A seal of immortality

Chapter 483 Verification

Chapter 483 Verification
"The disciple has been staying in Ningzhou, never been to Yongzhou and Yuanzhou, and never done these things. This must be a false accusation. It is impossible to convict the disciple based on the few words of these "witnesses"!" Wang Changsheng After a long silence, he spoke.

"Of course we can't convict you based on witness testimony and some confessions. Apart from witness testimony, we also have physical evidence," Shangguan Yundun said, flipped his right hand, and two blue jade pendants appeared in his hand.

He threw the two blue jade pendants forward, making them suspend in the air. With a flick of his finger, two blue lights flashed out and hit the two blue jade pendants.

With a flash of blue light, two blue water mirrors about the size of Zhang Xu emerged.

In the mirror, two images emerged:

In Fang City, a young man in white had a quarrel with three men. The young man in white seemed to be enraged, and suddenly threw a stack of cyan talismans, which turned into a cyan wind blade dozens of feet long, towards the three men. Lasing away.

Because the distance was too close, the three men had no time to escape, and after a few screams, the three fell to the ground.

Afterwards, the young man in white released a blue paper crane, jumped on it, and fled Fangshi.

In a remote grove, a young man in white kept moving his hands over the body of a young woman, saying all kinds of obscene words. The young woman begged hard, but to no avail. The blue paper crane left, leaving a young woman lying naked in the grass.

"How is it? Nephew Wang, these two people are you! What else do you have to say now? You don't want to argue that the person in the picture just looks like you!" Shangguan Yun looked at Wang Changsheng, Shen Sheng asked.

Wang Changsheng looked at the image in the water mirror and frowned. The young man in white in the picture actually looked exactly like him. There may be people in the world who looked exactly like Wang Chang, but it was impossible for two identical people to worship in the Taiqing Palace.

Wang Changsheng knew very well that he had never done these things, but he knew that it was useless, and he had to convince others.

After a long silence, Wang Changsheng said: "This man looks exactly like this disciple, but this disciple can swear to God that I did not do these things. This disciple celebrated my father's birthday in Ningzhou at that time. In this regard, the disciple's clansman And the birthday guests can testify."

"Where is your hometown?"

"Fumo Mountain, Yueyang County, Ningzhou."

"We will send someone to investigate immediately. During this period, you can stay here and rest! Don't worry, as long as the charges are not settled, no one will execute you. You'd better think about it carefully. Prove that you are innocent, as long as you speak out, we will send people to investigate," Shangguan Yun suddenly got up and walked out.

Afterwards, several Foundation Establishment cultivators also walked out and closed the door.

Wang Changsheng took a deep breath, sat down cross-legged, and carefully recalled the process of leaving the sect. He knew very well that if these charges could not be cleared, he would be expelled from the sect at the very least.

After a while, Wang Changsheng's face showed a look of joy. His master Zhao Qingshan and his senior sister Lan Yun knew that he went home to visit his relatives. These two people would definitely help him to testify. Cultivator, his testimony will definitely attract the attention of the monks in the Palace of Law Enforcement.

Thinking about this, Wang Changsheng hurriedly shouted: "Come here, I have witnesses who can testify for me. They can prove that I went back to my hometown to visit my relatives half a year ago."

With a "bang", the door opened, and a tall and thin middle-aged man walked in. He glanced at Wang Changsheng and said coldly, "What's the matter?"

"This junior, my master and senior sister can testify for me, please go to Wanzhu Valley and invite my master and senior sister, they can testify for me," Wang Changsheng said with his fists clasped.

"Understood, we will send people to Wanzhu Valley right now," the middle-aged man nodded, turned and walked out.

"Master, if you come forward, you should be able to leave the Hall of Law Enforcement soon," Wang Changchang breathed a sigh of relief and muttered to himself.

In a certain courtyard of Xuanjian Peak, Yang Qian walked up and down in the courtyard, frowning.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Yang Qian's face brightened, he walked over quickly, opened the door, and a short and fat young man with a long yellow sword was standing outside the door.

"Junior Brother Zhao, is there any news about that person?" Yang Qian asked impatiently.

The short and fat young man nodded and said, "Yes, I heard from my cousin in the Law Enforcement Hall that Wang Changsheng has been arrested and interrogated by Mr. Shangguan himself. It is said that Wang Changsheng refused to plead guilty, saying that he had an alibi , his tribe and birthday guests can testify for him. Uncle Shangguan has sent Brother Qian to lead a team of law enforcement disciples to Yueyang County, Ningzhou to investigate, but Brother Yang, you can rest assured that my cousin said that there is a lot of evidence. , that Wang Changsheng has nothing to deny, Senior Brother Yang, those clansmen of yours who died tragically at his hands, will definitely give them justice."

"Thank you, Junior Brother Zhao, for telling me frankly. That Wang Changsheng did not put him to death for a day, and my clansmen who died tragically at Wang Changsheng's hands did not die with peace. Brother," Yang Qian thanked and said with a look of grief and indignation, after he finished speaking, he took out five middle-level spirit stones and handed them to the short and fat young man.

"No problem," the short, fat young man accepted with a smile on his face, and Yu Jian left.

Yang Qian looked at the leaving figure of the short and fat young man, his face darkened.

"Ningzhou Yueyang County?" Yang Qian muttered to himself, Yu Jian left the residence and flew to the outside of the sect.

After a meal, in a certain inn in Taiqingfang City, Yang Qian was talking respectfully to an old man in blue robe with a sharp face.

"So, do you want to destroy this person's family? Prevent the law enforcement disciples from verifying?" The blue-robed old man said with a frown.

"That's not necessary. It will be troublesome if we are tracked down by others. My nephew thinks that we only need to let the law enforcement disciples sent by the Taiqing Palace fight Wang Changsheng's clansmen. The more casualties, the better," Yang Qian shook his head. , Suggested.

"I understand, leave this matter to me. Remember your responsibilities. After this matter is over, immediately give me a retreat to practice. I hope that when I see you next time, you have successfully formed a pill," said the blue robe The old man nodded and said meaningfully.

"Nephew understands. If there is nothing else, nephew will go back first. I hope Uncle Wu will leave as soon as possible." Yang Qian nodded and said, he turned and backed out after speaking.

Not long after, the blue-robed old man walked out of the room, and after five miles out of Taiqingfang City, he turned into a blue light and flew towards Ningzhou, and disappeared into the sky after a few flashes.

(End of this chapter)

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