Chapter 496

Jizhou is located in the southeast of Qi State, and its area ranks fifth among the thirteen prefectures of Qi State. Its territory is mostly mountains and hills, sparsely populated, and many places are deserted.

The Yinsha Mountains are located in the east of Jizhou, stretching for tens of thousands of miles, with countless dangerous mountains and steep peaks, often haunted by poisonous snakes and ferocious beasts.

The Yin Sha Mountain Range was originally called the Qingyun Mountain Range. I don’t know how many years ago, the Jin Kingdom and the Zhao Kingdom, which were extremely powerful at the time, fought here. The two sides sent a total of millions of troops. Everywhere.

After this battle, the Qingyun Mountains were barren of grass and not even a single bird could be seen. It became a famous Jedi. Between the valleys and hills, there were gusts of wind blowing, and the sound of howling ghosts and wolves could be heard from time to time. People are frightened when they hear it. It is said that at night, some people saw the ghosts of dead soldiers fighting in the mountains with weapons.

As time passed, the two powerful countries of Jin and Zhao disappeared, but the bones of those dead soldiers remained in the Qingyun Mountains forever, telling the story of this period of history.

Although many years had passed, no one dared to step into the Yinsha Mountain Range, because no matter who entered the Yinsha Mountain Range, they never came out again.

People in the world naturally don't know that the Yin Sha Mountain Range was occupied by the Nether Corpse Sect, a great cultivating sect long ago, and those ghosts were domesticated by the immortal cultivators of the Nether Corpse Sect.

The Nether Corpse Sect has long regarded the Yinsha Mountain Range as its private property, and any mortal who dares to enter the Yinsha Mountain Range can only die.

On this day, a ray of blue light flew from the distant sky and flew into the Yin Sha Mountain Range.

Not long after, the blue light stopped in the void hundreds of feet high.

The blue light faded, revealing Wang Changsheng's figure.

At this time, half a month had passed, Wang Changsheng's face was pale, and his cultivation had fallen to the eighth level of Qi Refining. Even if he took pills, he could not stop the decline of his cultivation.

Looking at the gray mountains below, Wang Changsheng frowned.

At this moment, more than a dozen black lights flew from a distance.

The black light turned from small to large, and it was a dozen or so immortal cultivators dressed in black.

These immortal cultivators are all foundation-building monks, with a skull pattern on their clothes, and each rides a black bat the size of Zhang Xu.

"This is the Nether Corpse Sect. Trespassing is not allowed, and anyone who violates it will be killed without mercy," said a middle-aged man with a fair face who glanced at Wang Changsheng and said coldly.

"Reporting to senior, this junior didn't trespass, but came to return something," Wang Changsheng said respectfully. After speaking, he took out a black square token with a skull pattern on it, which matched the clothes of these Nether Corpse Sect disciples. The skull pattern on it is exactly the same.

"Death Order?" Seeing the square token, the middle-aged man's expression changed.

"The ancestor left a last word, with this order, you can worship the Nether Corpse Sect. Is it true or not?" Wang Changsheng asked cautiously, with a nervous expression.

Before coming to the Underworld Corpse Sect, Wang Changsheng went to several shops and bought some classics introducing Qi's sect of cultivating immortals.

There are four sects of cultivating immortals in Qi, namely Hehuan Sect, Yin Luo Sect, Nether Corpse Sect, and Xuesha Sect.

The Hehuan Sect and the Nether Corpse Sect are both great sects of cultivating immortals that have been passed down for thousands of years, but the overall strength of the Hehuan Sect is much stronger than that of the Nether Corpse Sect, and the Hehuan Sect is the largest sect in Qi.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the Nether Corpse Sect was besieged by a powerful enemy, and it was almost destroyed. Fortunately, the Supreme Elder of the Nether Corpse Sect spared no expense to invite rescuers, and the Nether Corpse Sect was able to survive the crisis.

Afterwards, the Underworld Corpse Sect presented the Underworld Corpse Sect to the high-ranking monks who came to the rescue, promising that as long as anyone came to the Underworld Corpse Sect with the order, they could worship the Underworld Corpse Sect.

After so many years, Wang Changsheng doesn't know if the Underworld Corpse Sect still admits it.

"Whether you can join the sect or not depends on the head of the sect. Follow me," the middle-aged man ordered. After speaking, the black bat under his feet made a strange cry, turned around and flew away.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng hit the blue disc under his feet with a magic weapon, turned into a blue light, and chased after him.

Wang Changsheng followed behind the middle-aged man, on both sides of Wang Changsheng, escorted by five or six disciples of the Underworld Corpse Sect.

A quarter of an hour later, the middle-aged man stopped above a dense black fog. The surrounding hundreds of miles were covered by the black fog, making it impossible to see the specific situation in the fog.

He flipped his hand and took out a palm-sized black order flag, and threw it down.

The black flag turned into a black light and disappeared into the black mist.

A moment later, the black mist rolled and surged and disappeared, and a black mountain range with many rolling hills appeared in front of Wang Changsheng.

On the black mountain peaks, palaces and pavilions can be vaguely seen, and there are many mountains and hills, and I don't know how many there are.

Among them, a [-]-foot-high Optimus Stone Pillar stands in the center. Starting from the lower part, the stone pillar is wrapped in a layer of black mist, which is quite conspicuous.

A group of middle-aged men flew towards the Optimus Pillar. Along the way, Wang Changsheng saw many disciples of the Underworld Corpse Sect, most of them were driving the clouds, and some were riding black bats or black speeding cars, but they all looked like they were in a hurry. Looks busy, few people chat on the road.

Not long after, Wang Changsheng and his party landed on a black stone platform above the Optimus Pillar.

Hundreds of meters in front of the black platform, there is a black palace more than ten feet high, and groups of patrolling disciples pass by from time to time on the platform.

Wang Changsheng was surprised to find that there was only one person in a patrol team. To be precise, there was only one living person in a patrol team, and the rest were more than a dozen humanoid skeletons as white as snow.

There is a green flame the size of an egg in the eye sockets of these humanoid skeletons, and they follow the Nether Corpse Sect disciples in front of them like living creatures, without making the slightest sound.

"Give me the Nether Corpse Token, and I'll show it to the master. Stay here and don't run around," the middle-aged man said coldly.

Wang Changsheng nodded, and handed the square token to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man took the token and walked quickly to the black palace ahead, while five or six Foundation Establishment cultivators stayed in place to monitor Wang Changsheng.

Not long after, the middle-aged man came out quickly, and when he reached Wang Changsheng, he said coldly: "Come with me, the head wants to see you, you go patrolling!"

"Yes, Senior Brother Zhou," several Nether Corpse Sect disciples responded, and Yu Qi left.

Walking into the hall, Wang Changsheng saw a thin-faced old man in purple robes. The aura fluctuations on his body showed that he was a cultivator at the alchemy stage.

"Junior Wang Changsheng pays homage to senior," Wang Changsheng bowed with a very respectful expression.

"You don't need to be too polite, if you bring the Nether Corpse Token to the door, you will be a disciple of our Nether Corpse Sect in the future," the purple-robed old man looked at Wang Changsheng carefully, and said lightly.

The purple-robed old man could tell at a glance that Wang Changsheng was over 40 years old and was seriously injured. If Wang Changsheng hadn't had the Underworld Corpse Order in his hand, he would never have accepted Wang Changsheng.

"Thank you, head," Wang Changsheng said gratefully, he was relieved, and he was worried that the other party would ask him about his background!

"Okay, Nephew Zhou, take him to the deacon's hall to go through the entry procedures, and ask someone to arrange a place for him," the purple-robed old man waved his hand and ordered to the middle-aged man.

"Yes, head," the middle-aged man replied, and left with Wang Changsheng.

After leaving the black palace, the middle-aged man released a black bat, carrying Wang Changsheng to fly into the distance.

A quarter of an hour later, the middle-aged man landed on a black stone platform at the top of a tall mountain.

There is a huge black skull on the black stone platform. The nose of the skull is engraved with three big green characters of "Deacon Palace", and the entrance is the mouth of the giant skull.

(End of this chapter)

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