Chapter 524
In a hidden cave, two naked men were tied tightly to each other by a black rope, unable to move. In front of them stood a man wearing a black cloak. The man was none other than Wang Changsheng.

"What exactly do you want, Your Excellency? If you act like this, won't you be afraid of revenge from our Qingdan sect?" the tall middle-aged man roared, his eyes full of anger.

Zhou Lang on the side looked nervous, his eyes full of fear.

"If I'm afraid, I won't tie you up. I want you to help me lead an alchemist surnamed Liu from Qingdan Pavilion to the position I designated. I wonder if the two of you will cooperate?" Wang Changsheng said with a smile.

"What? Help you lure Junior Sister Liu out? You are dreaming! I will never betray the sect even if I die," the middle-aged man changed his expression and said resolutely.

Hearing this, Zhou Lang's face was cloudy and uncertain.

"Hmph, isn't it easy to want to die? First, let's see what this is?" Wang Changsheng snorted softly and sneered. After speaking, he flipped his hands and took out a bowl as black as ink.

As soon as this thing appeared, a gloomy air permeated the cave, causing the temperature in the cave to drop a little bit, and then the sound of howling ghosts and wolves resounded from the alms bowl, and some strange black mist surrounded the alms bowl.

"Soul refining bowl?" Zhou Lang's face changed when he saw the black bowl.

When the middle-aged man heard this, his expression became a little unnatural.

"Hehe, it seems that you are a person who knows the goods. Since you recognize that this is a soul refining bowl, you should honestly follow my instructions. Otherwise, even if you die, I will take out your soul and torture you," Wang Changsheng said. Hehe smiled and said in a cold voice.

Hearing this, Zhou Lang's face turned pale. He wanted to open his mouth to say something, but he glanced at the middle-aged man next to him, and swallowed the words again.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man had some hesitation on his face.

"Among you, only one person can survive. Whoever can help me lure out that alchemist surnamed Liu will survive. The other person will not only die without a place to bury him, but will also be drawn out by me to refine his soul after death. Think about it, after half an hour, if you are still unwilling to help, then I have to take the two of you to try the soul refining technique I just learned," Wang Changsheng said coldly, and after he finished speaking, he pulled Zhou Lang out and pushed him in. In a stone room next to it.

Restrictions were placed in the two stone chambers, Zhou Lang and Zhou Lang didn't even have a single magic weapon on them, they were all searched by Wang Changsheng, and they couldn't escape at all.

Zhou Lang sat slumped on the ground, his face full of hesitation.

One side is his own life, and the other is the life of his fellow apprentice. If he helps Wang Changsheng murder his fellow apprentice, Qingdan Sect will definitely not have a place for him, but if he refuses to agree, he will die a miserable death. been tortured.

At this moment, Wang Changsheng walked in, holding a soul refining bowl in his hand.

"Hey, it's unlucky for you, your companion recruited first, so I have to try the soul refining technique with you," Wang Changsheng said with a chuckle.

After saying that, he turned his hand and took out the Golden Moon Sword.

"No, fellow daoist, spare me, I'm sure I can lure junior sister Liu out for you," Zhou Lang pleaded, his face turned extremely pale when he saw this.

"Your companion can also help me lure your Junior Sister Liu out. It seems that I don't need to keep you," Wang Changsheng said coldly.

"I know Junior Sister Liu, so I'm more confident. Chen Gang doesn't know Junior Sister Liu. If he is," Zhou Lang explained hastily.

"Oh, I won't let you go, how about this! I'll give you a few sound transmission talismans, you say a few words, and I'll send someone to deliver it to your Junior Sister Liu."

"No problem, as long as fellow daoist can spare my life, I can do anything," Zhou Lang said, his face brightened, and he agreed wholeheartedly.

Wang Changsheng nodded, and with a flick of his sleeve, the black rope that bound Zhou Lang was loosened, and flew back into Wang Changsheng's sleeve and disappeared.

"Don't play tricks on me, or you will know the consequences and put on your clothes," Wang Changsheng said coldly. After speaking, he took out a set of clothes and threw them in front of Zhou Lang.

When Zhou Lang heard the words, he agreed wholeheartedly.

After Zhou Lang got dressed, Wang Changsheng took him to the stone room where the middle-aged man was imprisoned.

Seeing the middle-aged man, Zhou Lang's eyes dodged a little, he lowered his head, not daring to meet the middle-aged man's gaze.

"Zhou Lang, you ungrateful bastard, you actually colluded with outsiders to murder your fellow disciples. If Uncle Liu found out, he would definitely not let you go." Seeing this, the middle-aged man became furious and cursed.

Hearing the words "Uncle Liu", fear flashed across Zhou Lang's eyes, and his face hesitated.

"What's the relationship between this Martial Uncle Liu and this Junior Sister Liu?" Wang Changsheng asked with a frown upon hearing this.

The one who can be called Master Uncle by a foundation-building monk is naturally a monk of alchemy.

"Junior Sister Liu is a descendant of Martial Uncle Liu, and she is very much loved by Martial Liu," Zhou Lang replied after a little hesitation.

Hearing this, Wang Changsheng nodded. For his own sake, not to mention the descendants of monk Jiedan, even the descendants of monk Nascent Soul, he would not miss it.

"Zhou Lang, you traitor, if Uncle Liu finds out, he will definitely kill you. You still have time to turn around now," the middle-aged man shouted.

Zhou Lang was a little moved when he heard this.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng let out a soft snort, then appeared next to the middle-aged man, and slapped him hard.

The face of the middle-aged man suddenly swelled, and there was a five-fingerprint on his face that had been washed.

"Do you like to shout? I will help you," Wang Changsheng said coldly. After speaking, he cut the middle-aged man's arm, thigh and chest with the Golden Moon Sword, and bright red blood flowed out from the wound.

Wang Changsheng flipped his hand and took out a black bamboo slip, and pulled off the plug. A dozen black beetles the size of a fingernail flew out of it, and burrowed into the middle-aged man's body along the wound.

The middle-aged man felt a piercing pain coming from all over his body, and he couldn't help screaming.

A look of pain appeared on the face of the middle-aged man, as if he had endured great pain.

"Ah! Bastard, you have the have the ability to kill...kill me," the middle-aged man said intermittently, his face twisted, sweating profusely, and he looked hideous and terrifying.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Lang's face turned pale, and he looked at Wang Changsheng with fear.

Not long after, the middle-aged man seemed unable to bear the excruciating pain and passed out.

Seeing this, Wang Changsheng snorted softly, and slapped the spirit animal bag on his waist with his palm, and two bloodthirsty spirit bats flew out of it.

The bloodthirsty spirit bats, smelling the smell of blood, were very excited. Without Wang Changsheng's orders, they pounced on the middle-aged man, piercing his body with their sharp fangs.

Zhou Lang could clearly see that the middle-aged man's body shriveled rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a mummy.

"Now, do you know what to do?" Wang Changsheng turned around, looked at the pale Zhou Lang with a smile, and said.

"I know, I know," Zhou Lang was taken aback when he heard the words, and then nodded hastily after realizing it.

Wang Changsheng nodded, and patted the spirit beast bag on his waist with his palm, and the two bloodthirsty bats turned into two black lights and flew back into the spirit beast bag.

He took out two blank sound transmission symbols and handed them to Zhou Lang.

"I don't know where you want to lead Junior Sister Liu?" Zhou Lang said cautiously.

"You can't be too close to Fangshi, and you can't make her suspicious. Choose a place yourself! If she doesn't come, your fate will be ten times worse than his," Wang Changsheng said coldly, pointing at the mummy on the ground.

When Zhou Lang heard this, he nodded submissively.

(End of this chapter)

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