A seal of immortality

Chapter 490 Escape

Chapter 490 Escape

Seeing this scene, the expressions of the other four people changed, a blue light flashed under their feet, and they retreated to the surroundings one after another, distanced themselves from Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng smiled lightly, and then disappeared in a flash. The next moment, he appeared in front of a short and fat man, and punched the short and fat man fiercely with his golden right fist.

With a "bang", before the short and fat man had time to react, his body flew upside down and fell heavily to the ground, completely out of breath.

"No, this devil is a dual-cultivator of law and body, don't let him get close," a tall and thin man in blue shirt shouted loudly, his face changed drastically, and after he finished speaking, he made a tactic with one hand and stretched his feet. Xu Chang's blue long sword circled and slashed towards Wang Changsheng.

The speed of the blue long sword was extremely fast, and within two flashes it was not far behind Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng disappeared in a flash, and the next moment, he appeared more than ten meters away.

The man in the blue shirt made a tactic with one hand, and after the blue long sword trembled slightly, more than 200 identical blue sword shadows were transformed into one, and after circling, they shot towards Wang Changsheng.

The remaining woman in red and a man in yellow also cast spells one after another. A red short sword and a yellow long sword each transformed into hundreds of identical sword shadows, shooting towards Wang Changsheng.

Seeing hundreds of sword shadows approaching, Wang Changsheng's expression changed, he raised his right hand, and a thick stack of golden talisman seals came out.

With a flash of golden light, dozens of high golden walls several feet high suddenly emerged, lined up in a row, and stood in front of Wang Changsheng.

Afterwards, Wang Changsheng took out the high-level talisman seal and hidden talisman, and slapped it on his body. With a flash of silver light, he disappeared.

There was a muffled sound of "Puff" and "Puff", and dozens of high golden walls were smashed to pieces.

Seeing this scene, the man in the blue shirt seemed to think of something, and hurriedly shouted: "No, everyone be careful, this devil's concealment skills are relatively good, don't be attacked by him."

After finishing speaking, he patted a blue jade pendant hanging on his waist, a blue light flashed, and a hazy blue mask suddenly emerged, covering him inside.

At the same time, the woman in red and the man in yellow worked together to prop up a yellow light curtain, and then they put a shield on themselves to form a second protective circle.

At this moment, the void fluctuated more than ten feet behind the blue-shirted man, and Wang Changsheng's figure suddenly appeared.

I saw Wang Changsheng raised his hands, and a thick stack of fire bird talismans came out of his hands, turning into hundreds of palm-sized red fire birds, flying towards the three of them with an unbearable heat.

The red firebird was extremely fast, and after a few flashes, it collided with the blue light mask and the yellow light curtain, turning into billowing flames and engulfing the figures of the three of them.

Wang Changsheng flickered and disappeared. The next moment, he appeared in front of the man in blue shirt.

After a burst of golden light flashed from his right fist, he slapped a giant power talisman on his right arm, and slammed it fiercely at the flames enveloping the man in the blue shirt.

There was a "bang" first, followed by a scream, and a headless corpse flew upside down from the flames.

There was a sound of piercing through the air, and dozens of sword qi swept out from another group of flames, extinguishing all the flames in one go.

When the woman in red and the man in yellow saw the man in blue's miserable state, their faces turned pale, and they made a tactic one after another, letting the flying sword circle back to their sides, circling around the two of them.

The three companions were killed by Wang Changsheng in close proximity one after another, and they never dared to let Wang Changsheng approach them again.

Hundreds of flying swords circled the two of them, and it was difficult for Wang Changsheng to get close.

Wang Changsheng flipped his hand and took out a stack of red talisman seals, threw it forward, and turned into hundreds of palm-sized red firebirds, which flew towards the two of them.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of the two women in red changed, and they hurriedly formed a formula, and hundreds of flying swords circled one by one to meet them.

With a loud bang, hundreds of red firebirds disappeared, leaving only a dozen flying swords.

Wang Changsheng's expression remained unchanged, and he was about to take out a talisman to attack the two of them, when suddenly, his expression changed, and he turned his head to look in the direction of Fangshi.

After frowning, he turned his hand and took out a golden talisman and crushed it. The whole person turned into a golden light and flew away. After a few flashes, it disappeared into the sky.

Seeing this situation, the two women in red heaved a sigh of relief, and their faces showed an expression of survival after a catastrophe.

Not long after, a woman in a green skirt with an indifferent expression flew over the heads of the two with Yujian. Behind her, there were more than a dozen monks in the Foundation Establishment period who were flying with Yujian.

"What's going on? Where's the person?" The woman in the green skirt glanced at the three corpses on the ground, frowned, and asked in displeasure.

"Senior Sister Su, he escaped with the Golden Escape Talisman?" The woman in red replied respectfully.

"Trash, you two just watch him escape like this? Can't you stop him for a while?" the woman in the green skirt shouted coldly.

"The devil's strength is too strong. We are no match for him at all. Senior Brother Sun and Senior Brother Chen were killed by him just by meeting him. There is nothing we can do to stop him," the woman in red explained with a wry smile.

"That's right! That traitor is not only proficient in talisman seal art, but also a physical trainer. All three senior brothers were killed by him at close range," the man in the yellow shirt echoed.

"Which direction did he run away?" The woman in the green skirt asked after hearing this, her expression softened.

"Northeast direction, it seems that he is going to the Tianwu Mountain Range," the woman in red said after thinking about it.

The woman in the green dress raised her eyebrows when she heard the words, pondered for a moment, and said, "Tianwu Mountain Range? Forget it, let's go back first."

Afterwards, everyone took the corpses of three fellow disciples and flew towards Fangshi with the imperial weapons.

In Qingzhufang City, in a secret basement, a middle-aged Taoist nun with a good face was sitting cross-legged on a futon, closing her eyes and meditating.

Suddenly, there was a rapid knock on the door.

The middle-aged nun opened her eyes, flicked her Taoist robe, opened the door, and a woman in a green skirt walked in quickly.

"How is it? Has the traitor been caught?" The middle-aged nun asked calmly.

"Master forgive me, the disciple is incompetent, let him run away," the woman in the green skirt replied apologetically.

"Run away? No one was sent to chase after him?" The middle-aged Taoist nun asked with a frown.

"The traitor fled to the Tianwu Mountain Range, because the master said that the disciples of this sect are not allowed to enter the Tianwu Mountain Range at will, so as not to be involved in the battle between the White Witch and the Black Witch. The disciple did not send anyone to chase him, but came back immediately to report ,” said the woman in the green skirt respectfully.

"Well, I see. The Tianwu Mountain Range is the territory of the Wu Clan. It is inconvenient for us to send a large number of people into the Tianwu Mountain Range to arrest this traitor. I will send a message to the priest of the White Witch and ask them to help arrest this traitor. You don't want to either." If you are idle, immediately organize people to search for this person nearby, and if you see this person, you will be killed," the middle-aged Taoist nodded, pondered for a moment, and said.

"Yes, master," the woman in the green skirt replied, and stepped back respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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