A seal of immortality

Chapter 545 Scam

Chapter 545 Scam
The Zhou family of the Wu Kingdom is one of the four great immortal cultivating families of the Wu Kingdom, and has a very high status in the world of immortal cultivation in the Wu Kingdom.

The Zhou family has been established for thousands of years and has a profound heritage. There are several alchemy stage monks sitting in the clan. The Zhou family frequently sends their own children to worship under the Wu Kingdom Xiuxian sect and marry with other three immortal cultivators. Therefore, for hundreds of years, the Zhou family Very prosperous.

The family residence of the Zhou family is located in the Tianying Mountains in the west of Tianwu County, Wu Kingdom.

The Tianying Mountains are named for their resemblance to an eagle flying high. They straddle the two counties of Tianwu County and Yunzhong County, stretching for thousands of miles. The clouds and fog make it difficult to tell the direction. Except for some woodcutters and hunters who live on the outskirts of the Aquila Mountains, the depths of the mountains are inaccessible.

Deep in the center of the Tianying Mountains, there are several peaks as high as [-] feet surrounding a vast canyon, but this canyon is shrouded in extremely thick clouds and fog all the year round, making it impossible to reach your fingers.

There were also a few bold hunters who tried to enter the canyon to find out, but when they entered the canyon, they lost their direction completely and couldn't find the way back. After a night, they found themselves back outside the canyon strangely. After many failed attempts, these hunters finally gave up and stopped entering the canyon, and even told their juniors not to step into the canyon.

On this day, a ray of yellow light flew from a distance, and finally stopped outside the canyon.

After the yellow light faded away, a fat middle-aged man was revealed, with a yellow flying boat about ten feet long under his feet.

The middle-aged man's expression was a little nervous, he hesitated for a moment, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and his expression slowly returned to normal.

He turned his hand and took out a blue token the size of a palm, and flicked it into the thick fog ahead, a blue light shot out from it, submerging into the thick fog.

Not long after, the dense fog in front of him rolled and surged, revealing a passageway about Zhang Xu wide.

Seeing this situation, the middle-aged man made a tactic with one hand, drove the yellow flying boat, and flew in.

The dense fog rolled and surged, and the passage healed again.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the middle-aged man flew out of the thick fog, and a majestic castle appeared before his eyes.

The walls of the ancient castle are twenty feet high, and there are still figures walking on the walls.

The middle-aged man drove the yellow flying boat into the castle, and slowly landed on a bluestone street.

There are people coming and going on the street, which is very lively.

The middle-aged man was not at all interested, and looked worried.

"Zhiyuan, why did you come back so late." A somewhat familiar voice suddenly came from behind, and the next moment, a palm was placed on his shoulder.

The middle-aged man was startled, turned around and saw a thin man in green shirt looking at him with a smile.

"It's you! Zhiyong." The middle-aged man smiled sarcastically, his eyes dodging a little.

"Are you okay! Zhiyuan?" The man in green shirt looked at the middle-aged man carefully and asked curiously.

"It's okay, what can I do." Zhou Zhiyuan shook his head and said indifferently.

"Why do I think you are a bit weird?" The man in the green shirt frowned and said.

"What's weird? You're overthinking it. By the way, it's the ancestor's birthday in a few days. Is cousin Qing Huan back? I have something I want to talk to him about." Zhou Zhiyuan's expression changed, and he changed the subject.

"Are you chatting with cousin Qing Huan? I heard you right! Didn't he hate him the most before?" The man in the green shirt blinked and said with a strange expression.

"Hey, don't I want to have a good relationship with him? He is now a Dzogchen Foundation Establishment, and he might be a monk in the alchemy stage one day. If you don't curry favor with him now, you will have no chance to curry favor with him in the future." Zhou Zhiyuan sighed He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"That's right, I heard from Little Six that cousin Qing Huan came back yesterday, but he seldom interacts with people from our collateral lineage. I'm afraid you won't even be able to see his face, let alone curry favor with him."

"You have to try to know if it will work." Zhou Zhiyuan said with a wry smile.

Wang Changsheng only gave him two days. If within two days, he was unable to lure his cousin Zhou Qinghuan to the place Wang Changsheng designated, Wang Changsheng would activate the restraint and kill him.

As for finding the ancestors in the alchemy stage to resolve the restriction, he never thought about it. With his cultivation in the early stage of foundation establishment, coupled with his status as a collateral lineage, it would be very difficult for him to meet the ancestors.

"I just saw cousin Qing Huan drinking tea and chatting with some disciples of Yulingzong in Tingyu Tower just now. You might be able to bump into him in Tingyu Tower." The man in the green shirt changed his expression and said.

After hearing this, Zhou Zhiyuan's eyes lit up, he thanked him, and turned to leave.

Not long after, Zhou Zhiyuan came to an exquisite three-story pavilion, and it happened that five or six immortal cultivators came out of it.

Walking in the front was a young man in blue shirt with good features and a fair face. The aura fluctuations on his body showed that he was a Dzogchen monk who established the foundation. Next to the young man in blue shirt, there were several young men and women. There is a pattern of birds and beasts on the clothes, which seems to represent some identity.

"Cousin Qing Huan?" Zhou Zhiyuan took a deep breath, smiled at the blue-shirted youth, and greeted him.

The young man in blue shirt glanced at Zhou Zhiyuan, nodded, and walked past Zhou Zhiyuan without saying anything.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhiyuan frowned, and his lips moved a few times.

The blue-shirted youth stopped suddenly, turned around, looked at Zhou Zhiyuan, and said with a serious face: "What you said is true?"

"Everything my little brother said is true, and I dare not lie to cousin Qing Huan." Seeing this, Zhou Zhiyuan was startled, and said seriously.

After hearing this, Zhou Qinghuan clasped his hands together, and said apologetically, "Chen Daoyou and Li Xianzi, I have some urgent matters to deal with. I will accompany you for a stroll some other day. Seventh and Ninth Brothers, please treat me to Chen Daoyou and the others. , don’t neglect it.”

Several disciples of Yulingzong didn't think much about it, and nodded in agreement.

"Come with me." Zhou Qinghuan ordered Zhou Zhiyuan after watching the disciples of Yulingzong leave. After speaking, he walked into the pavilion.

Zhou Zhiyuan breathed a sigh of relief, and followed Zhou Qinghuan into a wing room.

"You said just now that you would like to give me a 500-year-old Huoyun ginseng?" Zhou Qinghuan stared at Zhou Zhiyuan and asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, I hope cousin Qing Huan will take care of my younger brother in the future, and I will be very grateful." Zhou Zhiyuan nodded and said flatteringly.

After speaking, he flipped his hands and took out a blue wooden box about a foot long.

Zhou Qinghuan opened the wooden box, only to see a chi-long red ginseng lying inside, exuding a strong medicinal fragrance.

"Sure enough, it's the 500-year-old Fire Cloud Ginseng. Haha, okay, okay, don't worry, I won't miss your benefits when I form the alchemy." Zhou Qinghuan reassured, patting his chest with joy.

"Then I'll thank cousin Qing Huan first." Zhou Zhiyuan said gratefully.

"By the way, how did you get this 500-year-old Fire Cloud Ginseng? Nowadays, 500-year-old elixir is rare in the world of cultivating immortals." Zhou Qinghuan seemed to have remembered something, and asked.

"My little brother found an ancient monk's cave. The elixir was found in the cave. However, my cultivation level is relatively low, so I didn't put in much effort, so I shared a 500-year-old Huoyun ginseng. The 800-year-old Huoyun ginseng was taken away." A friend took it away." Zhou Zhiyuan said with some regret.

"What? 800-year-old Huoyun ginseng?" Zhou Qinghuan's face changed when he heard the words, and he said in surprise.

"That's right! My friend is in the middle stage of foundation establishment and has contributed more. The 800-year-old Huoyun ginseng belongs to him, but he seems to be planning to auction it at the auction in Tianyingfang City, saying that it can be sold It's a good price." Zhou Zhiyuan nodded.

"You're not lying to me, are you?" Zhou Qinghuan looked at Zhou Zhiyuan carefully, and said in a deep voice.

"Cousin Qinghuan, what's the benefit of me lying to you? Tianyingfang City is not far from our Zhou family's residence. If you don't believe me, you can follow me to Tianyingfang City. I will introduce that friend to you. As for Whether he is willing to sell you the 800-year-old Huoyun ginseng depends on your ability." Zhou Zhiyuan smiled wryly and explained.

Hearing this, Zhou Qinghuan's face was a little moved, and after pondering for a while, he said: "Well, in a quarter of an hour, gather in the square, and I will go to Tianyingfang City with you to see, if you can get the 800-year-old Huoyun Ginseng, I will never treat you badly."

"Then I'll thank cousin Qing Huan first." Zhou Zhiyuan said with a smile on his face, grateful.

Zhou Qinghuan nodded, got up and left.

Looking at the back of Zhou Qinghuan leaving, Zhou Zhiyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

He sat in the room for a while, then got up and left.

A quarter of an hour later, when Zhou Zhiyuan came to a wide square, he found that Zhou Qinghuan had been waiting there, surrounded by seven or eight clansmen, all of whom were monks in the late stage of Foundation Establishment. Obviously, Zhou Qinghuan was extremely concerned about his own safety.

"Let's go! It's getting late, go early and come back early." After Zhou Qinghuan finished speaking, he slapped the spirit animal bag on his waist with his palm, and a red light rolled out from it, turning into a giant red eagle about the size of Zhang Xu.

Zhou Qinghuan jumped onto the back of the giant red eagle, and slapped the giant red eagle under him with his palm. The giant red eagle spread its wings and flew into the sky, carrying him to the sky.

At the same time, other clansmen also released spirit birds or flying instruments one after another, and followed.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhiyuan also released a yellow flying boat and chased after him.

(End of this chapter)

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