A seal of immortality

Chapter 509 Bone Tiger

Chapter 509 Bone Tiger
As soon as these bone scorpions showed up, their black hooks moved slightly, and they rushed towards Wang Changsheng one after another.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng frowned, raised his hands together, and released a stack of big fireball talismans, turning into dozens of giant fireballs the size of a water tank, hitting several bone scorpions.

There was only a burst of explosions, and the billowing flames engulfed the bodies of these bone scorpions.

Wang Changsheng raised his hands together again, and a stack of silver talisman seals came out of his hands, turning into dozens of long silver thunder spears, which quickly sank into the flames.

A burst of explosion sounded immediately, and the silver light in the flames blazed.

The next moment, there was a sound of piercing through the air, and a bone scorpion with a scorched body rushed out of the flames. After a flash, it arrived in front of Wang Changsheng. Its black hook turned into a black light and shot towards Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng's body flickered suddenly, and he appeared several feet behind him with a series of afterimages.

While retreating quickly, he raised his right hand, and several red talisman seals flashed out, turning into three palm-sized scarlet firebirds.

Spreading its wings, the red firebird slammed into the bone scorpion with a burst of fiery heat.

With several loud bangs, billowing flames engulfed the figure of the bone scorpion.

Wang Changsheng raised his hands together, and several wind blade talismans came out of his hands, turning into a few zhang long giant wind blades, which quickly sank into the flames.

Several "bang" and "bang" sounds came from the flames.

Not long after, the flames dissipated, leaving only a pile of black bones on the ground.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng continued to walk forward without changing his expression.

Next, Wang Changsheng was attacked several times. There were ghosts and skeleton corpses. They were generally not high in level, but they were more numerous. Each time there were more than a dozen of them. Fortunately, the fire-type talismans on Wang Changsheng were relatively It didn't take much effort to get rid of these ghosts and bone corpses.

Two hours later, Wang Changsheng stopped, squinted his eyes slightly, and looked ahead.

Following Wang Changsheng's gaze, he saw two small blood-colored trees more than a hundred meters in front of him, each of which had more than a dozen blood-red fruits of different sizes hanging on them.

"Blood moon fruit?" Wang Changsheng was delighted when he saw the blood-red fruit.

He didn't go forward to pick it immediately, but used his spiritual sense to scan the area of ​​hundreds of feet around the Blood Moon Fruit Tree carefully, and after confirming that there was nothing abnormal, he walked forward quickly.

After walking in front of the two Blood Moon Fruit trees, Wang Changsheng suddenly discovered that these Blood Moon Fruits had traces of being picked, except for five hundred-year-old Blood Moon Fruits, the remaining ones were only decades old.

Regardless of 21, Wang Changsheng picked all the blood moon fruits on the tree and put them in the storage bag.

Just then, there was a slight humming sound ahead. It was very small at first, but then it grew louder.

Wang Changsheng was startled. Looking forward, he saw a group of tens of thousands of black beetles flying towards him from a distance.

Seeing this scene, Wang Changsheng's face changed, and he hurriedly took out a gleaming blue talisman and slapped it on his body, his whole body turned into a blue hurricane, rolling away to the left.

The black beetle seemed to have its eyes on Wang Changsheng, and chased him in the direction he was fleeing.

A quarter of an hour later, the blue hurricane stopped, and a blue light flashed, revealing Wang Changsheng's figure.

Wang Changsheng glanced behind him and found that tens of thousands of black beetles were still following him. Without saying a word, he crushed a beast prison talisman and turned it into a huge black beast cage, covering him inside.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his hand and took out a yellow talisman and smashed it into pieces. The whole person was wrapped in a yellow light and disappeared into the ground.

As soon as his front foot left, the back foot of the black cage was broken.

Underground, Wang Changsheng was wrapped in a yellow light curtain, and slowly moved forward.

After he traveled seven or eight miles forward, the yellow light curtain on his body began to flicker, and the light was weak.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng didn't hesitate anymore, he made a tactic with one hand, and went to the ground.

After a flash of yellow light, Wang Changsheng returned to the ground.

At this time, Wang Changsheng was located near a black lake about the size of an acre. Under a tall tree tens of meters away, five green-haired ghosts that looked like monkeys were playing under the tree.

These five ghosts are one big and four small, the big one is half a foot high, and the small one is only about a foot high, and they are all green.

Wang Changsheng glanced around, thought for a while, and walked towards the five ghosts.

The largest green-haired monkey let out a strange cry, and quickly climbed up the tree with the four little monkeys, and jumped onto other big trees, before running away without a trace.

Wang Changsheng didn't have the slightest interest in these low-level ghosts, and walked forward slowly, his eyes constantly scanning the surrounding environment, trying to find a elixir.

A quarter of an hour later, Wang Changsheng stopped suddenly, looking at a black mushroom under a big tree in front of him with joy on his face.

This black mushroom is more than 200 years old, so it should be able to exchange for a lot of contribution points.

Wang Changsheng looked around carefully, and after confirming that there was no problem, he quickly walked forward, carefully dug out the black mushroom, and put it into the storage bag.

Several sounds of "bang" and "bang" came from the front, Wang Changsheng frowned, stood up and looked forward.

I saw two huge bone tigers more than two feet high and three to four feet long in front of them more than a hundred meters away.

Seeing the two giant elephant bone tigers, Wang Changsheng frowned.

At this time, the two giant bone tigers also found Wang Changsheng. After the green flames in their eye sockets flickered a few times, they moved their limbs and rushed towards Wang Changsheng quickly.

The speed of the giant bone tiger was extremely fast, and it jumped tens of meters in a few flashes.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng frowned, raised his hands together, and released a stack of gleaming red talisman seals, turning into dozens of palm-sized red firebirds to meet them.

Dozens of red firebirds gathered together halfway, turning into a big red bird about the size of Zhang Xu, and with an astonishingly high temperature, it flew towards the bone tiger.

Seeing this, the two bone tigers stopped in their tracks, opened their mouths at the same time, and sprayed out a beam of black light that was as thick as a bowl, and shot towards the big red bird.

Wang Changsheng's expression changed, and the big red bird spread its wings and quickly lifted into the air, dodging the attack of the black beam of light.

There were two loud bangs, and two black beams of light hit two big black trees, leaving a hole the size of a bowl in each tree.

A crisp bird song sounded, and the big red bird flew towards the two giant bone tigers again.

This time, the two bone tigers did not dodge, and when the big red bird came to the front and back, they opened their mouths and sprayed out a beam of black light at the same time, hitting the big red bird accurately.

With a loud bang, the big red bird was hit by two black beams of light, and immediately burst open, turning into billowing flames. The two bone tigers were not harmed at all.

After killing the big red bird, the green flames in the eye sockets of the two bone tigers flickered a few times, and they were about to pounce on Wang Changsheng again.

At this moment, they were surprised to find that their bodies could not move.

I saw the limbs of the two bone tigers were tightly grasped by a big yellow hand.

At the same time, a thunder sounded, and a bowl-thick silver lightning fell from the sky and landed on a bone tiger.

A scream!
Where the bone tiger was hit by the silver lightning, there was a puff of blue smoke.

Soon, another silver lightning with the thickness of a bowl descended from the sky and landed on the bone tiger.

At the same time, dozens of giant fireballs the size of water tanks smashed towards the two bone tigers with an unbearable heat.

(End of this chapter)

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