsheng nodded and said. After finishing speaking, he flipped his hands and took out several conch shells of different colors. , and handed it to Zhao Linger.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Six, I went to play with Senior Sister Zhou and the others, you go in quickly! My father is still waiting for you inside," Zhao Linger thanked, and patted the white dragon under her body with her jade hand, and the white dragon carried her Fly away.

Wang Changsheng glanced at Zhao Ling'er's back, and smiled lightly. It's been a long time since I've seen you, and the little junior sister is still so playful.

He shook his head and walked towards the bamboo forest.

Walking into the hall, Zhao Qingshan was talking with a woman in a blue skirt, and the two were chatting and laughing.

"Disciple Wang Changsheng pays homage to master and wife," Wang Changsheng bowed with a very respectful expression.

"Well, by the way, where's your little junior sister! Why didn't she come back with you?" Zhao Qingshan nodded, changed his tone, and asked about Zhao Linger's whereabouts.

"Junior Junior Sister, she said to go and play with Senior Sister Zhou and the others," Wang Changsheng replied truthfully.

"What? Ma'am, hurry up and look at Ling'er. Last month, that girl fought with one of Junior Brother Li's disciples and set fire to several bamboo buildings owned by Junior Brother Li. This time, she might cause some big trouble. "Zhao Qingshan's face changed when he heard the words, and he hurriedly ordered to the woman in the blue skirt next to him.

"I see, this girl is really worrying," the woman in the blue skirt said, but anyone could hear the doting meaning in her words.

After speaking, she walked out quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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