A seal of immortality

Chapter 507 Elimination of Purple Zombie

Chapter 507 Elimination of Purple Zombie

Wang Changsheng was just asking casually, and had no intention of participating in the Heavenly Demon Conference. He didn't want to be suspected by those old monsters in the alchemy stage.

Wang Changsheng thought about it, he would practice a few magic spells when he had time, and tame a few more zombies by the way, so that he could look more like a magic monk.

While the three of them were talking, the three of them came to the sky above a dense green forest.

"We're here, Junior Brother Wang. If you go any further, you'll probably encounter a ghost crow," Lu Guang said. After speaking, he controlled the black flying boat to fall downwards, and finally landed on the ground outside the green dense forest. An open field.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng made a tactic with one hand, and the green disk slowly fell down.

"Junior Brother Wang, there are tens of thousands of ghost crows living in front of you. When you pass by their lairs later, you have to be careful, don't be discovered by them, or you will be in trouble," Lu Guang said solemnly. .

"Where are we going next?" Wang Changsheng nodded.

"You'll know when you go," Lu Guang said mysteriously.

After finishing speaking, he blessed himself with a wind control technique, and ran forward quickly, followed by Zhou Ting.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng didn't ask any further questions, and Shi Zhan Lingbo followed behind Lu Guang and his wife with small steps.

Not long after, Lu Guang and his wife stopped outside a narrow valley, and dozens of green crows flitted across the valley from time to time.

"Junior Brother Wang, the ghost crow's lair is in a cave in front, be careful not to be discovered," Lu Guang was a little worried, and reminded him again.

After finishing speaking, he held hands with Zhou Ting, and the two muttered something, and then turned quickly, turning into a black wind, and swept away to the valley ahead.

Seeing this scene, a look of surprise flashed in Wang Changsheng's eyes. He immediately took out a shadow escape talisman and slapped it on his body. How slow are people.

After turning a corner, a five or six zhang-sized hole appeared in front of Wang Changsheng, and a flock of green crows flew in and out from time to time.

Lu Guang and his wife seemed to be very afraid of the ghost crows in the cave, and they walked close to the stone wall on the left side of the valley, far away from the ghost crow's nest on the right.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng obediently followed behind them.

Half an hour later, Hei Feng stopped, revealing the figures of Lu Guang and his wife.

Wang Changsheng also stopped, and took off the Shadow Escape Talisman on his body.

At this time, the three of them had already left the valley and came to the foot of a bare mountain. In front of the three of them, there was a dark cave with a relatively wide entrance, so it would be no problem for four or five people to walk side by side.

Wang Changsheng could feel the yin energy emanating from the cave from a long distance away. It seemed that there were either zombies or ghosts in the cave.

"Senior Brother Lu, Senior Sister Zhou, now that we're here, you can tell me what's inside!" Wang Changsheng said flatly.

"Hey, to tell you the truth, Junior Brother Wang, there is a Mingluo fruit tree in this cave, and there are more than a dozen hundred-year-old Mingluo fruits hanging on it, but there are three purple zombie guards in the cave. If you want to pick those Mingluo fruits, you must The three purple zombies should be brought out and dealt with," Lu Guang said with a chuckle.

"Senior Brother Lu didn't want me to lure out those three purple zombies alone?" Wang Changsheng said with a frown.

"Of course not. If I let Junior Brother Wang lure out a few purple zombies alone, I'm afraid Junior Brother won't want to either! I'll be responsible for bringing out the three purple zombies, and when the time comes, we'll kill the three purple zombies together." , Whoever contributes more will get more points," Lu Guang said, shaking his head.

When Wang Changsheng heard the words, he nodded in agreement.

Seeing this, Lu Guang nodded and walked into the cave.

Wang Changsheng stood aside holding a stack of red talisman seals, while Zhou Ting's right hand rested on the body bag at his waist.

Not long after, there was a burst of explosions in the cave.

Soon, Lu Guang ran out of the cave, and behind him were four purple zombies with shriveled faces.

Zi Zang jumped relatively far, and could jump four or five meters away in one jump. They rushed towards Lu Guang with fierce eyes.

"Why are there four purple zombies, aren't there three?" Seeing this, Zhou Ting's expression changed.

"Don't worry about it so much, wrap them up first, and don't let them catch up to Senior Brother Lu," Wang Changsheng said with a frown. After speaking, he raised his right hand, and the stack of big fireball talismans he was holding came out of his hand and turned into four. A giant fireball the size of a water tank flew towards the four purple zombies.

Before the giant fireball got close, a gust of fiery air came over the surface.

Seeing this situation, the four purple zombies slowed down, and hurriedly turned their direction, trying to avoid the giant fireball, but their bodies were stiff, and before they could change direction, they were hit by the giant fireball.

Four giant fireballs the size of a water tank hit a Zizomb respectively, and the billowing flames engulfed Zizomb's body, but soon, a puff of white smoke rolled out, and the flames collapsed one after another.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Ting patted the body bag on her waist without thinking, and a black glow rolled out of it, and a human-shaped bone corpse holding a bone ax appeared in the glow.

The skeletal corpse was about ten feet high, and there were two green flames the size of eggs in the eye sockets the size of copper bells.

As soon as the skeletal corpse appeared, it took a big stride and quickly ran towards a purple zombie.

At the same time, Lu Guang also released a bronze armored corpse to fight with a purple zombie.

The remaining two purple zombies jumped towards Wang Changsheng, and quickly jumped in front of Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng tapped his right foot lightly, and his body quickly retreated. While retreating, he raised his right hand, and five big fireball symbols came out from his hand, turning into five giant fireballs the size of water tanks to meet them.

With a few loud bangs, five giant fireballs hit the two Zizombies, turning into billowing flames and engulfing the two Zizombies.

There were bursts of screams in the flames.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Changsheng raised his right hand, and a stack of fire spear talismans came out of his hand, turning into more than ten Zhang Xu long red fire spears, flying into the flames.

After a few "bang" and "bang", the fire surged.

The next moment, there was a sound of piercing through the air, and dozens of giant wind blades scrambling to sink into the flames, making chaotic "bang" and "bang" sounds, as if hitting some kind of hard object.

Wang Changsheng raised his right hand, and a stack of Thunder Spear Talismans came out of his hand, turning into a dozen or so long silver Thunder Spears, which quickly sank into the flames.

After a huge "bang", a large piece of silver light erupted from the flames, and at the same time there were bursts of miserable roars.

Wang Changsheng flicked his sleeve, and the Golden Moon Sword flashed out of it, turning into a beam of golden light, and quickly submerged into the flames.

After the golden light circled, it returned to Wang Changsheng's hand, the sword was covered with some fishy sticky matter.

After a while, the silver light and fire light dissipated one after another, revealing two purple stiff figures.

The two purple zombies fell to the ground, their bodies split into four, motionless, and the dead couldn't die any more.

From Wang Changsheng's attack to the killing of the two purple zombies, it took only a few breaths. At this time, Lu Guang and Zhou Ting controlled their own zombies, and each fought with a purple zombie, vaguely gaining the upper hand .

Seeing Wang Changsheng solve the two purple stiffs so quickly, the two of them looked at Wang Changsheng with fear while being surprised.

Wang Changsheng didn't step forward to help, but stood aside to watch the battle.

Lu Guang didn't even intend to ask Wang Changsheng for help. After the bronze armored corpse knocked a purple zombie to the ground, he took off the black gourd around his waist, and hit the gourd with a spell, and the plug flew out automatically. A black flame as thick as the mouth of a bowl spewed out, and landed on Zi Zhuang's body, Zi Zhuang let out a burst of miserable roars.

With a flick of Lu Guang's sleeve, a black dagger flashed out and flew towards Zi Zong.

With a sound of "bang", the black short sword stood fiercely on Zi Zong's head, and chopped off his head. Zi Zong stopped moving immediately, and his body was burnt by the black flames, turning into a puddle of stinky puddles. black mud.

On the other side, Zhou Ting made a tactic with one hand, and the skeletal corpse spewed out a green flame as thick as a baby's arm, which landed on Zi Zong's body, and the billowing green flames immediately covered most of Zi Zong's body.

The bone corpse raised the huge bone ax in his hand, a black air came out of his body, wrapped the bone ax, and chopped at Zi Zhan's head.

With a "bang", the bone ax sank an inch into Zizo's neck and was blocked. At this moment, a black dagger flashed towards Zizo's head, and Zizo's The head was chopped off, and the headless body immediately fell to the ground.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Ting breathed a sigh of relief, and patted the body bag on her waist with one hand, a black light shot out from it, and rolled the skeleton body back into the body bag.

(End of this chapter)

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