A seal of immortality

Chapter 515 Difficult Battle

Chapter 515 Hard Fight (Second Update)
At this time, the seven zombies had entered within ten feet of the blood-robed man.

Seeing the seven zombies rushing towards him, the blood-robed man's eyes flashed with sternness, and he took out three blood-red balls with his hand. With a flick of his wrist, the three blood-red balls came out of his hand and shot at the seven zombies. and go.

Soon, three blood-red balls arrived in front of the seven zombies.

"Explode me," the blood-robed man shouted, and made a tactic with one hand.

As soon as the voice fell, three loud bangs of "bang" came one after another, and three blood-red balls burst open, turning into a large blood flame, drowning the figures of the seven zombies, and bursts of tragic cry.

Seeing this scene, the blood-robed man showed a smug look on his face. He bought these three blood energy mines at a huge price to deal with the zombies of the Nether Corpse Sect, but he didn't expect them to come in handy.

A puff of black energy emerged from the blood flame, and the blood flame gradually became smaller and tended to be extinguished.

Seeing this, the blood-robed man snorted softly, shook his sleeves, and six feet long blood-colored throwing knives flashed out, quickly submerging into the blood flames.

Several screams sounded one after another.

At this moment, there was a sound of piercing through the air, and two seven or eight feet long cyan giant blades shot out from the left and right sides of the blood flame.

The speed of the cyan giant blade was extremely fast, and it arrived in front of the blood-robed man in a flash, and slashed fiercely on the blood-colored light curtain covering the blood-robed man.

With two "bang" and "bang", the blood-colored light curtain shook violently a few times, and the light was mostly dimmed.

The blood-robed man's face changed, and he hurriedly injected mana into the blood-colored light curtain to restore it to normal.

Two birdsongs sounded, and two palm-sized silver thunderbirds flashed over and slammed into the blood-colored light curtain fiercely.

There were two loud bangs, and a large cloud of silver thunder covered the figure of the blood-robed man.

The next moment, there was a sound of piercing through the air, and a ray of black light flew over, submerging into the silver thunder light like lightning.

A scream came from the silver thunder.

After a while, the blood flame dissipated, seven zombies disappeared, and six bloody flying knives were scattered on the ground.

At the same time, the silver lightning also dissipated, and the blood-robed man fell to the ground, breathless, with a blood hole the size of a pinhole on his forehead.

Wang Changsheng made a move with one hand, a black light flew out from the corpse, quickly sank into his sleeve and disappeared.

Wang Changsheng walked up to the blood-robed man, took off the storage bag on his waist, put away the six bloody flying knives, and walked off the ring.

It took less than a few breaths from Wang Changsheng's strike to the killing of the blood-robed man. At this time, the fighting skills in the other three arenas were not over yet.

The immortal cultivators onlookers were in an uproar, staring at Wang Changsheng dumbfounded.

The young woman in the blue skirt who witnessed the whole fighting process, her eyes were full of disbelief, and her face was very ugly.

On the other hand, the black-robed old man of Nether Corpse Sect showed joy.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, if I'm not mistaken, you disciples seem to use the technique of talisman seals at the end. If I remember correctly, your Underworld Corpse Sect is good at controlling ghosts, right? When will you change the way of talisman seals?" Already?" the gray-clothed man thought for a while and said with a puzzled face.

After hearing these words, the doubts in the eyes of the young woman in blue skirt deepened, while Mu Houhou showed a thoughtful expression.

"What's so strange about this? Although our Nether Corpse Sect is famous for controlling corpses and controlling ghosts in Qi, we also have classics on talisman seals. Your Yin Luo Sect is good at exorcising ghosts and subduing demons, and you also know poison skills and some secret tricks." Art!" The black-robed old man said disapprovingly.

Even though he said that, his eyes were full of doubts.

He could see very clearly that Wang Changsheng used a dozen wind blade talismans to transform into two blue giant blades, plus two Thunderbird talismans, and only then did he kill his opponent.

More than a dozen windblade talismans plus two thunderbird talismans cost at least a thousand spirit stones, but he knew that Wang Changsheng had spent less than a month in the beginning, and he had spent 6000 yuan of spirit stones and 6000 yuan of spirit stones just to buy zombies. It might not be a big deal to their alchemy stage monks, but for a foundation establishment monk, 6000 yuan is a lot of spirit stones.

What is the purpose of this kind of person worshiping the Nether Corpse Sect if he is wealthy and conceals his cultivation?
The black-robed old man's doubts about Wang Changsheng deepened. He decided to examine Wang Changsheng's origins when he returned to the sect. If Wang Changsheng was sent by other sects to sneak into the Nether Corpse Sect to steal secrets, he would be killed without mercy.

Thinking of this, a cold light flashed quickly in the eyes of the old man in black robe.

At this time, the other three arenas also ended their battles one after another. In this battle, four winners, two from Nether Corpse Sect, one from Hehuan Sect, and one from Yin Luo Sect.

Soon, the four sects sent out the remaining two disciples.

Wang Changsheng didn't have the intention of watching other people's fights. He hid in the crowd, with his back turned to Mu Houhou, for fear of being recognized by Mu Houhou.

Not long after, the four arenas ended their battles one after another. Of the four winners, two were from the Hehuan Sect, and the other two were from the Blood Killing Sect.

According to the rules, the Hehuan Sect has the most winners and ranks first, and the Yin Luo Sect has the least number of winners and ranks fourth. As for the second and third, the Nether Corpse Sect needs to compete with the Blood Killing Sect again. If you fail, you will be ranked second, and if you fail, you will be ranked third.

"Liu Zong, come on," the young woman in the blue skirt ordered.

"Yes, Aunt Chen," a tall, middle-aged man replied, striding onto the ring.

The middle-aged man has the cultivation base of Dzogchen Foundation Establishment, and there is a spirit animal bag hanging on his waist.

The old man in black rolled his eyes, and said, "Wang Changsheng, you go."

Hearing this, Wang Changsheng was slightly taken aback. It stands to reason that the ranking of the Heavenly Demon Conference has a lot to do with the division of resources for cultivating immortals. The Blood Killing Sect sent a foundation-building Dzogchen monk, and the Nether Corpse Sect should send the foundation-building Dzogchen The young woman in green clothes is right to fight, how could he be sent to fight in the early stage of foundation establishment.

"What? You want to disobey?" the black-robed old man saw Wang Changsheng was still, his expression darkened, and he said in a cold voice.

"Disciple dare not," Wang Changsheng shuddered when he heard the words, and replied respectfully. After speaking, he walked quickly onto the ring.

Seeing this, the black-robed old man's face softened.

"The competition begins!"

Following the order from the man in gray, Wang Changsheng and the middle-aged man immediately took action.

Wang Changsheng raised his right hand, and a stack of wind blade talismans came out of his hand, turning into a giant wind blade about seven or eight feet long, and shot towards the middle-aged man like lightning.

At the same time, the middle-aged man was not idle either. His lips moved a few times, and blood gushed out from the blood-colored robe, turning into a blood-colored light curtain to cover him inside. Immediately afterwards, he took out a The white talisman was slapped on the body, and a white mask emerged close to the body, forming a second protective circle.

As soon as he finished all this, seven or eight giant wind blades also slashed on the bloody light curtain.

The bloody light curtain only shook a few times, and seven or eight giant wind blades collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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