Chapter 492

Wang Changsheng knew how long the Beast Soul Talisman would not be able to stop the opponent, so he didn't dare to stop for a moment. When the power of one Golden Escape Talisman was exhausted, he immediately took out the second one and slapped it on his body, and fled eastward all the way.

Half an hour later, Wang Changsheng stopped suddenly. In the void several miles ahead, dozens of immortal cultivators dressed in white were lined up, and the imperial weapon was suspended in midair.

Seeing this situation, Wang Changsheng frowned, his expression moved, and he quickly landed.

As soon as he landed, Wang Changsheng took out an earth escape talisman and crushed it, a large number of yellow runes gushed out of it, wrapped his body, and was about to escape to the ground.

At this moment, the ground where Wang Changsheng was standing shook violently.

With a "bang", the nearby ground cracked open, and a black shadow flashed out from the ground, heading straight for Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng's expression changed, his right foot lightly tapped the ground, his body flickered, and he appeared more than ten feet away behind him.

While retreating, Wang Changsheng raised his right hand, and a stack of cyan talisman seals came out of his hand, turning into a dozen or so long cyan giant blades, and shot towards the black shadow.

With a few muffled sounds of "Puff" and "Puff", more than a dozen giant wind blades collapsed one after another, and the black shadow revealed its true colors. It was a huge black earthworm with a mouth full of fangs and countless tiny black tentacles all over its head. It looked hideous and terrifying.

At the same time, with a few "bang" and "bang", more than a dozen black earthworms of the same size drilled out from the nearby ground and rushed towards Wang Changsheng quickly.

Wang Changsheng frowned slightly, raised his hands together, and released a thick stack of fire bird talismans, turning into hundreds of palm-sized red fire birds, and greeted them with a burst of fiery heat.

With a loud bang, hundreds of red firebirds collided with more than a dozen black earthworms, bursting immediately, turning into billowing flames and engulfing the bodies of the black earthworms.

There was a shrill scream, and a green mist swept out from the sea of ​​flames, extinguishing the flames, revealing the black earthworm.

Compared with before, the black earthworm exudes a burnt smell, and there are bursts of heat on its body.

The black earthworm let out a strange cry, and rushed towards Wang Changsheng with fierce eyes.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng's face darkened, he raised his hands together, and a stack of thick blue talismans flashed out to meet him.

As soon as the blue talisman got close to the black earthworm, it burst open one after another, and a large sheet of cold air swept out, freezing the black earthworm into crystal clear ice.

A dozen or so black earthworms, without exception, were all frozen in ice.

The next moment, puffs of green air rose from the ice, and the ice cubes melted at a speed visible to the naked eye. A dozen black earthworms rushed towards Wang Changsheng again, spewing out puffs of green mist from their mouths.

Seeing this scene, Wang Changsheng frowned, raised his hands again, and another stack of blue talisman came out of his hand, turning into a large cloud of white cold air, which once again sealed a dozen black earthworms in ice.

This time, without waiting for the black earthworm to be unsealed, Wang Changsheng raised his hands together, and a stack of wind blade talismans came out, turning into dozens of giant wind blades about ten feet long, and slashed at the frozen black earthworm.

There was a chaotic sound of "bang" and "bang", and a dozen black earthworms were chopped into a pile of minced meat, and a large amount of blood gushed out, staining the ground red.

After the flesh and blood fell to the ground, they were still wriggling like living things.

Wang Changsheng was a little surprised on his face. After a sharp look in his eyes, he raised his hands together, and a stack of big fireball talismans came out of his hands, turning into dozens of giant fireballs the size of a water tank, and shooting towards the flesh and blood on the ground.

After a loud bang, the billowing flames engulfed everything within a dozen feet around Wang Changsheng.

The blazing high temperature scorched the nearby void.

After a while, the flames dimmed, and a dozen or so deep pits appeared on the ground, and the flesh and blood disappeared without a trace.

At this time, dozens of witch monks also flew over with their weapons, and they were about to surround Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng raised his right hand, and a stack of cyan talisman seals came out of his hand. With a flash of cyan light, more than a dozen giant cyan eagles the size of Zhang Xu emerged.

After the giant cyan eagle spread its wings, it quickly rushed towards the monk of the Wu clan who was flying towards the imperial weapon.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wang Changsheng took out an earth escape talisman and crushed it with a pinch. His whole body was wrapped in a burst of yellow light and disappeared into the ground.

Not long after, the nearby ground rolled and surged, and with a "bang", Wang Changsheng's body flew out of the ground and hit the ground heavily.

"Pfft", Wang Changsheng's face turned red, and he opened his mouth to spit out a big mouthful of blood.

A black earthworm more than 30 feet long and as thick as five people hugged came out of the ground. Its green eyes stared at Wang Changsheng firmly. The mana fluctuations on its body proved that it was a fifth-level monster.

At this time, dozens of witch monks also killed more than a dozen giant cyan eagles, and their imperial weapons fell around Wang Changsheng, surrounding Wang Changsheng.

The leader was a white-haired old woman who was nearly sixty years old holding a snake-headed crutch. The aura fluctuations on her body showed that she was a monk in the alchemy stage.

"Senior Wu," Wang Changsheng smiled wryly when he saw the white-haired old woman, stood up and bowed his hands, and said respectfully.

"Well, you must know why I'm looking for you! For the sake of old love, come with me obediently, and you can save yourself from suffering," the white-haired old woman nodded and said lightly.

"I'm sorry, this junior will not go with you. Going back is a dead end. Instead of going back and suffering all kinds of torture, this junior would rather die here," Wang Changsheng said firmly, shaking his head.

After speaking, he turned his hand and took out a golden dagger, and wiped it at his neck.

The golden short sword cut through Wang Changsheng's neck, and a large amount of blood gushed out. Wang Changsheng's body fell straight to the ground, and there was a faint smell of blood in the air.

Seeing this situation, the white-haired old woman frowned, and her figure flickered, and she appeared more than ten meters away on the left, with the snake-headed crutch in her hand fiercely sweeping into the void.

With a "bang", Wang Changsheng's figure suddenly appeared and flew out quickly. At the same time as he flew upside down, Wang Changsheng spat out a mouthful of blood, and a lot of blood fell on the white-haired old woman's snake-headed walking stick.

With a "bang", Wang Changsheng's body fell heavily to the ground, his face became extremely pale, with an expression of disbelief.

"If it weren't for the fact that my earthworm is a mutated spirit beast that can see through some illusions, maybe you would have escaped," the white-haired old woman said coldly, glancing at Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng smiled wryly when he heard the words. It's fine for the other party to see through the illusion of the water shadow talisman. The other party can know his location with the high-level talisman seal and hidden talisman on him. It seems that the supernatural power of the Wu Clan is really not to be underestimated.

What Wang Changsheng didn't know was that the reason why the white-haired old woman knew his exact location was because he had been hit by an earthworm earlier, and his body was stained with the smell of the earthworm. Only the earthworm could detect this smell. Otherwise, the white-haired old woman would not be able to find his location.

"How? Are you really planning to die here, or come with me?" The white-haired old woman's face darkened, and she said coldly.

"I don't think about any of them," Wang Changsheng's face darkened, and he raised his right hand, and a thick stack of silver talisman seals came out of his hand. With a flash of silver light, more than a dozen turtles and beasts emerged.

(End of this chapter)

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